Woop Woop!! Its the end!! "Fireworks" thanks for all the reviews. I tried to make something go majory wrong in this chapter but in the end i could bare for there day to go wrong. but dont worry there is a little mishap. So...Enjoy!

"Draco." I say rolling over to face my fiancé…who wasn't there. "Draco?"

"Down here." A voice echoed from the floor. I rolled over to the side of the bed and found Draco lying on a mattress on the floor.

"Draco? Why you laying on the floor?" I ask. He looks up and smiles.

"You move about a lot when you're excited. I thought it would be easier if I slept on the floor." He mutters sitting up and leaning on the side of the bed.

"You did that for me?" I ask smiling.

"Yeah. I know you'd want to sleep comfortably…. why are you looking at me like that?" He asks looking worried.

"I love you, you know that?" I ask smiling.

"I love you to you idiot." He says leaning in and kissing me softly. As we deepen the kiss we hear someone clear there throat and turn and see Blaise and Seamus standing there already dressed.

"Are you still here?" Draco snaps jokily. Standing up and sitting next to me on the bed.

"Yes. Were still here. And lets face it, if we weren't here, you wouldn't have got out of bed yet." Blaise says jokily.

"Yeah a we wouldn't be sleeping either." Draco says winking.

"Draco!" I say slapping his chest.

"What? Im stating facts." He says happily.

"Anyway. Its 10am, we don't have to be at the hotel until 4pm, so we have enough time to do the cake and get you dressed." Seamus says.

"Wait…who's doing the cake?" I ask.

"Evan." Blaise says happily.

"Evan?" Draco says raising an eyebrow. "Doesn't he burn toast?"

"No, he's good at cooking." Blaise says.

"He's a cop, not a caterer." Draco mutters jokily.

"Give him a chance Dray." I say pulling him up from the bed. "Have you got the rings?"

"Yup." Blaise says holding up his hand and showing the extra two rings on his fingers.

"Come on wife we need showers." Draco says pulling me up from the bed.

"Who else is here?" I ask.

"The usual." Seamus says.

"Everyone then." I say with a smile. "Is anyone meeting us at the hotel?"

"You're the bloke who lived your gonna have millions." Blaise says jokily.

"To much talk of weddings! I need a shower!" Draco protests pulling me past the crowds and into the bathroom.

"Sheesh." Seamus begins smirking. "Anyone wouldn't think he's getting married today!"

"Can you believe its today?" Draco asks wrapping his arms around me from behind and leaning in the crook of my neck.

"No...It...sheems...ike…lonely…esterday…I…supposed." I say while brushing my teeth.

"I'll pretend I know what you just said." He says laughing. He looks at my reflection in the mirror and smiles. "It's going to be perfect."

"I know." I say smiling. "Lets go outside."

"Here comes the bride, all fat and wide!" Ron sings jokily.

"Your so not funny!" Draco snaps jokily.

"Who said I was talking to you?" He snaps back playfully.

"Oi! Are you saying im fat!" I yell coming out the bathroom.

"He's only joking." Hermione says softly.

"Well duh!" Draco says happily.

"I've never seen you so happy." Dean jokes.

"Hmm…I wonder why that is?" Draco mutters sarcastically. He turns and see's Evan and Blaise muttering in the kitchen.

"How's Gordon Ramsey?" I ask looking at the kitchen worriedly.

"Two tiers one to go!" Evan announces proudly.

"Who's icing them?" I ask.

"Luna and Blaise." Hermione says smiling.

"Err…what?" Draco says worriedly.

"Don't worry Remus is supervising." Ron says happily.

"Oh I feel so much better." Draco mutters under his breath.

"What can we do?" I ask sitting on Draco's lap in and armchair, as there are no spare seats.

"You can sit down and shut up." Hermione orders.

"I wouldn't worry Harry. I've been banned from helping as well." Sirius huffs.

"That's understandable." Draco says grinning.

"Like whys." Sirius says to Draco, and he scowls playfully.

In the Kitchen…

"Reckon they'll like it?" Evan asks while stirring the mixture.

"Course they will it looks amazing." Blaise says smiling.

"Can you stir the mixture while I get something out of the oven." Evan says handing the bowl to Blaise.

