Disclaimer: No I don't own Princess Tutu. I only own the plot... I think.

Pairing: FakirXAhiru

A/N: I fell in love with this pairing and had to write this fanfiction it just came to me and is now forcing me to write it.

Warning: Has not been edited or beta read. Please point out any inconsistence or grammatical errors and I will do my best to fix them.

Summary: Fakir lonely without Ahiru who has disappeared has now become engaged to Akemi. Now she is back and he has to chose between his finance that stood by him even with his foul attitude or Ahiru the duck turned girl once again.

Trouble With Love

The old woman smiled at the figure hidden in the shadows. "I am only doing this because I believe that everyone should have a chance at gaining their true love." She held she hand to her heart and a red light shone suddenly in her hand was a deep red pendent silver encasing it with arches at the top that meet at the bottom, giving the pendent a heart shape.

"Thank you." Was the reply from the shadows. The old woman smiled and held out the pendent holding onto the silver chain for a moment and then letting go it slipped to the floor. The old woman turned her back and walked into her home.

It was quite inside her home her dearest love passed away nearly 20 years ago. She went up the stairs to the bedroom they had once shared and slipped into their bed. She felt so very, very tired. She closed her eyes and saw her love enveloped in a white light reaching out to her. She smiled softly and took his hand knowing they would be together forever.

Fakir put down his quill with a sigh the ending had left him feeling sad, but he knew it was what the woman wanted most, to join her husband after so many years away from him. He looked out his window wondering where Ahiru was at this moment. She had left last winter without a word now it was almost fall, she had never come back.

Downstairs he heard the door open and felt his heartbeat quicken before hearing a softly spoken, "I'm home." He slumped back into his chair knowing it was foolish to wonder if it was Ahiru coming back to him. He had promised to never leave her side. In the end, much to his despair, she had left him. Fakir got up from his chair and made his way downstairs to meet Akemi his soon to be bride.

The very thought caused a sharp pain to go through his heart, he was not in love with her and had made that very clear to her yet she had manged to convince him that he should not be alone. He could once say that he was not alone that he had Ahiru. He felt his mouth become dry at the thought of the bright yellow energetic duck. He knew it was stupid and pointless,but he liked to each day at least once try to write her back to him today he ended up writing the old womans story.

Fakir looked up he stared into Akemi's soft chocolate brown eyes they were nothing compared to the brightness of Ahiru's crystal blue eyes. He felt his chest tighten at the comparison he chided himself silently, 'You could never be with a duck and don't forget she wa... is in love with Mytho.'

"Is everything all right?" Akemi asked softly placing a pale hand on his shoulder. He shook it off his face unreadable. She just smiled at him use to his cold treatment it was how he was with everyone. She walked away humming a tune.

Fakir glared at the wall Ahiru would have quaked at him until he told her exactly what was wrong because she had this strange way of knowing when he was trying to lie to her. First they would shout, then she would win do to her large sincere eyes, and then she would listen to his words carefully which in the end was exactly what he needed. Finally he would pick her up to hold her close and even give her one of his rare smiles that were meant only for her even now.

He heard Akemi from the kitchen she spoke loudly so her voice would carry over to him, "Aren't you excited just one more month until the wedding." He heard her giggle childishly he quickly rushed to the door suddenly feeling suffocated.

"I'm going to take a walk." Fakir growled as he grabbed his coat and exited his home. In front of him was the lake he never left his cabin although Akemi constantly begged him to move into the town because if Ahiru should ever return he wanted to be there for her. He turned away making his way into town he now worked as an instructor for ballet students helping them achieve their dreams to become better dancers.

He made his way over the small bridge and was frozen to the spot when he noticed a young woman with salmon-pink hair. His sharp green eyes moved over the body before moving towards the girl. "Ahiru..." He breathed afraid that this was just an illusion and that the spell would be broken if he did anything suddenly. The girl looked up and he was overwhelmed with his feelings as he stared into the brightest blue eyes and the unmistakable cheerful smile that could only belong to Ahiru.

She wore a pure white sun dress with a bright yellow coat over it protecting her arms from the autumn chill. Ahiru's eyes filled with tears as she saw Fakir he stiffened unsure what to do, he was never quite good with people including ones that cried. "Oh Fakir." She cried and threw herself into his arms he unconsciously wrapped his arms around her waist holding her close, he blushed softly at their close proximity.

She sniffled a few times her face hidden in his chest as she held onto him tightly. "I'm so sorry I should have told you I was leaving. I hope your not to angry." She felt his grip tighten, but also noticed his stiffness.

He was began shouting so suddenly that it caused her to loosen her grip. "Do you have any idea how worried I was? For all I knew you could have been eaten or have died!" She tried to pull away, but his gripped tightened on the petite girl. "Don't ever leave me like that again. Promise me."

Ahiru had to blink back the next onslaught of tears before she could answer. "I promise." She said softly never wanting to let him go.

He was the one who pulled away, she let go with great reluctance causing him to smirk at her. She flushed feeling suddenly very embarrassed. He looked down at her neck noticing the silver chain that lead down to the heart shaped pendent he had described in his story.

Fakir's green eyes softened as he stared at Ahiru knowing he was the one that gave her this extra chance. She blushed harder at his warm gaze and leaned forward. He knew what she wanted and he wanted to give it to her just as bad. He turned away he noticed her face scrunch up cutely with confusion.

"Ahiru I have to tell..." He was cut off when her soft lips met his in a short, but amazing kiss. Without a second thought he kissed back before tearing himself away. "Ahiru I'm getting married in a month." Fakir forced out before he did something they regretted.

Her eyes widened impossibly large and she took a quick step back. "I'm so sorry I had no idea... It was foolish... I'm such an idiot.." Ahiru babbled on until Fakir placed his hand firmly on her mouth.

"It's all right come on I'm taking you home it's getting late." He growled. He grabbed her wrist pulling her along before she could protest. Her face was a bright red she enjoyed his closeness. He momentarily forgot about the women waiting patiently at his cottage by the lake.

A/N: My second fanfic so please review even if it is a flame I need criticism to make my writing better and what better way to learn than to find out what the audience likes. I will start or put up the next chapter after I get 1 single review.

Press the blue button come on it won't bite.