Six Shinigami Chronicles: The Cracked Ones

If a Pyromaniac Wasn't One

Standard disclaimers apply.

By the time the police got there, it was too late. There was nothing they could have done to help.

The block that reached upwards into the night sky, which was once a successful hotel, was reduced to rubble and charred remains. Panicked shouts and screams accompanied the sirens of ambulances and fire engines as the police chief picked his way across the blackened earth. His subordinates' initial reports showed that six people had died in the inferno. No traces of flame accelerants were found, and they could only believe this was a terrible accident. This is what they believed took place.

Ri Hiyori, pyromaniac by nature, had been experimenting with matches and firecrackers. Well, until she 'expertly' set the firecrackers up and her clothes caught fire; the oil on her hands from her dinner only fuelled it as she tried to snuff it out. Panicking, she forgot the lesson that had been pounded into her head every day of her life, and the words of stop, drop and roll did nothing to help. Fourth degree burns marred her body, and her lungs were so badly damaged, the paramedics initially believed she had already been an addicted smoker.

Ri Hiyori's case was only the start of the horrors. Every other case was related to the fire spreading.

In the case of Saiko Kira, she had tried to run away from the inferno, and, panicking, had collided, head first, with a solid concrete wall. The frontal lobe of her skull had collapsed, and she had suffered irreparable brain damage. Even if she had not been burnt, she would have spent the rest of her days on life support.

The body of Akechi Shiori was found within a warped skeleton of melted plastic and steel that had previously been a large toy car. Though fourteen years old, she still held a fascination for toys and had been driving in this car when the fire erupted. In an attempt to evade the fire, she drove on the wrong side of the hotel's go-kart course and rammed into another driver, spun out and broke her neck upon colliding with the pot plant.

Tifa Yuri's case was different. She had sought refuge from the heat in the fridge, or rather, the freezer. In stark contrast with Ri Hiyori, she froze to death. Frostbite had claimed her limbs, as is often does when one goes from searing heat to sub-zero temperatures.

The flames quickly spread to the bedrooms where Wakanao Hoshika resided. Seeing the danger and the flames licking the paint from her door and with the bathroom door locked, she realised her only chance was to jump from the balcony. Of course with a drop of only three floors, she would have survived, given that she landed on her feet, but it was not to be so. Her leg hit the edge of another balcony and she was sent spinning, and her head met with the ground and killed her in an instant.

Wakanao couldn't escape into the bathroom because a certain Kanda Mochi occupied it. She was one of those rare girls who, for some unknown reason, blow-dry their hair while still in the water. Wakanao's scream startled her enough for her arm to relax and allow the hair dryer to dip into the water, sending a huge electrical current through her body. Her heart stopped, and so did Mochi's life.

The police chief shook his head and walked away, ordering the media, who came trickling one by one to the scene, to keep away from the tragic scene.

One Shinigami, perched high in a surrounding tree, looked down at six spirits fighting. Obviously they all blamed Ri Hiyori for their death. He jumped from the tree and landed before the group.

"Excuse me," he said. "I am here to take you to Soul Society."

Without another word, ignoring their shocked faces, he performed the Soul Burial swiftly and with the usual flash of blue and the souls had disappeared from the face of the Earth. With a flourish, the Shinigami disappeared in a flash of shunpo.

The six girls arrived at Soul Society. Once there, they set their goals on becoming Shinigamis.


A/N: Some things you should know:

1. This is a group fic. 6 people, including me, are contributing to this fic. Don't be alarmed if the tone changes, or something random happens. GeNoWaFeR, moshimellow, larrmon, Ma chao, and one that doesn't have a account.
2. This is a crack fic, no matter the tone. Or anything.

Questions, Suggestions, Constructive criticism (I don't think we really need these because it's a crack fic but anyways...) and General reviews are welcome.

No flames please.
