The Celestial Kitsune


Mass harem (No set number)

But I decide if they will be in it.

Godlike, Powerful, Intellegent, Smart,

Devil May Cry, Inuyasha, Bleach, Yuyu Hakusho, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy Vii, Final Fantasy X/X-2, Final Fantasy Xii

This will be a Sakura & Sasuke bashing but it will get better later, for Sakura anyway

I don't own Naruto or any other anime/manga/game/book/show/movie, and I never will. So you can't sue me.



"Bijuu/Inner/Summon Talk"

'Bijuu/Inner in fox form Thinking'


Scene Change


"Bijuu human form talking to vessel"

'Bijuu human form thinking'



Chapter 7: Prelims and Month Break

Everyone stared at the hokage as he did his speech, except Naruto who was moving nervously until Gaara elbowed him in the stomach. "Itai..." Naruto said painfully. "What was that for?" he asked. "Calm down nii-san" Gaara whispered. "Nii-san?" Naruto whispered back. "Temari-nee-chan is in your harem, so that makes you my older brother" Gaara told him. Naruto nodded as Hayate finished talking.

Uchiha Sasuke vs. Uzumaki Hikari

Everyone, but those contenders & Hayate went upstairs. Sasuke stared at Hikari. "So I get to defeat the dobe's sister" he said. Hikari ignored him. "Hajime!" Hayate called. Sasuke rushed Hikari. "When I win, you will bare my children" Sasuke said in a cocky voice. Naruto gripped the rail. Hikari's eyes flashed open. "Good thing you won't then!" she yelled. She knocked Sasuke out with a water dragon blast. "Uh...shousha, Hikari!" Hayate yelled as everyone clapped.

(Sakura and Ino's match was the same, but they never faught over Sasuke. Neji and Hinata's match was the same, except he never tried to kill her and went easier. Shikamaru and Kin's match was the same. Gaara and Lee's match was the same, except Gaara didn't try to kill Lee and didn't crush his legs. Temari and Tenten's match was the same, except Naruto caught Tenten before she hit the fan.)

Abumi Zaku vs. Jio

The two stared each other down. "Too Easy" Zaku said. Jio just raised a eyebrow. "Hajime!" Hayate yelled. Zaku sent air waves after Jio who dodged all with precise movements. Jio then used a lightning spear on Zaku electrocuting him to death. Jio just walked away silently. "Shousha, Jio" Hayate said with a sweatdrop.

Kinuta Dosu vs. Koru

The two came down. "Your teammate killed mine, so I'm going to return the favor by destroying you" Dosu said. "Hmph. As if ya could!" Koru said. "Hajime!" Hayate said coughing. Dosu sent sound blast at Koru. Koru dodged and used a poisoned sword and cut off Dosu's arms. "Ahhhhh!" Dosu yelled in pain. "Told ya so" Koru yelled then stabbed Dosu in the chest. Dosu died in a matter of minutes. "Shousha, Koru!" Hayate said with a cough. Everyone cheered.

Inuzuka Kiba vs. Nii Yugito

Kiba stared Yugito down. "Your going down dog boy!" Yugito hissed. "Ha! As if cat girl!" Kiba barked. "Hajime!" Hayate said. "Gatsuuga!" Kiba and Akamaru attacked. Yugito dodged. This kept up for 45 minutes. "That's it. Time to let the dog out. Death Lion Blast!" Yugito yelled. A skeletal lion attacked Kiba then exploded. Kiba was unconcious. "Shousha, Yugito!" Hayate said.

(Kankuro got his chakra drained by Shino's bugs. Sayuri knocked Chouji unconcious)

Uzumaki Naruto vs. Momochi Haku

The two stared at each other as Chouji was pulled away. "Hajime!" Hayate yelled coughing. "Hyoton: Crystal Sphere!" Naruto called as spheres made of ice blocked the ice senbons. "Hyo Bushin no Justu!" Naruto said as a ice clone got behind Haku who dodged the hit. This kept up for a hour before Naruto knocked Haku unconcious. "Shousha, Naruto!" Hayate said as everyone cheered. Naruto healed Haku. "Ugh, what happened Naru-kun?" Haku said. "We faught. I won. Here, I'll carry you upstairs" Naruto said as Haku got on his back.

After ahile all winners came down and drew numbers to see who faught who.

Match 1~ Neji vs. Naruto

Match 2~ Shikamaru vs. Temari

Match 3~ Gaara vs. Jio

Match 4~ Koru vs. Sayuri

Match 5~ Yugito vs. Shino

Match 6~ Winner of Match 5 vs. Hikari

Everyone nodded and left for training. Naruto, Gaara, and Jio went to train alone. Shikamaru and Shino left to train with their dads. Temari went to train with Baki. Sayuri went to train with Zabuza. Hikari went to train with Kushina. Koru and Yugito left to train with their sensei. Naruto got permission to leave the village.

