The Memoirs of Happiness

Forgetting is more painful than hating

Name:The Memoirs of Happiness

Author: Kanata Saionji

Summary: "The Memoirs of Happiness" is a fictional story on how two teenagers, innocent and pure at heart fall for each other while the girl was at her parent's hometown for a year, a vacation for her parents, escaping from their tight work schedule in NASA. The girl moves to a town where she knows nothing except the fact that her parents love it.

But that is just the beginning. The plot of the story is what happens when she returns to America.

Disclaimer: The Author does not own few of the characters in the story like the lead characters, Kanata Saionji and Miyu Kouzuki, who are from Mika Kawamura's master piece, Daa! Daa! Daa! So, please excuse the author for using others' characters. But, the story on the whole belongs to the author.

Author's Note: This is Kanata with another story for "D! 3" Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.


To my friend Miyu and Santa,

Who inspired me to write stories…

To my other friends Akira and Ahvs,

Who always had my back...

To all my readers and friends,

Who have stuck with me so long…

Thank you all...


Chapter 1

Girl meets Boy

It was hard. She had to accept that at the least. Even if she argues and argues to herself that everything was fine, she'll still have to accept the fact that she was lost and she had no idea where to go. And to make matters worse, she was late for class—and her first class in the new school.

She sighed as she turned her head to see that she had landed herself in more trouble in taking a bad turn—again. She had never been good at directions but this was way too much. She was lost in a country where she knew nothing but their language.

She took another turn, her blonde hair swaying behind her. Just as she turned the corner and walked blindly along the deserted street, she started talking to herself again—no need to panic… she almost always does that when she's tensed.

'Why on earth!' she started, 'I'll kill you mum, if I ever get out of this mess… who asked you to take a vacation here to Japan… where I have no idea where spick and span are…'

She sighed and looked up.

'Great,' she sighed, 'just what I need… a dead end…'

She was about to turn around and trace her steps back to the main streets when she heard a silky and cold voice behind her.

'Lost, are you gorgeous?'

She daren't turn. She closed her emerald green orbs hoping that the stranger would leave but contrastingly, another sick voice joined his.

'Looks like it… do you want us to help you, baby?' the second voice asked.

The two giggled. It was sick even to listen to it. She tried her best not to panic. She slowly turned and saw not two but three middle aged men who looked as though they were drunk.

She gulped and muttered, 'excuse me…'

But one of them blocked the way. He looked not more than thirty years old and he had a face that seemed that he hadn't shaven for like…a lifetime. He smiled at her wickedly and she turned the other way and was shocked to find her entire path blocked by the three.

She gulped again and slowly raised her voice and said, 'please move… I wanna go…' She looked at them again and started sweating with fear as she saw all three of them smirk wickedly at her.

'But we don't want you to go, honey…' said the one to the left of the unshaven-guy. This one was totally bald and had no hair in his entire face. It looked really sick as he had pierced his ears as well as lips.

The only one left was the blonde one who hadn't spoken yet. He was just looking at her at places where she wouldn't have seen herself. She brought her bag in front of her and clutched it to her chest. Panic started rising inside her.

'Want to have some fun, Blondie…?' asked the bald one stepping closer to her. She backed a step away but that was the farthest she could go seeing as it was a dead end. Tears slowly formed at her eyes which she closed tight.

'Kami-sama… please help me… somebody please help…' she prayed.

'Aw… first time, is it?' came the sly voice of the unshaven-thug, 'don't worry sweetie… we'll make it worthwhile…'


'Akira!' a shout came, different to the one she had heard from the two thugs. She thought maybe perhaps, the third had finally spoken and closed her eyes even tight but then, suddenly she felt someone wrap themselves around her. But it was different to what she thought. The grip was light, as though the person hugging her was not willing to do it.

'At last I found you Akira,' shouted the guy hugging her.

She opened her eyes and saw the three thugs looking at her in surprise. So, it wasn't the blond who had spoken. And who was this guy hugging her?

'Hey…' she started.

'Pretend that you know me,' whispered the boy in her ear.

She looked a little confused. He was wearing school uniform as well, so it must mean he was a student too. His brunette hair brushed against her cheek as he lightly held on to her. He seemed not older than seventeen, almost the same age as her.

Then, suddenly realization hit her. She has to act fast.

'Oh Seiya!' she exclaimed grasping the first name that came to her memory, 'I'm glad you found me!'

