The next morning Cam and Booth are returning from a crime scene with a body that is squarely in her department. She begins her initial examination. Seeley listens as she points a few things out. She looks at her watch, and then at him.

"Where is doctor Brennan?"

"Why would I know?"

"Booth where is she?"

"Did you check her office?"

"No is she there?"

"I don't know," he shrugs.

"Is she here?"

"Yes she is here. I drove her here this morning."

"So then where is she?"

"I don't know. Do you need her for something?"

"Maybe," she answers as she takes off her gloves. She slips them into the biohazard bin and leaves the room. She walks past Dr. Brennan's office and finds that she isn't there. She stops at Angela's office next.

"Hey Angela have you seen Dr. Brennan?"

"I think that she's in bone storage."

"Ok. Thank you," Cam leaves Angela's office and heads for bone storage.

She enters bone storage as Temperance is studying a skull.

"Dr. Brennan what are you doing?"

"I'm examining this skull."

"Not what I'm talking about, and you know it."

"What are you talking about?"

"What is that?"


"Strapped to your chest," she points.

Temperance looks down and then looks at Cam guiltily. Cam comes around and peers inside the contraption.

"Care to explain why he's there?"

"Why who's where?"

"Why do you have him here?"

"I'm sorry. I... I know that you wouldn't want to bring him. Booth told me that he would be fine with the nanny."


"I couldn't leave him."

"I'm sure that the nanny you hired is perfectly capable of taking care of him."

"I'm sure that she is too..."

"So what is the problem then?"

"I woke up this morning and it suddenly hit me that I had to leave him."

"Yes," Cam nods, "That's how things work."

"And I couldn't control myself. I just started crying... and I was hysterical. I don't know why but I couldn't leave him. I told you that I was going to be at work today, and I didn't want to change my plans at the last minute."

"So you thought that it would be ok to bring your baby to work with you?"

"I knew that you wouldn't like it. I'll go home."



"Just don't let him contaminate any evidence."


"He can stay. Today... just this once. I understand why you wouldn't want to leave him. Look at him he's gorgeous. I knew that this was going to be hard for you after everything that you've been through. Can I offer a word of advice?"

"Uh huh."

"Don't project what you know about his... beginnings onto him. People will treat him differently if you do. Even if it's not right they'll treat him differently. Don't give them any reasons to judge him before they get to know him. Just present him as your son... and leave the rest unsaid."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Your nanny isn't going to treat him any differently than any of the other children that she's taken care of. To her he's just another sweet little baby. To most people he's just a sweet baby."

"He is."

"I know that, but... other people aren't as rational as you are. Most people have difficulty with ridding out their preconceived notions about things, about people."



"What if..."

"We're all here for you, and for him."


"That being said don't bring him to work tomorrow."

"Ok," she agrees.

Just after lunchtime Temperance is in her office catching up on paperwork. The is a knock on her door. She looks up and sees Caroline Julian standing in her doorway.

"Can I help you with something Caroline?"

"No I just heard that you were back at work."


"How's it going?" she asks from the doorway.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you getting back into the groove of things here?"

"It's been sort of slow. I've been in bone storage most of the day."

"How are you holding up?"

"Holding up?"

"You seem calm. Did you do ok leaving your little one this morning."

"Not exactly."

"It's tough, you'll be ok though."

"Come in," Temperance tells her.

Caroline sits down across the desk from Temperance. Suddenly Temperance disappears.

"Cherie where did you go?"

Temperance resurfaces. She stands up and places a carseat in front of Caroline.

"Does Dr. Saroyan know that he's here?"


"May I?"

"Yes, of course," she nods taking a seat.

Caroline unstraps the sleeping infant and gently takes him out of his carseat. Caroline studies the little boy wrapped in a blue blanket with a green cap on his head. As she studies the infant his eyes come open.

"You've got big eyes," she comments.

"The better to see you with," Temperance answers smiling.

"Does he have hair?"

"Uh huh," Temperance gets up walks around the desk. She slips his cap off.

"Well look at that," Caroline smiles.

Temperance leans against her desk.

"So he's a keeper?" Caroline asks.

Temperance stares at her little boy and answers, "Yeah."

"You did good Dr. Brennan."

"I had very little to do with it."

"You had everything to do with it. You're a strong woman. He's lucky," Caroline carefully gets out of her seat and hands the baby to Temperance.

"It'll get easier to leave him."

"Is that true or are you just telling me that?"

"You get used to it. When my daughter was little I hated leaving her. I dreaded getting up every morning. As she got older I was glad that I went to work because it made coming home to her that much sweeter. He's the reward you get at the end of every day."

"Thanks Caroline."

"Don't waste your opportunity either."

"Excuse me?"

"Don't let Booth slip away. He's a keeper too," she tells Temperance as she leaves the office.

"Yes he is," she agrees once Caroline is out of earshot.

She sees Cam coming towards her. She groans inwardly.

"Dr. Brennan could you come look at the remains for me?"

"I don't want to contaminate..."

"Come with me."

Temperance follows her to Angela's office.

"Angela will you take him for a little while so that Dr. Brennan can help me?"

"Gladly," Angela lights up. She takes the baby before Temperance can protest, or even react.

Temperance simply follows Cam into the exam room that the remains are in.

"What am I looking at?"

"The head was severed?"

"Yes," she nods in understanding.

"I know that you have some expertise with this sort of things."

"You're asking me if I know what it is?"

"I'm guessing that you've probably seen this a couple more times than I have. My thing is more gunshots than..."

"It's a saw."

"What kind?"

"Not a hacksaw, if it were the kurf marks would be irregular. These are relatively even."

"So a chain saw?"

"No a chain saw wouldn't leave markings this neat."

"What are you thinking?"

"It's not definite, but I would say that this guy's head got disarticulated from the rest of his body by means of a circular saw."

"Ouch. That would hurt. The blood evidence suggests that he was still alive when his head was removed."