"Sure I'm good at mixing thing up." Blaise mutters with a wink.

"Are you sure they don't want yellow icing, or even green?" Luna asks.

"Draco would kill you." Remus says with a smile. "I think we should just stick with white and the blue ribbon.

"But that's so dull." She says.

"That's Draco and Harry for you." Evan says jokily.

"Come of it! There the most unlikely dull couple." Remus says jokily.

"Err…guys? I think we have a problem." Blaise whispers.

"Why are you whispering?" Evan whispers back.

"Because Draco's going to kill me!" He hisses.

"Oh god, what've you done?" Remus whispers.

"The rings." Blaise hisses. And with that they both look down at Blaise's now bare fingers.

"Where are they?" Evan hisses.

"That's the problem." Blaise says. "I think they've gone in there."

"The cake mix?" Remus whispers and Blaise nods.

"Well get them out!" Evan hisses.

"What's happening?" Hermione ask.

"Idiot lost the ring in the cake mix." Evan mutters.

"He what!" Hermione hisses. "Have you tried and accio charm on them?"

"Oh because that's not going to look suspicious? Rings flying out a cake mix bowl?" Remus says with a smile.

"Well your gonna have to find them by hand." Hermione hisses. "And fast."

"We've got bloody hours woman!" Blaise snaps jokily.

"Oh just find them!" She hisses with a wave of a hand.

The Living room….

"Do you know what?" Draco says leaning against my back and wrapping his arms around my stomach.

"What?" I say turning and looking at him.

"I think I prefer Draco Potter." He says softly I turn and laugh and he continues to look up at me seriously and I stop laughing.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"Yeah. I mean Harry Malfoy just doesn't sound right." He says seriously.

"Bloody hell your serious!" I say laughing.

"Well yeah." He says smiling. "Do you mind?"

"No of course I don't!" I say laughing.

"Okay. The Potters it is!" He says happily.

"Got it!" We hear Blaise yell proudly. We look and see the others telling him to shut up and jab him in the ribs.

"What'd you think that's about?" Draco asks.

"I'm afraid to ask." I say jokily.


"What are you doing?" Hermione rants. Draco and I look at each and smile. We were sitting on the sofa; well Draco was laying down with his legs resting across my own legs that were crossed, and I was leaning back on my arms.

"We're…. sitting down?" Draco says.

"Why? You have 3 hours left." She rushes.

"Exactly, 3 hours. We don't exactly need to do our make-up or nails." I joke.

"Done mine." Draco says raising his hand to show clear shiny nails. We both turn and give him a weird look, which causes him to blush and put his hand down.

"I was bored." He mumbles.

"Okay…anyway. We don't need to get dressed until at least 3pm." I mutter smiling. "Calm down Herm. Nothings going to go wrong."


"I can't believe your getting married Harry." Luna mutters dreamily.

"You cant?" I ask.

"No, my fortune teller told me you were going to marry a mermaid and then get violently killed by the demons of the seaweed." She said happily.

"Demons of the seaweed?" Hermione announces. "I have never heard so much rubbish."

"Who's your fortune teller Luna?" Seamus asks laughing.

"Professor Trelawny." She says proudly and we all laugh. "She's a good fortune teller." Which just causes us to laugh harder.

"I spose she got it half right. I mean Draco could pass as a Mermaid." Blaise jokes.

"Exactly, and ye a perfect mermaid Draco." Seamus adds.

"Why are you picking on me!" Draco protests.

"Cause its fun." Blaise jokes.


"Is ye mum coming Draco?" Seamus asks.

"Yeah. We invited her a week ago." He says.

"Oh yeah, she told me about your shopping trip." Sirius says jokily.

"What? How'd you hear about it?" I ask.

"Well we are cousins. We talk most days." Sirius says jokily.

"Oh god what else do you know?" I say burying my head in Draco's chest making him laugh.

"Oh we know many things Harry, we just pretend not to." Remus says laughing.

"You pretend?" Draco says leaning on my shoulder from behind me.

"Well, there are some things we don't want to know about our godson." Sirius says laughing.

"I spose so." I say smiling.

"Anyway, we should go. We'll see you at the church." Remus says smiling.

