Welcome to my latest story Digital Love! It's my first Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's fanfiction and I also am running two Yu-Gi-Oh GX fanfictions. This is a present for my friend Fanning a Revengeful Flame! Some themes in the story were taken from Chobits, but I will change parts of the story line for my own reasons. I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh 5d's or Chobits.

Me: WEEEEEEEE!! My First 5d's fanfic and happy Thanksgiving!!


Me: You're welcome!

Jack: And just how ridiculous is this fanfic going to be!?

Me: It' not ridiculous!!! It's imaginative!!!

Yusei: Yeah!

Jack: Feh!

Me & Revengeful: Get him Yusei!

Yusei: On it!! (Glomps Jack.)


Yusei: NEVER!!

Me & Revengeful: How cute, but let's start the chapter!

Neo Domino city, it's the most advanced city yet with futuristic technology. With it's tall buildings and beautiful views Neo Domino city has become an ideal city to live in. Dueling has reached it's greatest height yet with the introduction of the high speed turbo duel. Computers have reached a new level entirely and now have begun a new craze. The persocon is most popular model yet and it takes on the form of people. Now it is the persocon that has become man's best friend (No offense to the dogs out there and besides, I'm trying to get a dog myself.).

Somewhere in a nearby train station a blond haired teen slowly stepped of the train. The boy's name was Jack, he had blond hair with two strands draping each side of his face and he had quite a muscular build too. Jack was on his way to the apartment that he had barely been able to afford with the wage he earned in the Satellite. Along the way Jack stopped at a computer shop to look at the persocons.

"Geeze, I really want a persocon but they're so expensive! I mean, I was lucky to get out of the Satellite the money I earned," complained Jack continuing to walk on. "If I did have a persocon, it would have a curvy body with a large hard drive that wouldn't crash easily and…"

There right in front of him lying in the trash was a persocon. It a male model which had black spiked hair with orange yellow highlights and his skin was a honey tinted color. Metal projections were where his ears should have been, with the top half being a white color and the bottom half was a light pink. Cautiously Jack went over and examined the persocon more closely. Soon he was jumping with joy.

"WOHOO!! Who knew that I'd find an almost brand new persicon in the trash!! Lucky me!!" cheered Jack dancing around in circles. "This means that I'll have internet! Which means that I'll be able to read online manga!!!"

After a few more minutes of ranting and dancing Jack finally stopped to pick up his prize. But what he didn't expect was for the persocon to be so heavy. Jack's legs buckled underneath him as he lifted the peroscon up.

"Damn! You friggin need to go on a diet!!" yelped Jack as he took a few wobbly steps. "But hey, what the heck! I've got a persocon now!!"

Rushing home to his apartment as fast as he could Jack threw open the door and collapsed on the ground. After catching his breath Jack looked again at his prize. It was now that he realized how cute and beautiful the persocon was.

"Heh, guess I lucked out and found a cute model, but it's going to need a name," stated Jack before stopping to think. "I know! I'll call you Yusei! It's a cute enough name! Now all that's left is to find that switch."

Half and hour passed, then an hour but Jack still couldn't find that on switch. Groaning in frustration he gripped his aching head. Then a disturbing thought came to him.

"No, the switch can't there!?" yelped Jack looking at the area in between Yusei's legs. "But there's nowhere else to look.."

Blushing Jack pulled the persocon into his arms and squeezing his eyes shut, pressed a switch located on Yusei's thigh. Within a minute Yusei's eyes flew open and he broke free of the bandages. Now Jack was starting to see the nudity of the scene unfolding before him. Slowly Yusei crawled over to Jack and placed his hands on Jack's knees.

"Chi?" said Yusei looking at Jack curiously.

"Umm, h-hey there Yusei," stuttered Jack blushing like crazy. "He is cute!!"

"CHI!!" squealed the raven haired persocon throwing himself onto Jack.

"Aw man!" yelped Jack falling onto his back from all of Yusei's weight. "This is so embarassing!!"

"Chi?" repeated Yusei looking at Jack curiously.

"I could get used to having him around," thought Jack examining the clueless expression on Yusei's face.

Morning came and Jack groaned in his sleep. Shifting onto his side he shielded his eyes from the light streaming in through the window.

