

Everyone seems to know the story of the Winchesters, well at least the hunters do. But my story goes deeper then that because I am a Winchester. I would like to show you what its like growing up with two older brothers and a father whose hardly home, in a family that hunts the supernatural. This is my story:

Character Bios

Dean Jason Winchester:

Oldest, sarcastic, loyal, brown hair, green eyes, born on January 24, 1979

Samuel Lucas Winchester:

Middle Child, smart, dependable, Brown Hair, Brown eyes, born on May 2, 1983

Madeline Elizabeth Winchester:

Youngest, sarcastic, troublemaker, good at hacking, Brown hair, hazel eyes, born on June 29, 1989

Hey this is my first fanfiction story so please give me your honest opinions. If you hate it tell me how to make it better and I will try my hardest. I am posting this a day before school starts so, I may be slow posting.