With that, she hugged the boy back, though only lightly. He withdrew and she finally saw his face. He smiled at her lightly and turned to face the thugs. She blushed. The boy was really handsome with handsome locks of brunet hair and alluring auburn eyes. Her heart started beating fast, except this time, not out of fear.

'Really thanks for finding my girl, gentlemen…' thanked the boy to the thugs, bowing. He looked up at them, and then grabbing her wrist started walking away waving at the confused thugs saying, 'I will never forget your help, sirs…'

After they safely got out of the empty street, the brunet let go of her wrist and then at the end of the street, picked up the bicycle which was leant on the wall and took the bag hanging on it. He wore the bag across his chest and started pushing the bicycle.

'Hey… I…' she started but he interrupted by saying, 'wait… let's first get somewhere well away from here…'

She looked at him confused but obeyed all the same. They walked all the way out of the connecting street and out they came to a street which she did not recognize but thankfully, it was not deserted.

'Can I talk now?' she asked as he stopped at the street.

The brunet looked at her surprised as though wondering why she was still with him. He raised his eyebrows and muttered, 'what?'

She smiled and said, 'thanks… I'm really grateful… I don't know what might have happened if you hadn't turned up to save me…'

'Well, I have an idea as to what might've happened…' he muttered almost inaudibly and then turning to face her said, 'anyway, don't you know that girls your age shouldn't go to that street?'

'Actually…' she started, turning a light shade of crimson, 'I didn't know… I mean… I was lost… I…'

'You're new to Heiomachi, aren't you?' he asked abruptly.

'Yeah…' she piped, carefully avoiding his auburn orbs, 'I'm Miyu Kouzuki…'

The brunet raised his eyebrows. Then, he sighed and turning to the street, pointed at the end of the street with his index finger and said, 'walk straight, you'll reach the school…'

With that he climbed on to his cycle and muttered, 'see ya!'

He started pedaling away. Miyu tensed up at once. She jumped and called, 'Hey! Wait up!'

But it was of no use. He was already out of earshot. Miyu couldn't believe that he had left without even saying his name to her. Miyu sighed as she started walking along the street, keeping her eyes on the road.

'He seemed nice… except with a bad attitude…' she thought and closing her eyes smiled and added, 'he looked cute too…'

~~Memoirs of Happiness~~

Miyu breathed in heavily as she stood outside her classroom waiting for her teacher to call her. It was her first class and she wished that her teachers were kind, her classmates social and her classes interesting. Well, a girl can dream, can't she?

She looked down and saw her green uniform a little ruffled from the hug with that mystery-brunet-boy. She smiled to herself as she thought back to the hug. She adjusted her red scarf on her uniform and breathed in heavily.

Then she heard her teacher call her, 'Ms. Kouzuki, please come in…'

She opened the door and stepped into the classroom. She stood before the class beside the teacher and looked around and saw many friendly faces—and some flirty ones as well. She smiled weakly as she heard her teacher say, 'Miyu's parents are the famous NASA astronaut and scientist, Miki and Yuu Kouzuki… she's here for the last year and students, please be nice to her…'

Miyu smiled around.

'Now, Miyu, why don't you take the empty seat beside our class rep, Mr. Saionji…?' said the teacher and then his tone changed as he asked, 'where's Kanata by the way?'

The door to the class opened suddenly and deep breaths came from them. Miyu turned and her eyes widened in surprise at the boy.

'I'm sorry…' he breathed, 'middle-school girls… stuck in hallway… sorry sir…'

'It's you!' exclaimed Miyu pointing her finger at him. He finally noticed her. The brunet looked at her and then, his eyes widened only a little in surprise. He just raised his eyebrows at her.

'Kanata!' came many girls' shouts, 'you know her?'

Kanata turned to the standing girls and muttered off-handedly, 'whatever…'

'Kanata,' called the teacher, 'I feel really sorry about this… err… fan-girl problems… but you can't just come late to class…'

'I said I'm sorry sir…' he said.

'That will not do,' said the teacher sternly, 'why don't you offer to take Ms. Miyu and show her around the school…'

This sudden pronouncement was greeted by wide-spread groans and accusations. Miyu smiled weakly at how much popular this brunet was. At this point, he glared at her, his auburn eyes piercing through her emerald ones.

'Kanata, you can't possibly think about…' started many girls.

The brunet smirked, not taking his eyes off of Miyu's and said 'sure… why not… don't want to get lost again, do we?'

Miyu turned a deep crimson and stood rooted to the spot as he slowly walked right past the teacher and past chairs and sat down at the last chair at the right end of the classroom, near the windows.

