All the Camp Rock Characters writing e-mails to each other over the summer.

I was bored, okayy?

Yo Nate,

HEY, It's Caity! Well what other person would start with Yo? Yeah, so guess what? Mitchie was whining about a certain jerk/love slave the other day. -wink wink-

Hehe, I love poking fun of Shane, he's so easy to make fun of. I know Shane's saying something about me so tell him to shut up.

-Sigh- I miss you. Errr, I mean as a friend. You know, a friendly miss. Haha, that didn't make sense did it?

Well this was my day:

We sat in her bedroom, ALL DAY.

Mitchie sighed and I rolled my eyes. "Mitch, you've sighed for the 100th time." Mitchie shook her head. "NUH-UH! 107th, I've been counting." I smirked. "You made my point."

She frownedl(Like a idiot, I might add...I did add though...Hmm...UGH, read on PLEASE.). "Oh.." She sighed again. "I miss Shaneykins!"

Okay pause a moment. SHANEYKINS? HAHAHAHAHA, So stupid. I don't care if Shane's gonna kill me or not, he's such a slave to love.

I mean, your nickname isn't so bad, NATEY. But Shaneykins? Psh, STUPID!

So how's your day going? Still being bothered by Jason? C'mon give him a break, okayy? He's like a little brother...Errm, except he's older than you.

I gotta go, Mitchie wants to go drool over Shane by going to one of those Connect Three stores. Heck, I might get some Nate hats. ;D. HAHA, I rhymed!

Your Crazy, Rantly(Is that a word? xD), Beautiful(Don't deny it) bestestest friend,

Caitlyn Jo Gellar.

PS- Tell Shane that Mitchie has a sheet for her bed with his facJLDDSDfeKttgfdf hynmJWLEK-Tell Shane that Mitchie loves him very much 3.

PSS- That was Mitchie, she's a meanie. xP