Uh Oh

I know, I'm a horrible person for making you wait this long for this chapter. I'll have to admit that i've had a bit of writers block with this story, but the block has been removed and a couple more chapters will be written so i can end my 2nd full length story.

It's a total Bella/Edward chapter which you will be happy with :)

Also, the start of this chapter is similar to the prologue. Before you say anything, that was the intention, i'm not trying to recycle a chapter i've already written, it will be all made clear to you once you've finished reading.

Hope you likie.

Bella POV

The rain was crashing down harder than it ever had since I'd lived in Forks, yet I was standing in it, getting soaked to the bone without a care in the world.

I had no idea why I was there, but I knew I was waiting for something. This place was important, why else would I be standing here in the thunderous rain? But in my haze of confusion I couldn't fathom why this place would be so special. I recognised where I was, I was standing in a field that was a little way out from where I lived, it was just grass and trees, the usual greenery that covered Forks like a blanket.

Over the rain I saw movement from within the trees. My first conclusion was that it must be an animal trying to shelter from the weather, but as my brain slowly sped up I realised it could only be one thing. This was what I was waiting for; whatever was in those trees was going to change my life.

I wandered over to the lip of the trees and a pair of strong arms grabbed me by the shoulders and yanked me forward.

I looked into the sunshine yellow eyes of my attacker and I was taken aback when I realised who it was.

"Bella, it's time." He smiled soberly as he scanned the forest quickly.

"I'm not ready!" I wanted to scream, but my voice box wouldn't work. "Edward isn't here!" I tried to plead.

"I'm sorry Bella, but we can't wait any longer."

He leant towards my neck and placed his lips against my skin. I closed my eyes in fear as I felt his teeth graze my flesh for a millisecond. When I expected the bite to come, I felt a jolt of pain as I was knocked to the ground. All I felt was the throbbing pain that immersed my whole body, I daren't open my eyes in fear of what I might see. I was surprised to feel that the pain was not just in my neck, it covered me from head to toe. I had expected to feel the burning fire that I had experienced when James bit my hand two years ago, but I just felt a normal kind of pain, a human kind of pain.

I rolled over so I was on my front, and slowly opened my eyes, searching for Fin, wanting to know why he'd had a change of heart at the last minute. I scanned between the trees quickly and started to walk unsteadily towards the clearing, only slightly aware that I was about to get soaked by the rain again.

As I got closer to my destination I saw two white blurs about twenty yards away and I knew something was wrong. I knew I was in danger and Fin must've gone to stop whatever threatened my life.

That had to be the only reason he left me.

I saw a body flying toward me in what seemed slow motion, and I managed to run out of the way in time. There was a shatter of wood against something heavy and I found Fin picking himself up to go back and fight.

"What are you doing?" I asked mutedly in shock.

He looked at me with scared eyes and informed me,

"Edward's here. You need to leave Bella. He found out."

I shook my head and went to grab his muscular arm to make him stay, but he was already gone from my side back to his scrap with Edward.

"Stop it!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as the rain lashed down and lightning threatened to strike the skies. My command didn't work because my voice didn't work.

I hoped desperately that Alice or Gwen were on their way to stop their brothers from brawling, but the rain fell harder, and the fighting got worse as the gut wrenching seconds ticked past.

I came to the conclusion that no one was coming to stop it, we three were alone and it was all because of me.

I looked on hopelessly as they fought, wishing I could do something, anything to make them stop. I couldn't watch them do this to each other, but strangely I was mesmerised by the blur unable to take my eyes away. If only I was a newborn vampire, I kept thinking, I could stop the dispute easily. But the reality was that I was a still weak human; I was as fragile as glass when it came to the male vampires' unstoppable strength. I'd be the one getting hurt in the middle of it all, their skin wouldn't even be harmed from my weak effort.

That's when the idea struck me; I had to do what I did when Victoria attacked us. I had to sacrifice myself just like the third wife in Billy Black's story. I didn't even need to think about it twice, it was as simple as last time. If I was the one to put myself in danger, it would stop them fighting each other and unite them in the act of stopping me. My plan was foolproof.

As I closed my eyes once again, I ran towards them, bracing myself for the collision.

All that ran through my head was "please don't let Edward kill Fin. Or vice-versa."

I sprinted faster than ever, the adrenaline coursing through me, making me run faster then I ever had in my life. I knewing I was getting closer to my target, it had to be a matter of seconds now. I opened my eyes to see whether I'd caught their attention yet, and saw that I was right in my predicition.

The wind whipped at my hair and somehow I managed to trip over my own feet, now flying face first into them.

I felt myself fall slowly, and my head collided with someone's foot, pain exploded against my head...

I woke with start.

I blinked several times and my head throbbed in pain. My room was covered in darkness, and realised my breathing was ragged. As my body slowly woke itself up I realised I was leaning against something cold and solid, that was what I'd hit my head against.

It could only be one thing, Edward.

He brushed my hair calmly and hummed a soothing tune into my ear. My breathing slowed down and I started to ease up. I was safe; I didn't need to stop the fight anymore because there wasn't one.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me softly, yet there was something different about his voice that I couldn't put my finger on.

