Author's Note: This story is being co-written by the amazing sleepyseven you can find links to her on my profile page. I hope that all my readers from To Belong have found your way here and enjoy the story that sleepy and I have come up with for you!! You would make our day if you took a minute to review the story and let us know what you think so far!

We don't own Twilight!

Fate or Chance

Prequel to 'To Belong'

I felt slightly guilty as I slipped out of the hotel room. My mother and stepfather would be furious if they discovered that I went out by myself but they had no reason not to trust me. I may only be fourteen but I was far more responsible than Renee. If it wasn't for me then the bills would never get paid and she would forget to eat half of the time. Phil had made a huge difference in her since he had entered our lives; he balanced her somehow, leveled her out a little.

I was being banished to Virginia to live with my father in the fall so Renee could travel with Phil during the baseball season and this was a farewell gift of sorts. I'd always wanted to see Italy so when Phil offered I had quickly agreed. Who knew if I would ever get this opportunity again?

We'd been here for three days and although I loved my mother and Phil I really wanted to explore Volterra alone. I didn't see the harm in it as long as I stayed close to the hotel and made it back to my room by ten when they would be back to check on me. I was surprised that my faking a stomachache had worked since I was such a terrible actress but they fell for it easily.

The sun was just starting to set as I stepped onto the sidewalk and looked around for what I should do first. I really wanted to see the Piazza Dei Priori so I started toward the tower I could see over the roofs of the neighboring buildings, being careful not to trip on the cobblestones under my feet.

Almost as soon as I stepped foot in the square a beautiful woman with the oddest violet eyes approached me with a large group of other tourists and introduced herself as Heidi, she asked if I wanted to join them in a tour of Volterra Castle. My face flushed with excitement as I nodded enthusiastically. I could have sworn that I heard the woman growl lowly but ignored it thinking it must have been a nearby dog. Tours of the castle were given by invitation only. Phil had asked our travel agent about it when we were planning our trip and I was disappointed to learn that I wouldn't be able to see inside the beautiful building.

I joined the rest of the group quickly and we started toward the castle. I paused for a moment remembering that I wasn't supposed to be out of the hotel room and now I would have to tell Renee and Phil that I had gone out without them but shook my head and started forward again. They would understand that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I might be grounded and not let out of their sight for the rest of the trip but I could live with that.

Heidi led us through the beautiful ornate doors and down countless hallways pointing out paintings and striking sculptures. She left us briefly saying that she had to take a phone call and would be right back. I took my time looking around the circular room we were waiting in. The cool stone floors were worn smooth from centuries of use and the tapestries hanging on the walls were all done in burgundies and black and all seemed to have the same somber feeling about them. I was starting to feel uneasy when I looked at my watch and realized that it was already after nine.

I made my way back toward the door and waited just to the side. I had decided that I would tell Heidi that I had to return to my hotel when she came back in. I would have left on my own but I didn't think that I could remember my way back out. My feeling of unease seemed to spread throughout the room as the minutes passed and I could hear people whispering in different languages, the few I could hear that were speaking English were saying that they wished they hadn't came on the tour.

After another ten minutes had passed the whispers had grown into panicked conversations. Finally the door opened again and Heidi stepped in followed by three men in black robes and four people in dark grey robes. Before I could open my mouth to tell her that I wanted to leave she started speaking.

"You have the great honor to meet the rulers of Volterra and a few members of their guard."

"Yes, welcome guests to Castle Volterra." The black haired man spoke in a cheerful voice before smiling at us and revealing a set of gleaming white teeth.

Now the panic and fear was running rampant and the group of tourist were all pressing themselves back into the room, trying to put as much distance between themselves and the new arrivals as possible. I looked at them and felt terror wash over me. I wasn't going to make it out of this room alive.

One of the men in the dark grey robes smiled dangerously at me. Despite my growing dread I couldn't help but notice how attractive he was. His long blond hair was tied back revealing odd reddish-black eyes and a perfectly chiseled face. I stared at him in awe for a moment. He winked at me.

"Hello little one, don't you look delectable?" He purred at me as he looked me up and down like a piece of meat. "Don't worry; I'll be back for you in a moment."

I dropped to the floor and hugged my knees to my chest desperately hoping that they would forget about me. I tried not to look when the screaming started but I couldn't help myself.

