Hiya Guys,

Just wanted to drop in and say that yes….a sequel is underway….finally. I've been getting notes on it increasingly to almost 2 or 3 times a week for the last 3 months now, and it has really inspired me to go ahead and put one together. I'd thought about it afterwards….either making a completely separate sequel, or just making one, but continuing it in this one; and I'm going to just continue on posting in this story, since it will now be a continuation part and not a separate entity, and will round itself in reference to the first in upcoming chapters. That and it will just make it that much easier to give you guys updates since a good half of the people who've probably read this have faved it.

Honestly, thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. It was my first seriously serious fanfic, and I'm not used to writing much stuff like this, much less stuff at all in general LOL, but please know that I 1.) never expected this to get the audience that it has, and 2.) you guys are the absolute best.

But yeah!

Continuation is afoot!

Best Regards And Well-Wishes,
