this is a new story i have thought of, not recently , i have had it in my head for atleast two months, i just now am able to post it though, for reasons i can tell you...because i haven't made them yet, enjoy another story

Kiba is walking down the road as usuall, he is not really going anywhere, but anything to get away from his house. His mother Tsume always getting him go do chores that seem more like somthing you would hire somone for. for example, a week ago she had him move almost one hundred and fifty dog food bags into a shed, not it might not seem like 'that much', but you have to understand, there Inuzuka, witch means no fifty or one hundred pound bags of dog food, no, they use two hundred pound bags. so it not only took him all day, but after he had no energy left to do anything else. On top of that after he finished his mom had the nearves to say "good job Kiba, now you will do the other half tomarrow", wich made Kiba think about moving out. And on top of his mom, there was his sister, Hana. A normal sister would be nice to her younger brother, but thats not the case with Inuzuka women. His sister just loves to torment him any chance she had. That ment stealing the remote, hiding it , moveing a chair out from under him when he is about to sit down, then have the nerve to say "what are you doing Kiba?, your suposed to sit ON the CHAIR, not the floor". Or she on occasion would just love to backhand him on the back of his head for no reason. So yes, he loved to just take walks. During this perticual walk Kiba happend apon the only person that could make any horrible day seem normal. It was Hinata, the one who he had a crush on since they became genin and were stationed on the same team. But that is anchent history, there sixteen now, and much more mature,...well...atleast Hinata is.

"Hey Hinata , what are you doing?" Kiba asked seeing Hinata stareing into a shop window

"o, hey Kiba, nothing, just browzing" she said looking away from said window

"looking at somthing in perticular?"

"not really" she said waving her hands in front of her

Kiba looked into the window she was looking threw, and inside was a silver neclase shaped like a heart


Hinata started to blush

"i thought you wernt into jewlry Hinata, at least thats what you told me"


"so am i to say that you lied to me?"

"no-no, its just...its so nice" she said blushing again

Kiba started to giggle

"what?" she asked

"nothing Hinata, planing somthing today?"

"not really, no"

"o, well want to go to the park?"

"sure, race you there?" she asked knowing he liked to race

"yeah, ill tell you what, ill give you a head start"

"well thats not fair" she said smileing

"on the contrary, thats what makes it fair, now go, i wont wait to long"

"ok" she said as she turned and ran

Kiba waited just long enough to where he couldnt see her

"hey MR" he said calling the cleark

"yeah?" he said walking up

"how much is that?" Kiba asked pointing to the silver neclase

"two hundred"

"ill take it" Kiba said handing him the money

"thanks for the buisness"

"thanks for the perfect present"

Kiba raced to the park, knowing that Hianta had goton there first. Kiba finally arrived a few minets later, but didnt like what he was seeing. Kiba stoped as he saw Hinata and Naruto talking next to an oak tree, and with his Inuzuka hearing he could hear them perfectly

"Hinata?" Naruto asked

"yeah" She responed blushing

"i have somthing for you"


"yeah, just close your eyes"


Hinata closed her eyes, and Naruto pulled somthing out of his pocket

"what is that?" Kiba thought as Naruto pulled somthing out of his pocket. "o hell no"

Hinata opened her eyes, and looked down to spot a certain silver neclase around her neck. Hinata's gasp could be herd in suna

"OOOOO, I LOVE IT, THANK YOU NARUTO" she said hugging him "but...whats it for?"

"its a present, for my new girlfriend"

"r-really?" she asked stunend

"yes, Hinata? will you go out with me?"

"O YES YES, I WILL" she said as she raped her armes around him

Kiba watched in horror as his chance went down the drain. so reluctantly, he ran home, to his awaiting not so freindly family

Kiba opened the door, with a disapointed look on his face

"awh, Kiba just in time, i need you to do my chores" Hana said smiling

Kiba just walked up to his room, anoying his elder sister. Kiba sat on his bed, staring at the neclase he was going to give Hinata

"DAM IT" he shouted as he threw it at the wall accros his room

Kiba started laughing as it broke into two peices, down the middle

"how ironic" he said laying down

it had been two weeks since the day Hinata and Naruto started dating, and Kiba was called to lunch by his freinds.

Kiba let out a big sigh, as he play with his food

"whats wrong Kiba?" Shikamaru asked

Kiba just stare at him funny

"what?" Shikamaru asked

"your asking whats wrong?, wouldnt it be to 'troublesome' to ask?" Kiba said using quote marks with his fingers

"he has a point" Choji said finally stoping eating

"i have a limit, its anoying to sit hear and watch you act like that" Shikamarut replied

"like what?" Kiba asked

"your sulking. your not acting like yourself, your sighing way to much, you have a steak in front of you, and you havent takeing a bite, you havent even talked in the past five minets, and thats not you" Shikamaru stated

"wow, with out your keen evaluation my mood would have gone uncheaked, thanks" Kiba said sarcasticly

"it you dont want my help..."

Kiba let out another big sigh " Its Hinata, she started dating Naruto"

"yes, thats common knowlage" Shikamaru said with Choji nodding

" well, MR IQ of two hundred, if you so smart you would have known i like her"

"yes, i know"


"its still no excuse, get out, meet some more girls, she isnt the only fish in the sea Kiba"

"O, and you have the right to talk?, ever since Ino started dating the emo Suaske, you have been the same way" Kiba said knowing he his a soft spot

Shikamaru just stared at Kiba

"WHAT?" Kiba yelled agian

"im going to forget that Kiba, but your still not telling me the whole story"

Kiba rolled his eyes "fine, its not just that, ...its that i havent even seen Hinata for more then five minets total after she started dating Naruto"

"i see, you miss her"

"your stating the obvious again"

" then why dont you arrange a day together, just because she is dating, dosnt mean she cant hang out with her freinds"

"why would she want to hang out with me now?, she has Naruto"

"because, your still her freind Kiba, Naruto can only do so much, you still play apart in her life"

"fine, ill ask her, ok, not stop bugging me"

"good, now eat, your steak is getting cold" Shikamaru said pointing to his steak

"i ordered it cold"


"hello?" Hinata said from the other end

"hey Hinata, its me Kiba"

"hey Kiba, what you doing?"

"well, i have two tickets to see Iron-Man, want to come?"

"o sure, i would love to come"

"great, the movies are starting in three hours, ill pick you up in a while?"


"hey Hinata, are you ready?" Naruto asked from the background

"o, thats right, just a second Naruto" she said

"o, hey Kiba, im sorry i forgot, i cant go, i am going with Naruto out for dinner, maybe later" she said

"o...thats alright, maybe later" Kiba said disapointed

"i have to go by" she said hanging up

Kiba smacked his phone agianst his head "fuck"

yes yes, you all can see where this story is going right, well if you can,...fuck you, joking, i just have nothing to write at the end of these chapters...