There was a little girl next to me; she had her robe thrown back over her shoulder to keep it out of her way. I watched in abject horror as she grabbed a grown man and threw him to the floor before narrowing her eyes at him. The man screamed like he was in intense pain. Maybe she had broken something when she slammed him down. But then he stopped and just looked up at her.

"Kill me please." He begged before he started screaming again.

"As you wish." She chuckled as she bit into his neck.

Blood gushed over her face and onto the floor as the man thrashed and tried to pull her off him. My view was thankfully obstructed by another black robe. I couldn't breathe as I looked up to see who my killer would be. It was the black haired man who had spoken to us.

"Fear not little one, I will make it painless." He cooed as he reached down and took my hand.

I closed my eyes and waited for death to come. After a few moments I noticed the silence and sighed in relief. He really had made it painless. I opened my eyes to see what I would face next and was met with the same man staring at me oddly. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why wasn't I dead? I glanced around the room and my stomach lurched violently. All of the people I had come in with were thrown about the room. Each of them with their throats ripped open and blank eyes staring at the ceiling. Heidi and the rest of the monsters were all watching us peculiarly.

"Aro?" Another man in a black robe questioned.

"I cannot read her." Aro said, still looking at me in awe.

I pressed myself back into the wall again and tried to pull my hand free.

"Do not worry little one. You are very unique and nothing will harm you here." He said softly.

I studied him for a moment before looking at the rest of the vampires in the room. Yes, I know it's insane but that was the only thing I could think of that would describe them. They were all looking at me in disbelief and annoyance, especially the blond who had called me delectable.

I turned back to Aro and eyed him warily. "How do I know you aren't just saying that?"

He laughed. "Trust me mia dolce, if I were going to kill you then you would be dead by now."

I stared into his milky red eyes for another moment before sighing. It didn't matter if he was lying or not, if he was just saving me until later then there was nothing I could do but if I was a unique as he said I was maybe if I cooperated with him then I might stand a chance of getting away.

"Fine, why am I so unique?"

Aro chuckled. "Jane."

I glanced around and noticed the girl had stepped forward again. She smiled sweetly at me for a moment then seemed to get irritated. The longer she looked at me the harder she screwed her eyes up.

"I'm sorry but what is wrong with her?" I asked curiously.

The room burst into laughter. They all seemed to be amused that the girl couldn't achieve whatever she was trying to do.

"Do not worry Jane dear, I cannot reach here either." Aro soothed. "What is your name dear one?"

"Isabella Swan, Bella."

"Well Isabella, I am afraid that you will have to stay with us for now. Go with Heidi, she will take you to your room and get you anything that you need." Aro explained.

I cringed away from Heidi when she tried to take my hand. She huffed in irritation and gave me an appraising look.

"You'll need some new clothes, what size are you?" She asked, with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Thank you but I don't plan on being here long enough to need new clothes."

She just laughed and shook her head at me.

After walking what felt like miles she finally stopped in front of a door and gestured for me to open it. I pushed open the door and gasped. The pale blue walls shimmered softly in the light, like there was glitter mixed into the paint. The dark wood of the furniture contrasted perfectly against the paint. Besides the bed and other usual bedroom furniture there was a sitting area with a large leather sofa surrounded by bookcases facing a glowing fireplace.

"The bathroom is through that door;" Heidi pointed to a door on my right "and that one is the closet. It's empty right now but I'll find you something to wear until I can go shopping tomorrow."

"I told you I don't plan on being here that long." I snapped. For some reason I didn't feel like she would hurt me. Of course I have been told that I trust to easily. "My parents will be worried. They'll have everyone out looking for me."

Again she laughed. "You'll just have to talk to Aro about that tomorrow. I suggest you try and get some sleep." She said before leaving the room.

As soon as the heavy door closed I collapsed on the sofa and sobbed desperately. I knew that I would never see my family again. Just because they hadn't killed me tonight didn't mean they wouldn't kill me tomorrow or next week or next month. It was only a waiting game now. I cried until there were no more tears left and finally fell into a troubled sleep lying face down on the leather sofa.

"Wake up little human." A soft voice spoke in my ear as someone shook my shoulder.

I grumbled for a moment before remembering where I was. I shot up off the couch and away from the women kneeling next to it.

"Don't worry, I've been told that you've somehow managed to get Aro to like you. I won't go against my master so you're perfectly safe. I'm Victoria, you can call me Vicky." She held out her hand.

