I never realized how you life can change after one simple decision until that fateful day

I went to a local flea market so just look around when robots came crashing down .people were running around and screaming trampling everything .I was about to start running when I heard someone crying I turned around to see a girl about my age, what got into me but I ran In front of her and said

" Hey! pick on some body your own size!".

" Target found aiming FIRE!" said the robot

.I quickly grabbed her arm and ran as fast as possible .But once again we were stuck in an other corner . The girl took out a calculator and started to punch in some numbers.

" Umm I don't think this is the time to do your math homework!" I said ."

"Ahha! You've got to hit the robot in the head that's its weak point." she said looking up from the calculator. Suddenly a shadow darted above us .

" looks like you could use some help!" said an other girl appearing out of no were. She immediately ran behind the bot (robot) kicked off the wall and nearly kicked it's head off I did the exact same thing she did and destroyed it. But, just our luck more appeared ,It took an other hour or more to finally destroy all of them I turned around to see the other girls were just as exhausted as me

" Hi I'm soni! Thanks for helping me beat those bots" I said shaking their hands.

" I'm tammy thanks for saving me back there!" said the girl I saved.

" I'm kay nice to meet you!" said the other girl.

" How did my Egg bots get destroyed so quickly by three measly GIRLS!" said a voice from above us .

" Who are you?" asked Tammy.

" I am the great and power full Eggman! " said the voice on a ship.

" you mean Dr. eggman enemy of sonic the hedgehog?" asked kay.

" how do you know about that blue rat?" Eggman asked.

" Resources. Now I sagest you leave." I said getting into fighting stance.

" Sure let me just leave you a parting gift!" he said firing at us.

" Tammy ,kay hide quickly I have an Idea." I said . I ran back a few miles and ran at full speed jumped up and did a front flip kicking the machiens down.

" How did you do that?" Kay asked me as they came out of hiding.

" Yeah how did you do that?" tammy said running up to me.

" I don't know ? I just had an instinct to do that .why don't we just forget that happened come on wanna get some ice cream ? I'll pay." I said rubbing my head .

" That was impressive, but we could have done much better. " said a voice behind us.

" And we could have figured out the weak points much faster." said a younger voice. I was so furious that I didn't even turn around to see who was talking

" look I didn't see you out there fighting? And we did great since it was the first time fighting robots so don't criticize! Come on girls lets go get some ice cream. "I said storming off. When we got to a Ice cream shop a few blocks away and ordered our Ice cream we went back to talking.

" Man the nerve of people criticizing when they didn't help at all .You know you two look familiar? ( I stare at them for a few minutes) I've got it you two are runaways! I recognize ya'll from the flyers. Don't worry I won't turn you in because I am runaway too. Do you have a place to stay? Because there's this abandoned house not far from here you can stay with me." I said as I stirred my Ice cream.

" That would be awesome! And you said to forget about it but ,what you did as technically impossible " Tammy said to me.

" She's right that was impossible .And Tammy you remind me of tails the fox!" Kay said to us.

" Really! Because ..um.. At my old school they called me the human tails." she said sheepishly.

" Your kidding me! They called me the human knuckles! I kind of had a temper then. Soni did you have any nicknames?" Kay asked .

" Well …. Umm don't laugh but they called me the human Sonic, because beat all the boys in races ." I said blushing.

" really!? It certainly suites you." Kay said.

" can we stop talking about this in public come on the house isn't far from here lets go." I said grabbing their hands and dragging them out of the Ice cream parlor.