"Man, I should get some curtains when I finally get a paycheck!" complained Jack rolling onto his other side. "Huh?"

Upon rolling onto his side, Jack came face to face with Yusei's beautiful blue eyes. Startled Jack leapt about a foot away from the persocon. Yusei just sat up and stared at Jack curiously. Luckily the black haired persocon was wearing one of Jack's oversized buttoned up shirts, but despite being oversized it still looked pretty cute on the little persocon.

"Chi?" questioned Yusei tilting his head.

"Oh right, I almost forgot about my lucky find last night," sighed Jack calming down. "But now I'm curious, is `chi` all that you can say?"

"Chi!" replied Yusei smiling.

"Hm, maybe you're broken. So I guess that would mean that you really do belong in the trash," thought Jack aloud until Yusei tugged on his shirtsleeve. "Huh?"

"Chi?" asked Yusei with a sad look on his face.

"Aw, don't worry. I'm not gonna throw you out. After nearly breaking my back trying to get you here I'm gonna find a use for you," reassured Jack patting Yusei on the head. "What else could I do? He was using the puppy dog eyes on me."

Then Yusei's face broke into a happy expression. Before Jack could say anything Yusei threw his arms around Jack and snuggled cutely against the golden haired teen. Jack was about to embrace Yusei back when there was a knock at the door. Once Yusei released him, Jack went and opened the door to reveal Kiryu. The visiting teen had silver hair held back by a bandana and had a slightly less muscular build than Jack. With him he had a gray duffle bag and he wore blue jeans, a brown vest, and a white t-shirt underneath.

"Hey Jack how's it going!? I came as soon as I could after you called me yesterday!" shouted Kiryu patting Jack on the shoulder as he stepped inside uniil his eyes caught onto Yusei.

Currently the persocon had lain down onto his stomach when Jack wasn't looking and was playfully kicking his legs in the air playfully. Kiryu stifled a laugh and patted Jack on the shoulder.

"Well you're smooth Jack! You've only been here a night and already you've got someone over!" snickered Kiryu. "I have to say, you sure picked a cutie!"

"Fool!! That's a persocon you dummy!!" corrected Jack while blushing beet red. " Take a good look!"

" Oh, I see now! Trying to score with the persocons huh?" continued Kiryu rubbing his chin. "You're a sly one aren't you Jack?"

"Enough out of you or I'll throw you out!!" roared Jack with an even redder face. "You're lucky that I'm not calling the land lord!!"

"All right, calm down Jack. I was only playing!" laughed the silver haired teen. " By the way, where did you get you little friend over there? He's certainly a cute model."

"Oh that, well.. I found him in the trash and his name is Yusei," sweatdropped Jack. "Kiryu is so gonna butcher me."

"The trash? Does Yusei have any memory?" asked Kiryu watching Yusei sift through some magazines.

"I never checked. Is memory important for Yusei?" inquired Jack crossing his arms. "I thought that persocons came with memory, but I guess Kiryu knows better."

"I'll tell you later, just plug Yusei in your TV," directed Kiryu as Yusei pulled out a magazine.

"Right, I'll do thaaaa…" drawled Jack when he saw the magazine Yusei was holding. "Oh crap…."

"Chi?" said Yusei as he curiously flipped through the dirty magazine.

"AH!! NOT FOR YOU!!" shouted Jack snatching the magazine from Yusei. "J-just come over here okay?"

"Chi!" replied Yusei going over to where Jack was in front of the small TV.

"Those are your magazines aren't they Jack?" sweatdropped Kiryu eyeing the pile of fiv magazines in the corner of the room. "Pervert."

"S-shut-up!" snapped Jack as he opened one of Yusei's ears, pulled out a cord, and connected it to the TV. " Now let's see if you have any memory Yusei."

Jack turned on the TV and displayed on the screen in bold capital letters were the words no data. Kiryu's mouth dropped open upon seeing the words while Jack and Yusei just stared at them. Then Kiryu came over and grabbed the sides of the TV in disbelief.

"This crappy TV must be malfunctioning!!" yelled Kiryu with wide eyes. "This just isn't possible!!"