I stared at her in shock before numbly shaking her hand. Her skin was freezing and I jumped slightly when my warm hand met hers. I hadn't noticed last night if any of the others were as cold as her.

"Bella." I mumbled.

"Well Bella, Heidi sent you some clothes for the day. You need to get dressed; the brothers are waiting for you in the throne room."

I assumed that 'the brothers' were the three that were wearing the black robes last night. I took the clothes she handed me and went into the bathroom. I barely noticed the elaborate marble room I was in. Dazedly I took in the giant tub that was sunk into the floor and the equally huge shower next to it. I looked at myself in the mirror over the intricately carved marble sink and cringed. My hair was knotted beyond belief, I had dark circles under my eyes and my face was splotchy and red from crying all night. I brushed my teeth with the new toothbrush that was lying on the countertop and brushed my hair with the brush I found in a drawer then splashed water on my face. I didn't even bother looking at my reflection again before I finished up in the bathroom and went back into the bedroom. If they were going to eat me then I wasn't going to take pains making myself look decent for them.

Victoria looked slightly disapproving of my still messy appearance but didn't say anything about it.

"Would it be alright if I carried you? We would get there so much faster."

I snorted. She thought I was in a hurry to get to my death? "I think I'll walk thanks."

She rolled her eyes but led me into the hallway. I didn't pay any attention to where we were going but I walked as slowly as I could; Victoria sighing and shooting me annoyed looks the whole way. I finally looked up when she stopped in front of a set of doors. I started trembling and fell to the floor clutching my knees to my chest.

"Oh." Victoria said after a moment. "You have to go through the feeding room to get to the throne room. I'll carry you alright." She finished, gently lifting me from the floor.

By the time I realized what had happened she was knocking on another door and stepping inside the room. I pulled away from her and struggled to get down. After giving me an exasperated look she set me on my feet.

"Good morning Isabella, I trust you slept well." Aro said merrily, smiling at me.

I glared at him. I wasn't going to make things easy for them by playing the obedient slave or hostage or whatever it was they wanted from me.

Aro arched his eyebrow at me and looked me up and down. "Heidi, she will need clothing."

"Yes master, I was planning on going today." Heidi spoke from somewhere to my left.

I looked around the room and saw all the vampires that had been in the 'feeding room' last night and a few others. All of them were wearing robes in varying degrees of grey.

"I am sure that you have a lot of questions and we have some for you as well so come and sit." Aro offered, holding his hand out to me as if he thought I would take it.

I walked past his offered hand and sat in the chair he'd indicated.

He chuckled lightly. "My dear girl, you are unique." He swept past my chair and sat on a throne between his 'brothers'. "Where are you from?" He asked politely.

"Phoenix. Why am I here?"

"You are here because I cannot read your mind." He answered as if it were obvious. "How old are you?"

"Fourteen. What are you?"

"We are vampires but I am sure that you have already figured that out." He smirked at me.

"Then why was Heidi out in the sun yesterday?"

The entire room burst into laughter.

"Ah of course, you should not believe everything you see in movies and read in books. The sun does not harm us, garlic and crosses do not repel us and wooden stakes crumble when they meet our stone skin." Aro explained.

"What are you going to do with me?" I asked after the laughter died down.

"You will live here of course. We cannot allow you to leave now that you know our secret and I find you too interesting to kill."

"How long will I have to stay here? My parents will be worried."

"I am sorry dear girl but you will not be able to see your parents ever again." He almost looked sorry as he spoke.

I launched myself out of the chair and slapped him across his face as hard as I could. I felt my wrist snap and screamed in pain and fury as I continued to lash out at him, hitting any part I could reach. Two sets of iron arms closed around me and dragged me off Aro who was looking at me with the oddest expression.

"Master, what should we do with her?" One of my captures asked, looking at me with a mixture of pity and awe.

"She is not to be harmed. Can you imagine what she will be like when she is one of us?" Aro said, still looking at me in wonder. "Make sure her arm is taken care of and see to any other injuries she has inflicted upon herself. James go and help them."

I was dragged from the room and noticed the blond from the night before walking in front of us.

After I had been drug down several hallways James turned to snicker at me. "A little human pet, how charming."

Fury blazed through me. I no longer felt any fear from any of them. They all seemed to fear Aro and I didn't think they would cross him. Besides if I had no opportunity of getting out of here I wasn't going to spend whatever time I had left cowering in fear.

"Upset you didn't get your snack last night?" I sneered.

