Hello everyone! This is my first fanfic so don't be to cruel with your reviews- but comments and helpful suggestions are much appreciated

M rating: mild language, violence and rape in future chapters.

I don't own any POTO characters. I own only the characters that don't belong to POTO (like Cheryl and probably some others later)

I hope you like the chapter! Please review after- It will motivate me to update faster


Christine Daaé sat quietly in the chair across from Nadir, eyes displaying none of the terror she inwardly felt.

"Well? What do you think Christine? Isn't it brilliant?!" Asked Nadir, the excitement twinkling in his dark, Persian eyes. Christine stirred nervously in her seat.

"Um…well…I just don't-" she started to say. Nadir put up a hand to silence her.

"Why did I even ask you? It doesn't matter what you think! We're going whether you like it or not!" He said joyously

Without another word, Nadir stood up and moved from behind his enormous mahogany desk toward Christine. He handed her a piece of paper and swiftly walked out of the tiny room. Christine let out a breathy sigh and slowly held up the paper. A picture of a plant-infested piece of land filled the entire page. Even though the photo was obviously taken from very far away, she still noticed the white foam of the ocean water as it violently beat against the rocky shore- as if to punish the land for wrongdoing. At the top of the photo was the heading: PALMYRA ISLAND. Christine stuffed the paper in her purse and walked speedily out of the room.


Christine moaned in frustration as she fidgeted with her keys, looking for the key to her luxurious Manhattan apartment. Where's the key, where's the friggin' key? Ah! Here it is… Christine hurriedly unlocked the door. The darkness of her apartment seemed to take advantage of her horrified and vulnerable state. A cold chill crept up Christine's spine and she shivered violently. She quickly flipped on some light switches, kicked the door shut behind her with her foot and grabbed the phone, which was sitting on a tiny table near the door. Christine's thumb fumbled across the keys as she tried to dial Meg's number with a shaking hand. Meg Giry (or Meggy, as Christine likes to call her) is Christine's fraternal twin sister. Christine and Meg, unlike most twins, don't have a single physical feature in common (Christine was often told that she inherited the "better" genes, unbeknownst to Meg). However, like most twins, they have a very close and healthy relationship. Although Meg is married (Meg's maiden name is Daaé; that was changed to Giry after she married) and kept very busy with two small children, she still finds time to spend with her sister.

Immediately after the first ring, Christine was greeted with a wary "Hello?" from the other end of the phone.

"Hey Meggy. It's Christine." She said into the phone.

"Hey sis! What's up? Are you all right? You sound frightened." Meg asked worriedly. Christine was frightened; and although she tried to hide her true feelings from her sister- Meg quickly picked up the nervous tone in her voice.

"Well…I have something to tell you. I was at work today and-" Christine began but was very quickly interrupted by Meg's squeal of excitement.

"Oh yes! I heard! My sister (she said my very proudly) was given the lead part in that new movie!" Said Meg, absolutely elated. "What's it called…? Wait; don't tell me!" She began to mutter incoherent words as she wracked her brain for answers. Christine sighed and impatiently twirled the phone cord around her finger. Yes, Christine was an actress; but she always believed she was mediocre at best. She had landed a few small roles in some minor films, nothing more. Then Christine boldly decided to audition for a part in Lost, a production of the famous Nadir. She knew that it was unlikely that she would get any part. However, Nadir was apparently impressed with her, because Christine was hired the very next day to play Anna Mae, the star character of the production. He had said it was her "Large, brown doe eyes and unique beauty" that ultimately led to his decision. This lead role should have been exciting for Christine. And it was very exciting…for a while. Then Nadir began to babble about filming this movie in an exotic location, to make it more "realistic". Everyone who heard Nadir thought he was just expressing nonsensical ideas and nothing would come of it. But Nadir fiercely stood by his idea and managed to make it happen. Christine clenched her eyelids tightly together in an attempt to stop the tears from flowing down her cheeks as she remembered the conversation she had with Nadir earlier and the…picture he gave to her.

"The film is called Lost; and yes I was given the lead part. But that's not why I called you." Christine said, interrupting Meg's thoughtful muttering

"Okay then; why did you call me?" Asked Meg.

"Well Nadir…you know; the film producer?"


"He told me today that we are now filming Lost on a little deserted piece of land called Palmyra Island. I have to stay there for 4 months!" Christine exclaimed, hardly able to believe what she herself just said.

"Oh. My. God! I've heard about that island! It's very beautiful is what I've been told- and mysterious. There are so many stories and curses surrounding that island! Just think how-"

"I know Meggy," Interrupted Christine, the tears running down her face and over her lips causing her words to slur together. Nadir had eagerly told her all about the island. His enthusiasm (Although he was extremely enthusiastic) wasn't nearly as potent as Christine's horror. Not even all the excitement emanating from Nadir could cut through the thick cloud of nervousness surrounding Christine.

"And that's w-w-what scares me the m-most." Christine blubbered. "All of these horrible c-curses and stories. What if there are strange n-n-natives living there that no one n-n-knows about?"

"Oh, Honey! Stop your crying! Do you honestly believe in all that nonsense? No one lives there! All those stories of curses are just urban legends meant to scare little children! What has gotten into you? This is a wonderful opportunity! Don't be a coward! I would give anything to take your place!" Meg said encouragingly.

"Oh please, by all means take my part!" Christine sobbed, wishing with all her heart that it were possible that Meg could indeed replace her.

"Oh, stop it. You're acting childish; and you are being totally ungrateful. Not many people get opportunities like this, believe it or not Ms. I'm-some-big-shot-actress-now-so-I-can-take-advantage-of-all-good-fortune-that-comes-my-way." Said Meg sarcastically "If you start throwing opportunities like this away, I'm gonna have to drop kick you to the floor…I didn't take kickboxing classes for nothing."

Christine shook her head and lowered it, allowing the tears to fall to the floor. Does she care nothing about how I feel? She thought miserably. After a minute or two of awkward silence and as Christine tears gradually dissipated, Meg Said,

"So…when are you leaving?"

Christine sighed heavily "Wednesday."

Meg gasped "Holy cow! Two days?! And he just told you?! What an ass! Well, the kids are in bed and Jim is home from work so I'll be right over to help you pack! Be there in 10 minutes, promise! Don't start without me!" Meg quickly ended the call. Christine thoughtfully held the phone up to her ear for several seconds after Meg hung up. A continuous buzz could be heard on the other line. Maybe Meggy's right. Maybe I should be grateful for this opportunity. What could happen? I won't be alone and it's only for a few months. It's not like I have a choice anyway. I have to go, regardless of my feelings.

Christine knew she was going to have to learn to put her fear behind her and try to enjoy this. Hopefully something good will come from the experience.