'Why don't you take your seat, Miyu?' asked the teacher.

Miyu bowed to the teacher and walked with her head bowed to the chair beside the brunet, who was busy looking at the board with his chin on his hand whose knee was rested on the table. Miyu tried hard not to steal glances at him.

'Now, let's begin our class…'

~~Memoirs of Happiness~~

'And this is the roof top,' said Kanata as he opened the door to the roof closely followed by Miyu. He sat down near the end of the roof and sighed lightly. Miyu uncertainly took a seat beside him.

It was lunchtime and she had brought her lunch with her. But he seemed not to have. He had shown her almost all the useful sections of the school like the labs, library, cafeteria, club rooms, etc. And then, he had brought her up here. And now, he was sitting serenely on the roof, yawning.

'So…' started Miyu. She had been trying to get his name. She already knows it, but it is rude to call them by their first name if they hadn't told it themselves. So she decided on his surname, 'Saionji… you wanna share my lunch…?'

He glared at her.

She turned a bright crimson and stuttered, 'it's ok if you don't want to… it's just I…'

'Why did you call me Saionji?' he asked.


'You have a hearing problem or something?' he asked, irritated.

'Well, excuse me,' she said, 'that's your name, isn't it?'

He smirked and said, 'you got a point there… so, how about this lunch of yours…?'

She smiled and opened her lunch box. She hoped against hope that her mother hadn't cooked. Looking at the delicious lunch inside, she was thankful that her father had taken over the kitchen in the morning.

After the two had finished Miyu's lunch, Kanata got up first and walking towards the door, muttered, 'thanks for the lunch…'

Miyu smiled and said, 'hey… in friendship, no thank you, no sorry… that is, if you consider me as a friend,' she added uncertainly.

He turned to her and giving a surprised smirk said, 'friend…? But there's a problem…'

'What is it?' asked Miyu gently, getting to her feet.

'My friends don't call me by my surname…' he said smiling.

Miyu looked at him stunned. A smile slowly caressed her lips and she neared him and extending her hand said, 'Miyu Kouzuki…!'

He smirked and taking it said, 'Kanata Saionji…'

~~Memoirs of Happiness~~

'Oh man… I wish I get home safe…' thought Miyu as she walked along the road outside her new school. She sighed as she reached the spot where that morning Kanata had left her to get to school. She looked either side of her shoulder and saw many students in her uniform walk right past her.

She sighed again as she looked down at the road and stopped. She had no idea how she was going to reach home. She finally thought about asking for help. She hadn't even started raising her head when she heard a cycle screech to a halt beside her.

She looked sideways startled and saw the same brunet, in his cycle staring forward, as though determined to look away. Miyu was about to ask him for help when he asked, 'going home…?'

Miyu nodded her head vigorously and he looked at her smirking and added, 'so am I… so, see you at school tomorrow…'

'Um…?' she piped.

Kanata looked at her, curious.

She turned a bright shade of scarlet and shook her head going, 'it's nothing… bye…'

He sighed and got off his cycle. She looked at him a little surprised. She opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing when he said looking at her, 'you wanted me to take you home, right…?'

'How…?' she started. Kanata reached out a hand and tapped her forehead with his finger and said, 'it's written all over your face… let's go…'

He started walking up front slowly dragging his cycle with him. Miyu looked at his back for a few seconds and her face broke into a smile.

'Are you coming?' he asked stopping.

'Yeah…' she called and sprinted to catch up with him and as she reached him said, 'I owe you so much…'

'Yeah…' he said nodding his head, 'you owe me much… so, we are stopping at Burger Joint on your way home… your treat…'

'Hey!' she exclaimed pouting, 'not fair!'

'Yeah fair…' he said raising his eyebrows.

'Well, how about the lunch then…?' she asked, in defense.

'That can't actually be counted seeing as you gave only half…'

'I had half myself…!'

'Well…' he said, closing one eye, 'the lunch may be for saving you this morning… and this treat for walking you home… two saves… two treats…'

'Still not fair,' she cried.

'Yeah… yeah… whatever…'

~~Memoirs of Happiness~~

'Aw… I can't believe this…' groaned Miyu as the two walked along a deserted street. Kanata had his eyes closed and pulling his cycle along and he looked as though he was holding back laughter.

'C'mon… it's juts a few hundred yen…' he reasoned, his eyebrows twitching.

'You!' she exclaimed, breathing heavily, 'you exhausted all of my week's allowance!' and added, 'and all of it on Burgers and Fries!'