He growled but turned back around. The two that were carrying me laughed at their friend. The big one that looked like a football player laughed loudest before taunting James.

"Better watch out James, I think she might be able to take you. Did you see how hard she hit Aro?"

"Shut up Felix." James snarled.

Felix was looking at me as if he'd just gotten a new toy. "I'm Felix and this is Demetri. That of course is James. I think we're going to have a lot of fun Bella." He smiled at me.

I looked over at Demetri who sighed "Felix, give her a break. She's only a child and she's had a rough couple of days. Save your pranks and jokes." Demetri looked at me pityingly. "How does your arm feel Bella?"

I frowned at him before looking down at my right wrist. It was swollen and turning a sick purplish color, I winced when I tried to move it. "It hurts like hell." I hissed.

Felix and Demetri chuckled and looked down at me fondly. I felt safe with them for some reason. James on the other hand I wanted to smack if he looked down his nose at me again.

"Felix, you'd better run to the hospital and get what we'll need to put a cast on her. I'll get her wrist iced and see if I can get the swelling to go down some." Demetri said as he helped me into my room and onto the sofa. I moaned when he gently probed my hand to see if there were any other broken bones. "You'd better get her something for the pain as well." He frowned down at me worriedly.

I looked at him gratefully as I tried to sit up straighter. James had flopped down on the bed and was eyeing me wickedly.

"Will you be alright while I get her some ice James?" Demetri asked skeptically.

"Oh we'll be fine, I'm sure we're going to become great friends." James answered sarcastically.

"I'll be right back Bella." Demetri reassured me before leaving the room so fast that he blurred before my eyes.

"I'm can't imagine what it is that Aro finds so interesting about you. You seem like any other human who has ever entered this castle." James said condescendingly.

I just glared at him and tried to ignore his petty comments.

"I wonder how long it will take before he loses interest and lets me drain you?" He mused to himself, once again eyeing me like a piece of meat.

"Why don't you go and ask him. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to know that you're thinking of his new 'pet' as food." I shot back.

He glared at me but didn't say anything else. Demetri was back within a matter of minutes holding an ice pack and a large glass of water.

"Has anyone gotten you anything to eat?" He asked gently.

I shook my head. "No, but I really don't think I could eat anything right now."

"Well if you do get hungry just let someone know."

I nodded in agreement and placed the icepack gingerly on my wrist. Before long Felix returned carrying an armful of medical supplies. He handed me a bottle of painkillers and told me to take two. I swallowed them gratefully closed my eyes as they started to work on my arm.

Thirty minutes later I had a new pink cast and was smiling goofily at my apparent newfound friends. Felix was having the time of his life watching me try and walk to the bathroom. Just as I tripped over my own feet and was sure I was about to meet the floor someone caught me and placed me upright. I looked around expecting to see Demetri but instead found James smiling at me evilly.

"I don't like my meals to be all bruised up, it takes away from taste."

I rolled my eyes at him and kept my newly casted right hand on the wall as I entered the bathroom. When I was finished and came back into the bedroom Demetri and Felix were still there but James was gone. I stared at them thoughtfully for a moment.

"You know it's too bad James is such an asshole, he's so…beautiful." I mused to myself, honestly not realizing that I was speaking out loud.

Demetri and Felix gave each other a sly look.

"You don't say." Felix asked, grinning like he'd just won the lottery.


Before I could finish my sentence I swayed dangerously and Demetri caught me before I could collapse.

"Go on Felix, I'm sure Aro wants to be kept informed about Bella's condition."

Felix nodded and waved to me before leaving the room.

"Bella, I'll stay with you if you'd like. I know you must still be frightened."

"Thank you Demetri, I think I'll take a nap." I told him still smiling goofily at him.

He helped me into bed then took a book of one of the shelves and sat down on the sofa. Almost as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.


I let the door slam behind me, this was fucking ridiculous. Who cares if Aro can't read her? She's just a human and if we aren't going to change her into a vampire then all she's good for is dinner. That attitude of hers is going to test my patience, I just know it.

"Yo, James! Wait up."

I could hear Laurent jogging to catch up with me. I contemplated ditching him just for the fun of it, that guy runs so slow, even for a vampire.

"So, what's up with the human?" He lifted his eyebrows with excitement; everyone was interested in the girl. She was like the new shiny toy tossed into a pit full of wolves.

"I don't know. The orders are that no one in the castle is to harm her and if anyone loses their control then anyone nearby is to restrain them and toss 'em in the dungeon."

