((AN: This was inspired when me and sdgundum990 were making fun of a narrator on a commercial…well kind of…more like what would happen if our lives where narrated))

Death to the Narrator

Luxord wandered through the halls of The Castle That Never Was, periodically looking over his shoulder. He acted as if he where being followed.

Luxord soon ran into Axel, in which he yelled, "AXEL!"

"What?" asked the Flurry of Dancing Flames.

"Don't you ever get that feeling that you're being watched?" Luxord asked.

"Yeah…kind of," Axel replied, he looked around, "Did you hear something?"

Luxord seemed to be thinking, "No."

Axel looked around the ceiling, "There it was again…sounds like someone talking."

A scream was heard as Larxene stormed over to the two, "Are you two buffoons narrating everything you do?" she asked, then paused and looked around.

"Uh…no." Axel responded.

The three now listened; Larxene seemed to become angrier and angrier by the second.

"This is getting fricken annoying! I'm going to get to the bottom of this!" She yelled, and stormed off to a door that was hidden behind a pillar, she flung said door open to revel a little room. The far wall was covered with TV screens that showed off different rooms of the castle, including the one Larxene stormed into. In front sat a normal looking man, and in front of him sat a microphone. He talked into it describing what was happening at the current moments.

Axel and Luxord cautiously looked into the room, being careful of Larxene as she turned to the two then back at the man.

"I would like to hear you narrating your own death after I've punched out all your teeth!" Larxene said as she whirled around the man in his chair, he looked up right when she pulled her fist back, letting it loose right into his-





The sound of many foot steps are heard, probably belonging to a few of the Organization Members.

"Oh my god! I think she killed him!"

"Please tell me his names not Kenny."

"What happened?"

"Oh nothing Demyx, Larxene just killed the narrator."

"Are you serious?!"

"What is going on here?"

"Oh Superior! Nothing, nothing much."

"HA! The narrator is dead; at least I don't have to hear him narrating me peeing."

"Ah Xigbar, that's disgusting."

"Not as disgusting as hearing what you're doing in dialogue."

"WHAT! Larxene what where you thinking! Don't you know how expensive Narrators are?! And how hard they are to come by?!"

"Geez Mansex, don't blow a gasket!"

"Why do we have a narrator again?"

"How should I know Xigbar? Listening to Mansex drown on and on about Kingdom Hearts is annoying enough as is."

"I like pie."

"Now who will we get to narrate what we do?"

"I see no problem."

"Oh course you don't Xigbar, but now look! Everything we do is now doesn't exist, just what we are saying! I don't even know who's talking anymore!"

"That would be because you're an idiot Demyx."

"You're mean!"

"Oh stop arguing you two!"

"Anyway Larxene, what got you so anger at him? What did he do?"

"He was narrating me having a shower."

"HA! Man I'd love to of heard THAT!"


"69 is a sexy number"


"That's what you get for being a pervert!"

"We must find a new one and remove this dead one."

"Okay, I'm confused; who said 69 is a sexy number?"

"Mmm, well who ever said 'I like pie' has now made me hungry."

"Um…does anyone else have a bad feeling that someone took Xaldin's lances away?"

"No, I gave those back yesterday."

"Where's the bathroom?"

"I swear you narrate yourself peeing I'm clobber you."

"Nope, I'll just wait till you have a shower Larxene."

The Narrator stirs, it would seem that Larxene did NOT kill him at all, and to relax Axel, no his name is not Kenny. Axel, Luxord, Larxene, Xigbar, and Xemnas all stand around with a bit of surprise as the Narrator sat up and rubbed his head. That is until Xaldin runs in and stabs the Narrator with a deer, yelling "DEER SHANK!"

A thud is heard, and some evil cackling.

"XALDIN! What the hell!"

"Sorry, he was still alive."


"This is my revenge for him narrating a little," ahem, "private moment I had in my room."

((AN: God this was fun to write…poor Narrator, THEY DIE SO FAST!))