"I don't see what the problem is," said Jack turning to the screen again. " Is it really that bad if Yusei doesn't have any memory?"

"Well I guess you don't understand that well huh Jack?" sighed Kiryu letting go of the TV. "This guy owns a persocon and he doesn't know anything about them…"

"No, I don't understand so start explaining," commanded Jack rubbing his head.

"All right, to put it simply Jack, a persocon needs memory in order to operate. Without it, they're just an over sized doll," explained Kiryu patting Yusei on the head.

"N-now I understand," sweatdropped Jack. "Now I also understand why he reacted like some TV killer when he saw that Yusei had no data."

"We'll need to find out who his maker is to figure out what kind of data he needs," stated Kiryu crossing his arms. "You don't mind if I play around with him do you Jack?"

"S-sure," replied Jack. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

"Thanks," thanked Kiryu as he lifted up Yusei's shirt. "Now let's see…nope. Not here."

Once Kiryu had started his examination Jack' face was beet red and on fire. Also Jack was starting to now realize how dense Yusei was according to how he didn't give any reactions to Kiryu's actions. Then Kiryu took both of Yusei's legs lifted them up, causing Yusei to roll onto his back, and spread them slightly apart. It was now that Jack decided to step in.

"What the hell are you doing to him!?" demanded Jack putting Kiryu in a headlock.

"I'm looking for the ID code, what else?" asked Kiryu looking up at Jack's red face. "You want me to stop don't you?"

"Please do!!" shouted Jack starting to calm down.

After Kiryu released Yusei, Jack finally was able to calm down. Yusei just watch the pair curiously as both teens caught their breath.

"You sure that you can handle a persocon?" questioned Kiryu cocking an eyebrow. "I mean, from the way that you reacted before…"

"Shut-up! How was I supposed to know that you were looking for Yusei's ID number!?" retorted Jack clenching a fist. "Try thinking about it from my point of view!!"

"All right I forgive you. Now I'm gonna run just one more test that doesn't involve whatever you were thinking," said Kiryu as he opened up his duffle bag. "Crow, come on out!"

Before Jack and Yusei's eyes as a small little persocon, which could stand on the palm of your hand, came crawling out of Kiryu's bag. The miniature persocon had unruly orange hair, a Garfeild grin, a yellow upside down w mark on his forehead, yellow lightning bolts on either side of his face, and a yellow triangle under each of his eyes. He wore green pants, brown boots, a brown vest, a black shirt underneath, brown and black fingerless gloves, and tiny gray earrings.

"Wow, that's your persocon!? He's tiny!!" pointed out Jack as Crow happily waved.

"Yeah, he's a laptop model so he's pretty portable!" cheered Kiryu smiling. "Say hello Crow!"

"Hello! My name's Crow!! Nice to meet you!!" greeted the little laptop.

"Let's get down to business Crow," said Kiryu placing Crow on Yusei's shoulder and connecting them together. "Run a regular diagnostic test okay Crow?"

"Okay!" replied Crow pulling out a little screen and turned to Yusei. "Hi there!"

"Chi!" answered Yusei smiling in response to Crow's greeting.

Crow's eyes were then glazed over as he started scanning Yusei's hard drive. A minute later, Crow's eyes changed into o eyes and he began crazily shaking his head. Then the poor laptop froze up before passing out and his eyes stayed in their o eye state. Immediately Kiryu began freaking out as waterfall tears fell down his face.


"Hold it! What does that mean for Yusei!?" demanded Jack gesturing over to Yusei who had no idea what was going on. "Aw man this isn't good! I busted up Kiryu's laptop!!"


"WHAAAAAAAAAT!?" yelled Jack jumping a foot into the air. "Then what're we going to do!?"

"I'LL TELL YOU AFTER I'VE SAVED MY POOR CROW!!!" wailed Kiryu still hugging his laptop in a strangle hold as he went to the door.

"Wait! C-can I borrow some money?" asked Jack sweatdropping. "After what happened to Crow he might not lend me any money, but I can sure try!"

"You want me to lend you money?" growled Kiryu. "After what happened to my poor Crow?"

"Look, I'll get a job and pay you back," said Jack. "I really will."