'And soda…,' he muttered under his breath, 'you left out that…'

'Ugh!' she groaned turning back to face the road and they continued walking.

There was silence between the two during which Miyu tried to calm herself down. Kanata, on the other hand was looking at her awkwardly, afraid she was going to explode again.

'Breath in… breath out… that's right Miyu…' muttered Miyu inside her head and then closing her eyes took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and sighed.

'Hey…' called Kanata.

Inspite of her anger-control exercises, Miyu glared at the brunet. She threw him a dirty glare and asked, 'what?'

'Well, I just want you to deliver a message to your mother…' he said smirking, 'for the delicious lunch…'

Miyu looked at him for a second and the next started laughing.

'What's so funny?' he asked, ticked off.

'Well, you are probably right…' she said wiping off tears of laughter, 'I have to thank mom for not interrupting dad while he prepared it… otherwise it would've been a disaster…'

Kanata smiled and asked, 'so, your mother isn't a good cook, huh?'

'Definitely not!' she confirmed, cheerfully.

'And you?'

'Me?' she asked looking at him, puzzled.

'Yeah…? Are you a good cook?' he asked.

'I… well…' she started.

'You don't know how to cook, do you?' he asked smirking.

'Obvious?' she asked, smiling awkwardly.

He just smirked.

'Hey… how come you didn't bring anything for lunch?' she asked, 'your mom didn't make you any today? Or did you forget to bring it with you…?'

'Well… I was a little late so I couldn't make it…' he said thoughtfully, 'and dad is out for a sermon…'

'Your mother?' she asked curious.

He looked at her and smiling said, 'she was an awesome cook… she just can't send me lunch boxes seeing as they haven't invented connections with heaven yet, have they…?'

He smirked and continued walking while Miyu stopped thinking about what he just said.

'They haven't invented connections with heaven yet, have they…?'

'Kanata…?' she gasped.

He stopped and looked back.

'I'm sorry…' she muttered almost inaudibly.

He walked back to her, pulling his cycle backwards and stopping beside her, said, 'don't be… it's been nearly fourteen years… now, let's go…'

She smiled weakly and they started walking again.

'Hey…' he called suddenly after a few seconds, 'you said, "in friendship, no thank you, no sorry"… what happened to that?'

Miyu smiled awkwardly and turning to her left saw that they had reached her home and hurrying towards the gate to her home, she heard him call, 'hey!'

She stopped at the gate and said smiling, 'that applies to everyone else… not me! Anyway, I'm home… bye!'

He smiled and said, 'bye…'

He got on his cycle and was about to go when she darted towards him and asked, 'where's your place?'

He lifted his right hand and pointing it at the temple on the hill near their neighborhood and muttered, 'that's my place… the Saionji Temple…'

'Oh…' she gasped looking at the temple and then turning to him said, 'well, you were a great help today Kanata…'

'Stop saying that…' he said, blushing slightly.

She smiled and with a wave of his hand, he left her before her home. She stood there waving at him till he disappeared, turning at the corner and she dropped her hand and entered her house.

'I'm home!'

'How was your day, honey?' her mother's voice came as soon as she entered.

She entered the kitchen where her mom was busy on the table working on her never-to-taste-good banana delicacy. Miyu sat on the chair and biting the end of an apple which she had picked up from the table said, 'not bad… it was ok, I guess…'

Mike came near her daughter and with her hands on her hips said, 'I don't think I can believe you… now, squeal…'

Miyu smiled and said, 'ok… chased by thugs, saved by a brunet, that brunet turning out as my class' rep, showing me around school, dropping me off at home… that's classified as "okay", right?'

Mike looked a little confused. Seizing the moment, Miyu jumped from the chair and sprinted to her room upstairs while she heard her mother shout, 'wait! What do you mean chased by thugs?'

'I told you I was saved mom…' shouted back Miyu closing the door to her room and jumping on top of her bed. Looking up at the roof of her room, she remembered what had happened the entire day.

'Lost, are you gorgeous?'

'Kami-sama… please help me… somebody please help…'

'At last I found you Akira'

'Pretend that you know me'.

'Really thanks for finding my girl, gentlemen…'

'Walk straight; you'll reach the school…'

'Sure… why not… don't want to get lost again, do we?'

'Friend…? Why not…? But there's a problem…'

'Kanata Saionji…'

'You are one amusing character Kanata Saionji…' she muttered under her breath.

End Chapter 1