"We should get off to." Neville says. "Come on Lu."

"Bye Harry. See you at the wedding. I can't wait to see you in your dress." She says.

"Dress?" Blaise mouth's to Evan and Evan chuckles.

"Luna I'm not wearing a…" but they'd already apparated.

"Was she being serious?" I ask.

"I think she was joking." Hermione adds.

"I don't." Seamus says laughing.

"You'd look good I a dress Harry." Draco jokes.

"Who else is coming then?" Seamus asks.

"Loads of people." Draco says happily. "Some…one kept adding names to the list."

"Oh like you then. "Can we add her to the list she seems nice." I mutter jokily.

"She was nice." He mutters.

"She was a waitress." I say, making people laugh.

"Yeah and she was nice." Draco says grinning.

"The minister of magic wanted to come." I say laughing.

"What'd you say?" Ron asks.

"Said that I was only inviting people that were my friends…. or people I liked." I say smiling and everyone laughed, except Hermione.

"Harry!" Hermione yells.

"What? He deserved it." I say jokily.

"Maybe, but still, he is still the minister." Hermione scolds.

"He could be the saviour of the world and he still wouldn't be coming to the wedding." Draco jokes.

"Yeah, because im already going." I say grinning.


"Dressing up time." Draco jokes going of to the bedroom. Hermione and Evan were already dressed. Blaise and Seamus were sorting out there Cravats, as Seamus's wouldn't lie straight and pinning white roses to their jackets. Hermione was lengthening her hair with her wand and adding extra diamantes to her black dress.

I followed Draco into the bedroom and found him buttoning up his shirt. I leant against the door and smiled while watching Draco. Draco always smiled when he was happy, and even now his dimples were shining out from the corners of his smile.

"Its bad luck you know." He said turning his head and looking at me.

"Are you saying you're the bride?" I ask smiling and getting dressed myself.

"Hmm…I guess I am." He says grinning.

"Well I guess that's kinda true." I say smiling and pulling on my jacket. "Dray can you help?"

"Course." He says smiling and standing up to straighten my cravat. We lock eyes and I smile, I know that look.

"No Draco." I say smiling.

"What?" he protests.

"I know that look." I say laughing. "We haven't got time."

"After?" He asks.

"Oh yes definitely after." I say smiling and leaving the bedroom. Before I leave I stick my head around the door and grin. "You better stay here and sort that out. Not the best thing for Hermione to see."

"You could sort it out?" He says tipping his head to the side.

"I would, but I think I'll wait till tonight." I tease.

"Wow, you sure you want to marry Draco Harry? Because im always free." Blaise jokes.

"No your not." Evan adds and jokily jabbing his husband in the ribs.

"Sorry, Draco's the only man for me." I say.

"Harry your cravats not straight." Hermione says rushing up to me and pulling my cravat about.

"What can I say? I can't do anything straight." I mutter smirking.

"Well that's good to hear." Draco says appearing from the bedroom.

"Finished now have you?" I say cocking an eyebrow.

"Yup." He says wrapping his arms around my waist. "I like this. I could do it every day."

"What get married?" Ron asks.

"Yer I love it." He says grinning.

"Well ye mad. My wedding day was the…" Seamus began before Dean looked at him with an "Oh really" look. "Was the…. Best day of my life."

"It is pretty hectic though." Blaise adds. "We were rushing around everywhere."

"Still good though." Evan says smiling.

"Oh yeah…still good." Blaise says leaning down and kissing Evan softly.

"Err yuck, please, get a room!" Draco protests.

"We're in a room." Evan corrects.

"Well fuck of somewhere else then." Draco says smirking.

"We should be going anyway." Ron says happily.


Everyone else had left the house by apparating to the hotel.

"Draco?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He says softly.

"What are we waiting for?" I ask.

"You'll see." He says with a grin, my head snaps up and smile.

"What are you hiding?" I ask.

"Ahh that's for me to know." He says with a smile. We sit in silence until we hear the door buzzer go.

"Come on." He says pulling me up.

"What are you up to?" I ask.

"You'll see." He says happily.

As we get outside he covers my eyes with his hand and I laugh.

"Draco." I say with a smile.

