Accidentally In Like

"Hey London, is Maddie around?"

London Tipton halted her steps and turned to look at the boy questioningly. "I'm sorry who are you?"

"Uh…it's me, Trevor. I was here a few days ago?"

"Oh Trevor." she said with an awkward laugh as if recollecting their previous encounter. "I knew that, silly me."

"You still have no idea who I am don't you?"

"What? Of course I do! You're Trevor! You're that…guy." she trailed off. Then covered it with another laugh. "Well, how can I forget such a…gorgeous face."

Trevor let out a sigh. "We've been down this road before London. It didn't work out then, it wont work out now. Specially since I'm dating your best friend." he was met with London's blank stare. "Maddie." he said more clearly. "She and I are going out."

"Maddie has a boyfriend?"

Trevor sighed again. But fortunately for him, Maddie arrived at the lobby. "Maddie there you are." he said with relief.

"Trevor?" she asked, surprised at his appearance. "What are you doing here?"

"What are you talking about, we have a date."

"We do?"

"Yeah, I told you last night I was gonna pick you up from work so I can take you out." he said. "Since we haven't really spent a lot of time together with my exams and everything. Now that they're over, I was hoping to treat you out."

"Really?" she asked with a flattered grin, as she placed a hand on her chest. "Wow, Trevor, that's so sweet of you." she squealed. "Ok, well I only have a few minutes left till my shift ends and then we can go." she said excitedly, as she rushed behind the candy counter.

Trevor smiled, pleased at her reaction. "Great. But be sure you don't take a while, or else we might not make it to our reservations."

Maddie gasped, her eyes wide with astonishment. "You made reservations?"

"Yeah at Osushi."

Maddie's excitement suddenly died down. "Osushi? The sushi bar?"

"Yeah. Great place. Highly recommended by a friend of mine."

"Oohh! I love that place!" London squealed. "They served my sushi roll in a one of a kind golden platter."

"Really? I've never heard them do that before."

"Oh well," she chuckled as if humbled. "When you're me."

"Right." he tried not to roll his eyes.

"Um…Trevor." Maddie said. "I'm allergic to sushi."


"Yeah, I can't eat raw fish. I can't eat raw anything. And plus, I don't like fish."

"One of the problems when you're poor." London mumbled, which they ignored.

"But Maddie, it took me forever to get these reservations. I had to talk to a lot of people just to get these seats." he argued. "And besides, its not really about the food. Its about us spending time together."

"You're right." she said warily. "It doesn't matter what they serve, as long as we're together."

Trevor smiled. "There you go. And besides, I'm sure they have something else besides sushi." Maddie gave him a tentative smile, then busied herself by fidgeting with the chocolate bars on the counter.

"Maddie! London!" a loud squeal suddenly erupting with in the hotel lobby. The two girls plus Trevor turned to see Corrie running towards them excitedly. "Oh my god! Maddie! London! You two will never believe what just happened!" she squealed in excitement, holding on to London.

"Uh, weird girl!" London said, getting her attention.

"Oh sorry. I forgot about the 3 feet rule." Corrie breathed, stepping away from London.

"Corrie what happened? Why are you so excited?" Maddie asked.

"Oh right, that." she said. "You'll never believe it! My cousin is moving in with us!"

"Oh that's great!" Maddie said in excitement. "Wait, that is great right?"

"It's beyond great! Well…not really. My aunt and uncle are getting divorced, so he and my aunt are moving in with us until they can get their own place and settle in with the divorce. But besides that everything is great!"

"Well then good for you. Isn't that right London?"

"Hm?" London said, looking up from her black-berry. "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. I wasn't really interested in what we were talking about."

Maddie rolled her eyes. "Well Corrie I think its great. Specially if you're excited about it."

"I am! My cousin and I are such best friends! He's like my big brother growing up!" Corrie reminisced. "I really missed him, specially after he moved away when I was just 10. It's gonna be really great having him around again!"

"Aw, well you should introduce him to us. We'd love to meet him, right London?"

"As long as he's not related to weird girl."

"I'd love to meet him." she corrected.

"Thanks Maddie." Corrie smiled appreciatively.

"Hey Maddie." Trevor said, having hung up the phone. "Are you almost done? Our reservations are in an hour. We should go now if we want to beat traffic to be early."

"Yeah I'm about done. Trevor, you remember my friend Corrie?"

"Yeah, hey." he said, not really paying attention to her. "You ready now?"

"Let me just close up here. I'll meet you outside."

"Ok, but be quick." he said. He gave her a peck before walking away. Maddie watched as he walked out of the hotel with a small sigh.