Disclaimer: I do not own any character except for Marjorie and anyone else you realize that isn't in Twilight xD

Part 4.

"Heidi, did it you see what you wanted?" Marjorie shook my shoulder.

"I told you I didn't want to remember." I stormed away from her. I made my way to where I left Marcus and Demetri. "Tell me about my past. How you found me and turned me! Tell me." I stood in the middle of the room with my arms crossed. I tapped my foot feverishly as they looked at me.

"Why didn't you tell me that you, you and the other two were there when I almost DIED?!" I wasn't acknowledging Demetri's presence in the memory yet, just Marcus, Aro and Caius

"Heidi, it was because you were so traumatized. You would sit in a corner of a room with the lights off and you refused to eat. You spent the days and nights rocking back and forth." Marcus approached me.

"Why can't-- couldn't I remember?" I stepped back as he got closer.

"There is a vampire with a power to lock away memories. Make it all a clean slate. We only used him three times, extreme cases only." Marcus spoke softly. "What I don't get is how you remembered so suddenly."

"Marjorie was able to unlock my memories. I saw it and relived it." The muscles around my jaw clenched.

"I guess you saw me there?" Demetri stepped behind Marcus. Good idea on his part, I would have lunged at him.

"That was what I was getting to." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why didn't you tell me? After the countless nights of talking about how I wish I knew my past. You knew. You knew it the entire time."

"It wasn't as easy as you make it out to be." Marcus stepped aside. "But the pain I saw you in made it easier for me to bare the consequence if you ever found out I knew."

"Oh, please save the chivalrous bull for someone who will buy it." I snapped.

He reached for my hand and quickly took me flying through the building to a dark and suspicious alley way that even in the brightest of days, the light never touched.

"Do you honestly think I wanted to keep it a secret from you? I was the one who carried you as you died from the internal bleeding. I watched as they turned you. It wasn't easy for me. Plus, it was an order from Aro, Marcus and Caius to keep it a secret from you." He leaned against the wall, cornering me.

"Why didn't they just lock your memory? Then you wouldn't be a liability." I crossed my arms.

"They wanted..." He leaned his head against mine and took a moment to think of his wording, "They wanted me to be your mate. They didn't want me to forget about what you had gone through and how I cared about you. I always have."

I hooked one hand on to the arm he had stretched out to the wall and lightly touched my hand to his face. "I still don't understand. Why did you hide this from me?"

"They said I wasn't allowed to." He thought I was still on my memory of my near death experience.

"I mean that we were meant to be mates." He looked up at me. I was clenching my hands tighter. I wish I could cry. I was so confused. The bitter and cynical side of me told me to just leave. The lonely and hopeful side told me to wait for his response.

I was always alone. Everyone had their mate, except for a few of us in the guard. Demetri always was around me but I never thought anything of it.

I remembered this one time he went to seek someone out. He was gone for ten days and when he returned he came to me with a hug. "I missed you!" He said. "Like wise." Was my cold response. I wanted to give him the same joyous feeling but it wasn't who I was.

The reality of it all was that I didn't know how to love. I never remembered the feeling. I was told by Marcus that love was an uncontrollable sensation for someone and only that someone. Marcus also told me that he never could love anyone else. He knew his love for Didyme was genuine and he was thankful for the time he had wit her. The thought that Demetri and I were meant to be mates was still fighting in my head.

He had made comments about being mates with other vampires that had gone in and out of the guard and coven. He never did anything. Even if I knew he wouldn't, it bothered me.

The touch of his thumb on my lip brought my thoughts back to the present. "Sorry, I was-" His lips cut the words from mine. His hand slid to my neck and his arm that was outstretched next to me wrapped around me. I never had been kissed before. Well, not like this. The full package, closed eyes, loss of time and space, and pure bliss.

My arms fell flat against my sides at first but as I felt his tongue caress mine, my arms clasped behind his neck pulling deeper into the kiss. His hand held my face as he pulled away slowly.

"Wow." I cocked my eyebrow. "You haven't ripped me from limb to limb." I relaxed my brow and gave him a smirk. "I'm sorry that we hid this from you. Our intentions were purely out of your own well being." His hand gently rubbed my back as he looked down at me.

"I still don't get why you couldn't just be frank with me and tell me the mate thing." He pushed a strand of hair out of my view as I spoke.

