Disclaimer: Naruto doesn't belong to me.

These are bloopers from Naruto, but my characters are in it. Basically from my story ninja ninja ninja. Inspired by a beauty and the beast blooper story. This is to fill in my uncreative ideas for the next chapter. Heheheh.. Yeah…. HAVE FUN.

Takes place in chapter one

Scene 6

Temari: You're using Karasu on them!?

Gaara: Kankuro… st-

camera zooms in too close and knocks Gaara off of tree

Director: CUT! And run for your life cameraman walks off somewhere

Gaara: very pissed and looks demonic

Mizu:…I'll calm him down later eats a snack

Scene 1

Akio: throws Iruka's clothing at Hiyony

Hiyony: catches but misses

clothes fall into a chimney


Scene 1 Take 2

Akio: throws clothes

Hiyony: AHH! catches but falls off roof

Director: CUT!

Akio: snickers

Hiyony and Akio start fighting

Scene 1 Take 6

Akio: throws it

Hiyony: annoyed, burns it, and walkss off

Director: CUT! CUT! CUT!

Iruka: Those were my last pair….

Scene 4

Mizu: kicks Kankuro on the side

Kairen: accidently runs in too quick and punches him

Kankuro: drooling on the floor

Director: Cut! Get the medics!

Mizu and Kairen: Whoops…

Hiyony and Akio: laugh heads off

Scene 2

Hokage: I heard you girls were causing trouble again…

Mizu: We were bored.


Akio: Iruka-…. THAT WAS MY LINE!

Hiyony: Oh! Uhhh…. Line please?

Hokage: sighs

Scene 2 Take 2

Hokage: I heard you girls were causing trouble again…

Mizu: We were bored.



Hiyony: I forgot my line again, so I thought I'd improvise?

That's all for chapter 1!