The Teen Titans have left the JL school for heroes on their first mission. Protect Harry Potter

Robin and the Teen Titans stood in Diagon Alley, looking around in awe; everywhere they looked there were signs of the magical world they had all ignored. Witches and wizards milled, rushed and wandered from shop to shop. Some sold potions ingredients others robes or wands or pets. The seven teenagers looked to their guide; a large man whose face was mostly hidden by a bushy black beard that beetle-like eyes shone through. The man, Hagrid they'd been told, reached into one of his gigantic pockets and pulled out seven small pouches of coins. "Courtesy o' Dumbledore himself." The man muttered handing them to each of his charges. "This little lot'll get you everything you need. I'll leave you to get your things but leave the wand till last. I'll meet you all there." And with that instruction the large man left.
"Raven you take the girls and I'll take the others. Meet you at the wand shop." Robin ordered but he wasn't Robin anymore, not without his mask to cover the storm grey eyes, he was Richard Grayson now, sure as Raven was Rachel Roth, an average girl with black hair and no chakra, and the others were who they had been before the Titans.

"Sure." The empath replied, walking away Phoenix and Starfire in tow.

"Robes." Cydney Flare raised an eyebrow at her friends.

"Come on Nix, we need to do this." Rachel muttered, leading her friends into Madam Malkin's Robes for all Occasions.
"Cyd. Rach. Not Phoenix anymore." Cydney hissed, pushing Kori in front of her.

Inside the shop robes lined the walls and a small podium sat in the middle. Standing atop the podium was a teenage girl roughly the same age as the female Titans. She had bushy brown hair and russet eyes that held an intelligent glint. Carefully the trio walked towards the girl.
"Ah you'll be wanting some robes then?" A woman stepped out from behind the counter holding a tape measure. Cydney bit back her sarcastic reply instead letting Kori answer.

"Yes please. We are starting at the school of Wizardry and will be requiring the robes of uniform." Rachel and Cydney fought the urge to roll their eyes as the woman waved them towards the podium and the brown haired girl. "Wait here." The woman left.

"Hello." The girl said politely, smiling down at the trio. "I'm Hermione Granger." This time neither heroine could stop the eye roll as Kori gave her traditional greeting.

"Hello. I am Kori Anders. Please, what is your favourite colour, do you go to the Hogwarts and will you be my friend?" Even Hermione Granger lifted an eyebrow.

"Uh…purple, yes and yes." She replied, looking at the other Titan girls.

"Cydney Flare and Rachel Roth." They muttered unison; painfully aware that with Raven's hair dyed black they could pass for sisters.

"You're new aren't you?" The girl continued, oblivious to their discomfort.

"Ten for observation." Cydney whispered, eliciting a quiet laugh from Rachel.

"I guess I'll se you at school." Hermione huffed, hopping off of the podium, picking up her robes and leaving the shop before they could reply.

Richard, the blonde haired and green eyed Garfield, Victor and Matthew pushed their way through the crowds and towards the bookshop. The boys filed in, ignoring the mass of other customers, only concentrating on finding the books that they needed and getting out alive. "Let's see I've got Care of Magical Creatures." Garfield muttered picking up a Monster book of Monsters only to drop it when it began to snap at his fingers. As the hero dived for the renegade book another hand bent to pick it up.
"Here. Stroke the spine." A tall redhead told him, cobalt eyes smiling.

"Thanks." Gar replied, doing as the other teen had suggested. "I'm Garfield Logan but everyone calls me Gar." He held out a lightly tanned hand.
"Ronald Weasley but everyone calls me Ron." The other boy smiled back shaking his hand. "So you're new to Hogwarts?"
"Yeah. Just transferred with a few friends." Gar replied leading his newfound friend to his teammates. "This is Richard, Victor and Matt."
"Hey. I'm Ron."
"And I'm Harry. Harry Potter." Another boy added appearing at Ron's side with an armful of books. He had unruly jet-black hair and bottle green eyes that hid behind round glasses. "Come on Ron, we need to meet 'Mione. See you guys at school." The other boy told his friends before almost dragging him from the shop.

"So that was Harry Potter?" Richard asked, emerging from the crowd on Garfield's left. "He doesn't look so special."

"Dude. Did you just say that the boy who lived was nothing special?" Gar all but yelled.

"Yeah. He did." Matt smiled joining the conversation followed by Victor. "Let's go."

The two groups of Titans met up outside Ollivanders and were shortly joined by Hagrid. "Ok Titans. This is the most important moment of your wizarding career, you may wan' to savour the momen'." The man told them, holding the door. Rachel rolled her eyes comically towards Victor before following her friends inside. The large shop was reminiscent of a library full of dusty old shelves but stacked not with books but with wands.

"Ah you'll be the Titans." A creaky old voice said from behind the desk. The seven teenagers looked up to see an old man, cradling a few wand boxes in his arms as he descended the ladder. "I have all but two three wands here." The man continued, Rachel could only guess that he was Ollivander. The old man laid four long thin boxes out on the counter in front of Richard, Kori, Victor and Matthew. "These have their power inside. Something close to your person was added so it is truly your power. Choose." Richard frowned but raised his hand, waving it through the air above the boxes until he felt a shock run through his arm.

"That one." He whispered. Ollivander nodded.
"Oak, Phoenix Feather and a Robin's Feather." Cyd fought a smile. Kori was next. "Willow, unicorn hair and stardust." Victor. "Oak, dragon heartstring and a technology chip." And Matt. "Rowan, unicorn hair and apple grass." Every Titan frowned at Matthew but didn't question him. The four with wands raised them and sparks shot from each one, red, green, blue and red again. "Now for you three…" Ollivander muttered waving to the wandless trio. "You have magic in your blood name them." Taking that as her cue Rachel began.

"Empathy and telekinesis."

"Metamorphism." Gar finished, looking the old man in the eye. Ollivander smiled, thoughtfully.

"Try this." He told Rachel. Instantly warmth spread through her fingers and deep purple sparks shot from the dark piece of wood. "Rowan and a sliver of the Ajah crystal." Rachel nodded pocketing the wand while the man moved to Cydney. "Here." Nothing happened. Ollivander passed her wand after wand until she felt an electric current pass through her arm.
"This one." She whispered, watching the small fire burning on the edge of the wood.

"Ash and phoenix feather. How ironic." Ollivander mused moving on to Garfield. "For you I have something special." The blonde's eye lit up. "Hornbeam and unicorn horn. The only one ever made." As the wand passed into the young changeling's hand emerald green sparks lit the room and all sounds from outside were replaced with the sounds of the forest. "Strange." The wand maker whispered, taking the money for the wands before ushering them from his shop.

Hagrid took them back out into 'muggle' London, a frown labelling his warm face whenever he looked the teenage heroes in the eyes. "Here are you're tickets." He whispered. "I'll see you at school." He added watching Raven's power swallow the new witches and wizards, taking them back to the world of heroes until September 1st.

please review. I can't improve if I don't know how.