"You had no recollection of anything from your human life. You knew feeding, Volterra, the masters and your power. There was no teaching you either. They told me to let you be and in due time, you'd find your path back to mine. So, I did. I spent a lot of time with you, even if you were bitter towards me." He kissed my forehead. "I knew deep down within you, you loved me but you didn't know why."

As vampires, we had no real concept of time. Our only reason for keeping the time and other such trivial things was like the only saying keep your friend close but your enemies closer. The humans relied on time. Therefore we did the same. Keeping up with dinner meant a nice long existence.

So, we stood there until we were called upon. When the messenger came, he looked worried. As if he was going to walk in on a fire of Demetri's flesh with the match in my hand. He peeked around the corner with his eyes slowly relaxing. "You don't have to sneak." Demetri said with a laugh.

"Masters Aro, Marcus and Caius want to speak with you guys." He nodded and walked away.

When we met up with the masters, they all sat with each other murmuring softly. "Oh, welcome back." Aro stood quickly coming to greet us. "Nice to see your faces. Where have you two been?"

"Settling an issue." I spoke with the same stern voice.

"Marcus, tell me what you see?" Aro looked at him.

"There is no change." He looked at us.

Aro walked to my side. "Do you mind?" He hovered his hand over my shoulder. He read my thoughts with permission, and this time I didn't mind.

"Ah, I see. This might be a problem." He walked over to Caius and Marcus. "This won't interfere with work, will it?" He turned back to see our response, "Well, will it?"

"No, sir." I wouldn't want to get in trouble.

"Good." And we were dismissed.

"What do you do when I'm not around?" Demetri asked me. Then Marjorie came running over to us.

"Hey, what happened? You left and didn't give me a single word." She was holding my arm.

"Congrats you two. Aro just told me." Felix wrapped his large arms around the two of us.

"What? What happened?" Felix let us go and took Marjorie away.

"As we were saying?" Demetri put an arm around me and spun me into his chest. Who knew he could be so graceful?

"Uh, I do a lot of drawing and painting. You've never seen my studio, have you?" He shook his head. "That's what I thought. I was working on a painting, wanna come and see?"

We walked along a narrow hallway. We were allowed to have offices and what not within the building. I never let anyone into my studio.

I had paintings leaning against the window that opened up towards the square. "How Pizarro of you." Demetri laughed as he flipped through the paintings and caught a glimpse of a few of the square.

"I like to paint people." I shrugged.

"I thought you hated humans." He cocked his eye.

"Children are different. They aren't really like all the humans I have the pleasure of meeting." I said in my defense.

"That is true. You painted me?" He lifted a very tranquil painting of him gazing off into the night. I painted it ten years ago. It was one of the pieces I wanted to keep. I sold the rest of the collection to a private collector. He really wanted the one of Demetri but I couldn't part with it.

The night I saw him sitting there, he was deep in thought. He shared with me his past. He told me that his mother and sisters all had died. Then when Marcus approached him with an offer to travel back to Italy and become a "gentlemen". He left Greece and when he was brought to Volterra the masters wanted to turn him. He said yes because it was better than growing old. It was one of my fondest memories of Demetri.

"It was a part of a collection." I sat on the little stool near my easel.

"Were there more of me?" He sat behind me, wrapping his arms around me.

"None recently."

"So, you've painted me once before?" I picked up the palette.

"Yes, and I've painted Felix, Chelsea and Marcus." I plopped and smeared the palette in his hair. I watched him in the corner of my eye as his eyes widened once he touched his paint covered hair. He got his hands nice and covered with the wide range of colors that were in his hair.

"What was that for?" He asked holding his hands out to his side.

"A change of topic. Maybe we can talk about how you're a mess." I held down a laugh as I turned to get a good look at his hair.

"Or we can talk about taking a shower to get all that paint off your face?" He grinned.

"What paint?" His hands grabbed my face and pulled me close for a kiss.

"That paint." I kicked him over. "So, you are still the same."

"This is why no one is allowed in here. Hey! What do you mean by that?" I crossed my arms and glared at him.

"You were acting like a giddy middle school girl. I love when you're forceful and bitchy. Be yourself. Don't change just because we are-" He paused. "What are we?"

We never established our status. People just assumed that we were mates. It was never decided between us. "I don't know. What do you want us to be?"

He took my hand into his paint covered hands. "Heidi, I'm going to be frank with you. I've hoped that one day you'd find out your past on your own. It's been a long time and now you know. I really care about you. I always have and I want to be with you for the rest of time." His eyes were sincere.

