Title:And You Feel Safe
Rating: K+
Summary: Drake is a teensy bit scared after an after trick-or-treating scary moviepalooza. Oneshot fluffslash
Author's Note: So, I've come to the conclusion that I can only write Drakecentric fics in second person narrative. For anal writer-like reasons, naturally. If you really want to know you should ask me. :D I don't bite. So yeah, enjoy.


You pull the covers up over your head.

It gets too hot and you pull them down again with your eyes as wide as spaceships as you try to see through the complete darkness.

You grope around for your MonkeyBear flashlight and come across a wrapper of some sort and a furry thing you'd really rather not run your hand over until you know that it can't bite you, and then you find the flashlight and you flip the switch and a large banana-shaped cone of light illuminates the wall across from you.

You sweep the light back and forth across the room, and you almost have a heart attack when it brushes over a person-shaped object, but you hold the light steady and you realize that it's only a coat rack and you finally admit to yourself that you're scared.

You pretended like your after trick-or-treating scary moviepalooza with Josh didn't scare the bajeezus out of you, but it did.

You're so very afraid, in fact, that an ax-murderer wielding a blow torch will materialize under your bed that it only takes you about three and a half leaps from your platform to Josh's bed and under the covers.

It's pleasantly warm there and Josh stirs and turns to face you with what is sure to be a confused look, but you can't tell due to the darkness.

"Wha...?" Josh mumbles.

You shush him and tell him that you were indeed terrified by the moviepalooza and that you would really appreciate it if he would just shut up about it and let you sleep in his bed tonight. You actually want to say 'for the rest of your life', but it doesn't seem like the best idea at the time.

Josh just chuckles that non-condescending, throaty, deep, amazing chuckle that he does, and says that you can sleep in his bed whenever you like.

You say thanks and cuddle up against his warmth and he wraps an arm around you and you feel safe.

Even with the coat rack monster stalking around in the corner, you feel safe.


AN2: Review please! :o)