Laurent's eyebrows went even higher.

"The dungeon?"

"Yeah, but it won't be permanent or anything. Just until they can feed and calm down."

We approached the dining room and I could hear the murmur of voices coming through the walls. I pushed the doors open and a hush fell over the room.

"Alright, everyone heard the new rules right?"

I rubbed my eyes with the palm of my hands, even after hundreds of years of immortality I could still imagine what a headache felt like.

Everyone nodded or said yes thankfully, so I wouldn't have to explain again.

"Alright then, everyone can go about their business then."

The room exploded into conversation, everyone trying to get their two cents in about our new 'pet'. Who was she? Why didn't Aro's or Jane's powers work on her? Why had Aro allowed her to live after the way she'd acted in the throne room? She smelled really tasty….

That was the truth. When I'd walked into the feeding room she'd been the first thing I could smell. Sweet and delectable, my mouth had filled with venom at the thought of sinking my teeth into her. If only I hadn't been so slow. I'd been keeping her for last, my desert, but Aro got there first.

I had just finished up the Japanese tourist and was about to head over to the girl when Aro had stepped in my way. It was frustrating to watch him just staring at her. If it had been anyone else I would have knocked them to the floor and sunk my teeth in.

Instead I was now ordered to babysit the little bitch. Did she have any idea just how lucky she was? No one, absolutely NO ONE had ever entered the feeding room as dinner and made it out alive. Now she was going to live in the lap of luxury as Aro's little experiment and she had the audacity to slap him? Special or not I would have bit her head off if she'd come at me like that.

A slender hand slid over my shoulder and snaked its way down towards my waist. I caught it around the wrist and squeezed tightly.

"Oh James, you know how I like it when you're rough."

I tossed Cassandra's arm away like it was a poisonous snake, this girl just didn't know when to give up.

She came around to the front of the chair and sat in my lap, wiggling slightly and leaning into my chest.

"Is it true, we have to keep this stupid little human safe?" She spat the word like it tasted bad in her mouth.

"Yup, it's true." I stood up, letting her fall to the floor with a thud.

Cassandra huffed and stood up while brushing herself off. She was in her usual 'slut couture' as the other girls called it. A low cut pink sweater that was a size too small and black pants that were just as tight. It was those types of pants that stop just after the knees. I don't understand woman's clothes, what the hell is the point of wearing pants that are too short?

"You can drop cocky asshole act James, I know you want me." She pushed her breasts against me and purred in my ear. We had a small audience now. Everyone knows I can't stand Cassandra and she just wouldn't get it through her thick skull.

"It's not an act honey." Victoria had stepped up next to us and was laughing at Cassandra's pathetic attempt to seduce me.

"Come on James, we have patrol tonight."

I gratefully followed Victoria out of the dining room, leaving Cassandra alone in the corner for everyone to laugh at.

"That girl wants you bad. Why don't you just give it to her? You've slept with plenty of other girls you didn't really like."

"It's the principal of the matter. Those other woman weren't stupid."

Victoria laughed at my joke and hopped up into an open window.

"I'll take the North side, you head south and we'll meet in the middle yeah?"

I nodded in agreement and was about to follow her through the window when Felix walked into me.

"Hey Jimmy boy, where ya headed?"

He was smiling the evil grin he got when he was planning something.

"I'm on patrol tonight, so you're going to have to wait if you have something planned."

"Oh no no… I was just curious. We're buds right? And buds look out for each other!"

Felix's grin got even wider, I was seriously worried now.

"So, that new girl… Bella. She's pretty hot huh."

I eyed Felix suspiciously. Bella was a pretty girl but not Felix's type at all. He preferred girls with a little more meat on their bones.

"Uh, yeah, she's cute." I hopped into the window and leaned against the edge, waiting to see what Felix really wanted.

"Well anyway, I better get going. I've got guard duty for the brother's."

Felix took off down the hallway and left me completely confused.

I ran along the tall walls of the castle heading south towards the plaza, keeping to the shadows and looking for any threats. There never were any, but that didn't mean we could slack off.

My mind wandered back to Felix and then to Bella. She was pretty. Her slender frame and big brown eyes had caught my attention the first second I saw her. But she is just a baby, and human. I could see Victoria up ahead, and forced myself to focus. I couldn't let that little girl interfere with my duties.

She was going to make my life difficult, I could feel it already.