"I'm fine. It was just a silly nightmare." I replied now on edge. At this point I was glad that he couldn't hear my thoughts otherwise it really would start the fight I'd just dreamed about.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Not really, I don't want to dwell on it." I told him hesitantly as I took my arms away from his torso.

"You sounded worried." He said abruptly as I froze in my sitting position.

"When?" I asked slowly.

"When you were dreaming. You said you weren't ready and that I wasn't there. What weren't you ready for?"

I decided to bite the bullet and tell the truth, well some of it.

"I was dreaming about being changed by Alice, and you weren't there. I couldn't change without you there; you have to be the one to do it. That's the deal." I lied fluidly, hoping that I sounded convincing enough.

"Oh, well if that's the truth."

I looked at his face in the darkness and I saw it was pained with disappointment, I knew right there and then he knew I had lied.

"Edward I..." I began but he silenced me with a cracking voice.

"He was here last night. He was lying in this bed with you whilst I was away. I can smell it. I smell it in the air, I smell it against the sheets. He stayed the night didn't he?"

"Edward, he..."

"Did he want to change you?"


"His sister then." It wasn't a question.

"Yeah Gwen offered, but I said no..." I explained, "It has to be you, you know it has. No one else can do it."

"Did you consider their offer?" He asked, with a note of hesitation.

I knew he was desperate for me to say no, so he could know that even though his worst fear had been confirmed, I hadn't strayed away from him, that I'd held to our agreement. He wanted to know that I'd been resolute in my decision; he wanted to ease up so badly, he wanted to be able to lie back and laugh at his jealousy like I had been doing.

My heart broke when I knew I couldn't give him the answer he wanted so badly. I'd lied to him once tonight, I couldn't do it again.

"I did." I replied so ashamed of myself.

Now it was his turn to turn rigid. I went to touch him but thought twice about it. He was obviously disgusted with me. He hadn't replied in over a minute.

"Edward, say something please." I begged.

"I don't think I have anything to say. They did exactly what I said they would, and then you betrayed me by considering their offer."

"I've been waiting three years for you to change me, and you wonder why I considered it?"

"You don't know how hard it is for me to even think about it, Bella. I could kill you! And that's just for starters!"

"So why not let them do it?" I asked him frustrated. I hated the excuse he always gave me. If he loved me enough he wouldn't kill me. And I knew he loved me enough to stop, so really I didn't see a problem. He just didn't have enough faith in himself.

"Let them do it then." He replied heatedly. "But don't expect me to be there when you're a newborn."

I gasped as I felt my heart freeze over with anguish.

"You don't mean that." I breathed out raggedly.

"I think I do." He replied sadly.

He left my side and disappeared out of my window into the night. I fixed my gaze onto the window, trying to telepathically tell him to come back, but I knew it wouldn't work. Our relationship had been broken, and I didn't know how to mend it.

I lowered my gaze and watched my tears fell thick and fast onto my pillow, saturating it with water. I cried quietly into my wet pillow and finally fell back to sleep.

The memory of Edward walking away into the forest, leaked into my dream and stretched it out so I had to endure the agony even longer whilst I slept.

I'd made the wrong choice and now I was paying for it.


Edward ran through the trees as fast as he could, trying to push out the sound of Bella's crying as it burned his ears with pain.

He himself was trying so hard not to dry sob as he felt a burning agony radiate throughout his body.

She'd gone behind his back and considered becoming a creature of the night, without talking about it to him. They were a couple; they were supposed to talk about things like this, well about her change especially.

He'd made himself clear about the arrangement with her. He would do it, but she'd have to be patient and wait. He didn't feel strong enough yet, he couldn't trust himself with her blood. He couldn't be certain that he wouldn't suck her dry, because if he did, he'd be the one responsible for her death. He'd become an even worse monster than he already was, he would've killed the love of his life because he hadn't been strong enough. He shivered at the thought.

As he approached home, it hurt him even more to know that it was Finley and his sister who she'd considered it with. Who were they to come barging in and change Bella because they thought it was the right thing to do? Hatred swam through his veins and he desperately wanted to find Finley and tear him to shreds first before he killed the sister also.

But he thought against it. Bella would never forgive him if he did kill the irksome vampire and his obnoxious sister.

Because whatever had happened with them, he still loved Bella and wanted to protect her and keep her happy.

Whatever his emotions were right now, he knew what he'd said to her was cruel and hurtful. If she did change then he had to be there whether he approved or not. She was the one he wanted to spend eternity with and he was hurting so much right now from hurting her it was unfathomable.

He spun round in a perfect motion and made his way back to Bella's window so he could watch over her.

Even though he didn't want to apologise yet, he still wanted to watch over her because it made him feel at ease.

This argument was stupid, he concluded. If she wanted to change he couldn't stop her, all he could do now was be supportive and try and not let his dislike of the Jordan siblings get in the way anymore.

He was going to resolve this all first thing in the morning.

The break in their relationship had to be mended.

Reviews (equals) loves!

Also I've decided Fin's clan is going to be called the Jordan clan, just in case you were wondering.

Sorry again for making you wait so long!