This is a Twilight and Pretty Little Liar's crossover. Normal pairings - all human. It's a little OOC.

Disclaimer-I do NOT own ANYTHING of Twilight OR Pretty Little Liar's- this is all Stephanie Meyer and Sara Shepard's.

Four of the most popular girls in the prestigious town of Chesterfield, with all their manicured glory, and whitened teeth, have everything-the looks, the body, the brains, the attitude-everything. They're all perfect.

But when their leader suddenly takes a cat walk to the other side- let's just say sanity is far, far away. Even our little girlies have their flaws too. In all the lies and scandals- comes a price. But our little pretties didn't know it had come to this.

Let me be the one to tell you-everything, because I should know, right? And who am I? Let's just say there's a new girl in town- but she's not planning on having her big entrance.


Chapter 1- The buried past, all dug up.

Bella Swan was in her elegant new beach house, right off South Bay- bathing in the glorious hot sun, when her new electric blue Blackberry-slide beeped. Alice. –The screen flashed. Alice, why would she be calling? We haven't talked since Blaire.

Alice Brandon, Jaywood High's merchandise designer, was one of Bella's two ex-best friends back in Jovan Isse (pronounced Joe-van eyes) -their old private school. Rosalie Hale was the other ex-bff, she is now and always was class president and every parents dream child. But ever since Blaire Lavanhuagh-their other best friend- disappeared, nothing was the same.

"'Ello?" Bella answered. "OH. MY. GAWD. Bella!! They found Blaire's body!" Alice shouted. Bella's eyes popped wide, and dropped her cell with a loud clink!

Blaire vanished, four years ago-in grade 8-they are in grade 12 now.

"Bella?! Bella?! Are you there?" Alice asked, as the phone vibrated from her voice. Bella picked up her phone-took a deep breath and asked the question she's been oozing to ask.

"Where… where was her body?" It sounded so gross coming from her thin lips, nothing sounded good about a best friend's soulless body. "In the backyard of her guesthouse, in the big hole where they were suppose to fill in the pool." Alice's voice cracked; obviously this was not a good subject.

The night of her disappearing- the four girls were sleeping over at Blaire's luxurious guesthouse-all to them selves, popcorn, movies, gossip, games, spa treatments and tons of fun-or so it was suppose to be. The house was far in the back of the Lavanhaugh mansion's gigantic backyard. All three girls remember that night as if it were their own thirteenth birthday extravaganza, but nothing about it was fun.

There was a silence as both girls looked back on that devastating night. At first Blaire and Rosalie went to go fetch some perfect pig-out ice cream in the mansion, but Rosalie came back sobbing having no clue to where Blaire went. Bella remembered all the hurt and pain they all went through-when they thought Blaire ditched them for some wicked party.

A sob escaped Alice's lips, clearly audible through the phone.

"D-Does Rosalie know?" Bella stuttered. None of the three stayed friends-after Blaire vanished someone had to hold the strings together-but when that person is gone- no one wants to hold that responsibility.

"Uh… I don't know I tried calling her, but no ones answering, I sent a text but got no reply." Bella looked down Rosalie was really close to Blaire, her second hand man, her Beta-maybe she's in more pain than the rest of us, she thought.

"How did you find out?" Bella asked hesitantly. Bella knew that after Blaire vanished her parents didn't continue building the pool, because instead they organized search parties. The Lavanaugh's aren't the same at all instead they attended more social events, and just left that piece of information of their lives behind.

"It was on the news this morning they're going to replay it this evening. Apparently they dug her body up in the pool's hole, because they were going to restart building the pool. They're holding her funeral this weekend, already. And also apparently her parents already sold all her stuff like two weeks ago, can you believe it?" Alice let out a long sigh. "Yah well okay, thanks Alice, I uh, got to go. Bye."

Bella shut her cell, and put it away. She shut her eyes tight; she was in disbelief that Blaire's body was found-four years later. Everything became so dream-like, or more of a nightmare. Bella stood up to go back inside and change out of her bathing suit. "Ugh, I hate my body." Bella said mostly to herself, no one was near her beach house, but she still felt self-conscious-like always.

Beep! Beep! Her blackberry-slide vibrated, she took it out it was a text, Blocked number, it flashed. Bella wondered who it could be.

Bonjour Bellsy-wellsy! Just wanted to let you know, be careful. Cause I know your dying inside to know what the latest issue of Fat Diet Daily's new diet of the day is! Or maybe you should just go ahead and go on with your "special diet" blech- hint of advice; make sure you don't get any puke on your clothes for tomorrow's first day of school! KISSES!


Bella's eyes widened. No one knew about that.

"So are you guys going to help me practice for soccer or what?" Bella asked for the sixth time of the day. All four girls were at the Hale residence, hanging out on the living room couch, waiting for Blaire to finally stop talking on her legendary iPhone that wasn't allowed to come out in Years. But of course Blaire could get anything she wanted.

Everyone heard her giggle into the speaker, and than start whispering to her "mystery caller". Pretending not to pay attention, everyone played with their nails or hair or cells, but they've been dying to know why Blaire seemed so distant lately- secret meetings, mystery texts, random phone calls, bailing on hang-out days for some "family emergency" which has been happening way to often, for anyone to really care anymore.

"Okay last time. Are we going or not?" Bella asked, again. "Sure." Blaire answered as she finally shut off her phone.

"Finally you're off your cell." Rosalie sighed in relief as everyone stood from the couch.

"I'll do anything as long as I'm far-far away from home." Alice sighed-but no one missed that I-know-why grin Blaire would give anyone-when she knew all of their secrets.

"Yes, finally! I need to exercise." Bella said awkwardly to them-ignoring Blaire's famous grin she gave Alice, as they all stood up in front of her. When Blaire stood behind them looking at Bella with her I-know-your-secret grin, and started making gagging noises, Bella's eyes widened, and she blushed looking away. She knew that no one else knew of her problems with her body, but Blaire. Only Blaire knew that by the beginning of grade 7 she subscribed to The Daily Diet, a magazine of diets daily. Bella would do anything to lose her thick arms, fat legs, and chubby face to have Blaire's, slim body. But she also wanted her thin long brown wavy hair cascade down her own back, as naturally as Blaire's did.

Alice turned around to face Blaire, who was in mid-gag sound, "Are you okay? Do you feel sick?"

"Oh no, I'm fine." Blaire smirked. Only Bella could hear the double meaning in those words. Only she knew that Blaire didn't just refer to her health, but her model-like body, and top condition. But if Blaire hadn't shut up, she could've given too much information away. If only she just weren't here… Bella thought.

Bella jumped at the memory. Now only did she realize how much that thought had come true. And yet for four years now Bella still subscribes to Diets Daily, and no one knew. But this text was just plain creepy. No one knew about her problem- but Blaire. So who could this B be?

Please tell me what you think- Every writer likes a review.