I fought for so long to know about my past and now I know what happened. I couldn't say no. I wanted to be complete and I never was complete if he wasn't around. "Even if I insult you all the time and send you flying through walls?" He nodded.

"One problem." He cocked his head. "You are covered in paint." Then I took my hand and wiped it on his shirt. He gave me a crazed smile and quickly picked me up. "Where are you-" He ran swiftly through the walls into the lavish bathroom that only the Volturi Guard was allowed to use.

He held me closer and pressed the paint onto my shirt. He laughed and kissed my forehead. He let go and took off the sullied shirt. "What are you doing?" I just had to ask.

"A shower of course. I do have paint in my hair." He gave a short laugh.

"And you brought me along?" He nodded. "You are such a pain sometimes."

"Oh but you know you love me." The steam from the shower filled the room quickly. His clothes were draped over the toilet screaming for some company.

I slid the door open and stepped into the shower. He turned slowly as the steam rose. "Trying to sneak up on me?" I had tried sneaking up on him plenty of times before. However quiet I was, he always heard me. I could inaudible and he still could hear my steps. This time instead of a round house to the face, he slid his hand around my waist and gave me a kiss.

After a year of "dating" Demetri decided that we would have a pretty little wedding and become all official.

"Where do you want to have it?" He would ask me.

"Does it look like I'd care, Demetri?" I was still the same snippy vampire.

"How about we go to Florence?" I shook my head. "Berlin?" Another no. "Paris?"

"Why don't we just get married in Volterra. It's where we have power over." I twirled a piece of my hair.

"Okay, well then where for our honeymoon?" I glared at him. "We need a honeymoon." He swayed with his large hands pulling my close smashing our marble skin together. "Because it's one thing to get away in the flat once in a while and it's another to get away far from everyone and have three months to ourselves." Three MONTHS?! Three months without working and hunting. It sounded good for a moment. Then what would I do?

I thought about it for a long while. I needed a break from Volterra. The wedding would take place in an old castle in the Irish Country side. Then we would head to Esme Ilse, a wedding present from Carlisle and Esme. They only asked for us not to kill the locals, so we planned on bringing our own food supply.

The vampire community all came out to see the fierce Heidi tie herself down and finally conform. I laughed at the fact that I was referred to as the "fierce" Heidi. I was just a guard doing her job, so I was a little disconnected from others but getting married didn't mean I was getting soft.

"Alice, you poke me with one more bobby-pin and I will send you out that window." I was feminine but I did not enjoy the poking and prodding I had to endure during the preparations for my wedding. Bella sat in her dress laughing at my struggle. "Keep laughing and those golden eyes of yours will be peering through your posterior."

"Is she ready?" My father was long since dead so Marcus gave me away. He stood at the door, his hand out waiting for my gloved hands to grasp his. "You look rather beautiful."

"Trying to be a father?" He nodded. "You're doing fine."

The old Church in the Castle was magnificent. The light poured in through the stained glass windows, sending colors of lights through the room. The immortal guests sparkled as the colored sunlight hit their skin. Eyes were on me but mine were on Demetri. He had his hair pulled tightly back. He let me pick the color of his sash and tie. Teal looked rather good against his chalky olive skin.

The dress I picked out had a corset top with teal bead work along the top down the sides leading down the sides to form a train. There was light lace work on the bottom of the dress, Marjorie had the idea and it seemed to really fit the dress.

Marjorie was my maid of honor. I had asked her to leave her hair white for my wedding after seeing her try it on before she went to feed. The dress maker said "You have such perfectly beautiful friends." We went to a human to make the dress. Demetri wanted it to be a some what real wedding.

Alice, Rosalie and Bella were the other bridesmaids. Jasper, Emmett, and Edward were the other groomsmen. Felix had the privilege to be the best man.

I reached the altar and Demetri's eyes had already locked with mine. Marcus pulled the veil from my view and Demetri's lips curled into a devilish grin, then I caught a glimpse of Edward's face contorted most likely from a naughty thought coming from Demetri's mind.

"What did you think that made Edward twist with disgust?"

"I thought about how even without the beams of light shining through those windows you still would sparkle with all the beauty of the world."

"Oh, that's not dirty at all."

"I know, it was probably someone else's thoughts of you naked."

"Are you sure you didn't have any dirty thoughts?"

"I have some --" The 'minister' cleared his throat as he began the ceremony.

"You may kiss the bride." I had a wedding band on my hand and Demetri hand donned his. As our lips met for our first kiss as husband and wife our friends cried out with happiness.