"Fine," agreed Kiryu reluctantly handing Jack fifty dollars. "I run a junk shop so you can work and repay your debt there."

"Thank you!!" thanked Jack with tears pouring down his face and sparkles shining in back of him. "You're a life saver!"

"Now I'll be leaving!" stated Kiryu rushing out the door.

"All right Yusei! Let's get dressed and get you some extra clothes," said Jack turning to face Yusei while giving the thumbs up.

"Chiii!!" squealed Yusei mimicking Jack's thumbs up.

When Jack finished dressing Yusei and went outside with his persocon, he realized that he needed to get Yusei some clothes, fast! His pants, which were about three sizes too big for Yusei, still barely hung on around his waist even though Jack had used a belt. The oversized shirt that Yusei wore was so oversized that it exposed part of his chest to Jack's embarrassment.

Both of them were passing by the land lord's house when they saw a brunette with two toned brown hair up to his shoulders sweeping the sidewalk in front of the house. The brunette wore blue jeans, a black turtleneck shirt, and a white apron.

"Good morning land lord!" greeted Jack as he and Yusei came up to meet the brunette. "Who knew that the land lord was so young!"

"Please, call me Jaden!" giggled the brunette. "And your name is?"

"Oh, I'm Jack and this is my persocon Yusei!" replied Jack gesturing to Yusei and himself. "I just moved in yesterday!"

"Nice to meet you Jack and you too Yusei!" smiled Jaden. "Um..Jack, you do realize that those clothes are kind of oversized for Yusei right?"

"Y-yeah, I was going to go out and get him some clothes that fit him," admitted Jack rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Luckily I had a friend who could lend me the money."

"Oh I see, well let give you something to get you two started then," said Jaden rushing into the house. "It'll only take me a moment."

"O-okay, thanks," said Jack nervously. "Wow, the land lord is sure nice."

"Chi!" cheered Yusei in response to what Jack said.

While Jaden was inside the house Jack and Yusei saw a red sports car drive into the drive way. A tall spiky black haired man stepped out of the car and greeted Jack and Yusei. He introduced himself as Chazz and he wore a black ragged trenchcoat, a purple shirt underneath, black jeans, and brown work shoes.

"So Jaden said that he's going to give you something?" inquired Chazz watching Yusei closely.

"Y-yeah, Yusei say hi to Chazz," reminded Jack turning to the black haired persocon.

"Chi!" greeted Yusei waving.

"Sorry that's all he's said since I got him," apologized Jack.

"It's okay, I'm sure that it can be fixed with time," said Chazz. "Oh, here comes Jaden."

"Did you have to wait long Jack?" asked Jaden as he came out of the house and handed Jack a bag. "You can have these hand me downs by the way."

"No we didn't wait long and can Yusei really have these?" questioned Jack looking through the bag. "This will save a ton of money!"

"Sure he can! And it seems that you've met my husband," stated Jaden turning Chazz.

"Charmed," said Chazz rubbing the back of his head.

"I didn't know that you two were married!" shouted Jack.

"Chiii!" mimicked Yusei.

"Well now you know," blushed Chazz. "By the way, Jack didn't you say that you were going to go shopping?"

"Yeah, but I think that I'll put one of these outfits on Yusei before we go," replied Jack. "Come on Yusei."

"Chi!" shouted Yusei following Jack in suit back to the apartment until his shirt slipped down his shoulder.

"ACK!! Put that away!" shouted Jack yanking up Yusei's shirt causing Chazz and Jaden to laugh. "W-we'll be going now."

Once Chazz and Jaden were sure that Jack was out of hearing distance they finally began to talk.

"Do you think that Yusei will be all right?" asked Jaden.

"Don't worry we'll keep an eye on him right?" reminded Chazz before turning to head into the house.

"Yes, let's hope that nothing bad will happen to Yusei," whispered Jaden before following Chazz in suit.

Me: WEEEE!! The first chapter is done!!

Revengeful: You even added in Chazz and Jaden!!

Jack: Do you know how many nose bleeds I was going to have!?

Yusei: A lot.

Me: Anyway, I know that this isn't that because I wrote it one the fly so bear with me.

Revengeful: Don't forget to leave comments!

Yusei & Jack: See you next time!!