*5 hours later*

Naruto was walking around when he saw a group. It was a man, a woman, and four girls. The man had short gold hair and violet eyes. He wore a white t-shirt, blue jeans, and red sneakers. The woman had long violet hair in a braid. She had emerald eyes. She wore a purple knee-high dress and high heels. One girl was 15, one was 14, and the last two were 13. The 15 year old had shoulder-length white hair and gold eyes. She wore a white tank top, blue capris, and sandals. She also had a gold butterfly barratte in her hair. The 14 year old had long black hair in a pony tail and gray eyes. She wore a black halter top, black miniskirt, and black combat boots. She had a black chocker on. The last two girls were twins. One had shoulder-length scarlet hair and amber eyes. She wore a red tanktop, blue jeans, and red sneakers. The other girl had long midnight blue hair and sky blue eyes. She wore baby blue halter top, blue capris, and sandals. "Aldonis-sensei? Miyomi-san? Ka-chan? Shini-chan? Ama-chan? Tsuki-chan?" Naruto said.

They smiled as two girls snuck up on him. Both had silver hair and gold eyes. They were twins. One had her hair in a french braid. The other had shoulder-length hair. The one with the french braid was 5'5". She wore a white halter top, capris, and sandals. She also wore a silver bracelet, anklet, necklace, and earring with a gold crescent moon on it. The one with the shoulder-length hair was 5'4" and wore a white tank top, jean skirt, and flip flops. Her necklace, bracelet, anklet, and earrings were silver with a gold star on each. The girl with the braid put her hand on Naruto's shoulder. Naruto turned around and stared wide-eyed at them. "Destiny? Fate?" he said as he remembered how he meet them.

*Flashback to 4 years ago*

"Where are we going, Aldonis-sensei?" a 9-year old Naruto asked. "I'm going to introduce you to my neices" Aldonis said. They walked in a door that had silver oak. Inside were two beautiful twins. Both seemed 12 and they were looking through a crystal ball. Both wore silver gowns that went to their ankles and neither had shoes. Both had silver hair and gold eyes. One had a french braid that went to her butt. She was staring at Naruto with a raised eyebrow. She had a silver necklace, bracelet, anklet, and earrings with a gold crescent moon on it. She was about 4'5". The other girl had shoulder-length hair and her eyes held curiousity. She had a silver necklace, bracelet, anklet, and earrings with a gold star on it. She was about 4'4". "Naruto that is my neice Destiny" Aldonis said pointing to the twin with the braid. "and her sister Fate" he said pointing to the other twin. "Nice to meet ya" Naruto said. "Same here" Destiny said. "What she said" Fate said. They all smiled.

*End Flashback*

"Why are you all here?" Naruto asked. "We came to watch you in the chunin exams" Destiny explained. Naruto nodded and sent a shadow clone to lead them there.

*5 hours later*

The group followed the clone inside. Sarutobi stared at Aldonis. "Long time no see, Hiruzen" Aldonis said. Sarutobi nodded. Aldonis introduced everyone and they were sent to stay with Naruto. The clone dispersed. Meanwhile Naruto came upon a group of girls. All kunoichi were nuke-nin. One had red hair that went to her back and blue eyes. One had brown hair and purple eyes. One had brown hair in a bun with a Hoshi Hitei-ite on her forehead. One had dark blue hair and black eyes with some bandages on her face. One had green hair with two blonde bangs in the front and a hitei-ite. One had shoulder length brown hair and black eyes. One had orange hair and brown eyes. One had brown hair and black eyes and wore a iwa hitei-ite on her waist. One had dark blue hair and black eyes with a crown on. One had light blue hair and red eyes and wore a taki hitei-ite on her forearm. One had brown hair and brown eyes. One had dark blue hair and light blue eyes.

Naruto walked up to them. "Who are you?" the taki nin asked. "My name is Uzumaki Naruto. Who are you guys?" he asked. "I am Fuuka" said the red head. "I'm Princess Haruna" said the one with brown hair and purple eyes. "Name's Hokuto" said the hoshi nin. "I'm Isarabi" said the girl with the bandages. "Kujaku" said the strange colored hair nin. "Matsuri" said the shoulder-length haired girl. "Fuuma Sasame" said the orange-haired girl. "Kamizuru Shizumebachi" said the iwa nin. "I'm princess Toki" said the girl with the crown. "Beize" said the Taki nin. "Kurama Yakumo" said the other brown haired girl. "Princess Koyuki" said the last girl. Naruto talked with them and convinced them to join Konoha. Just then Kin ran up injured. "Kin-chan what happened?" Naruto asked. Kin explained that Orochimaru tried to kill her by sending his nins after her. She ended up staying with them. He sent a clone to talk to the Hokage for the girls and they all ended up staying at his house. After that the clone dispersed.

*3 days later*

Naruto ran into a bar and saw Jiraiya. He ran up to them. They talked and Naruto signed the toad contract. He summoned Gamabunta on his first try. Turned out Naruto could have multiple summons. They left to train for the month.

Hajime~ Begin

Shousha~ Winner

Nii-san~ Big Brother

Gatsuuga~ Fang Over Fang

Nee-chan~ Elder Sister

Hyoton~ Ice Style

Hyo Bushin~ Ice Clone

Hoshi~ Star

Iwa~ Rock

Taki~ Waterfall

Anyone know what village Kujaku is from?