"Shh." He says leaning into my own body.

"Draco, let me see." I protest jokily.

"Ok, Ok." He says softly. I gasp as he uncovers my eyes to reveal a red Pontiac Chieftain Convertible (Cadillac)

"You did this for me?" I ask.

"Yup." He says quickly before I throw my arms around him and pull him into a crushing hug. "I did good?"

"Yes, you did good." I say laughing happily.

"Well. Are we going to this wedding?" He asks laughing.

"Nervous yet?" I ask as we drive through the streets.

"Nope." He says with a smile.

"How about now?" I joke.

"Nope. Why? Are you?" He asks.

"Me…No…no way…I'm… terrified." I say with a smile.

"Its gonna be ok." He says clasping my hand.

"Harry?" He asks as we stand in the reception waiting to walk into the service.

"Yeah." I say turning and looking at him.

"Im nervous now." He mumbles.

"How nervous?" I ask smiling.

"Ok, ok im terrified." He says.

"Come here." I say pulling him into hug. And whispering into his ear "Its gonna be fine."

"Stand still." I say smiling as I pin his rose to his jacket.

"You stand still." He snaps jokily while also trying to pin a rose to my jacket.

"Are you ready?" A man in a grey suit suddenly asks. We both look up at and smile.

"I guess we are." I say smiling.

"Once the music starts, that'll be your cue to enter." He says smiling. "Good luck."

We stood in silence until the faint sound of music began.

"Ready?" I ask clasping his hand.

"As I'll ever be." He says smiling nervously.

"Lets go then." I say softly before leading each other into the hotel hall.

"Still nervous?" I whisper as we walk down the aisle between our friends and family.

"What?" He whispers.

"Nervous?" I whisper.

"No way." He whispers smiling. We both smile as we stop in front of the registrar.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman. As you're all aware I'm the civil registrar, and I'll be conducting your service today." He begins

"On behalf of Harry and Draco, I would like to welcome you all here today. It means a lot to them that you can be here to share with them in their happiness and to witness their Civil Partnership vows. However, if any person here present knows of any lawful impediment to this Civil Partnership then they should declare it now." He adds. He looks around before smiling. "Now that's over with we can continue, Civil Partnership requires devotion, the ability to listen, the wisdom to know when we are wrong and the humility to be able to put things right. Above all it requires unquestioning love. Do you both share these feeling for one another?"

"We do." We both say.

"As well as the strong love and respect that is clear that Harry and Draco have for each other, they share similar principles and priorities. Their relationship enables them to face life positively and constructively, and they now wish to live with the commitment and understanding that Partnership represents." He says.

"Harry, will you take Draco to be your partner, and will you remain true to him for the rest of your life together?" he asks.

"I will," I say looking at Draco and smiling.

"Draco, will you Harry to be your partner, and will you remain true to him for the rest of your life together." He asks,

"I will." Draco says happily.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have now reached the moment where ... and ... will exchange their partnership vows with each other, so will you please stand." He says and with that the echo of feet echoes around the hall.

"Harry will share his vows first." The registrar says sharing a friendly smile. I smile and turn to Draco with a smile.

"I stand here today, to make a commitment. I give you this ring to show my love to my lover, my boyfriend, my best friend, and now my husband. I take you to be my lifelong partner to respect and cherish for as long as we both shall live." I say looking at Draco who's eyes look wide with happiness. I take the ring from Seamus and place the ring onto his finger.

"Now if Draco will speak his vows." The registrar says. Draco looks up at me with a smile before turning it into his cheeky grin.

"I stand here today, to marry the man I've dreamt about marrying. I will laugh at your silly mistakes and comfort you on your bad days. But I will be with you always. I give you this ring as a token of my love for you, and hope to live a long and happy life forever with you by my side." He says taking the ring from Blaise and placing it on my finger.

"It now gives me great pleasure to pronounce you lifelong partners. You may kiss to seal your commitment." He says with a smile. I laugh before pulling Draco forward and kissing him softly. Applause echoes around us and we look around to see Molly Weasley and Narcissa both wiping tears from their faces.

"We're married!" Draco says excitedly as the wedding part moves to the private room.

"Yes we are." I say clasping his hand.

As we sit around the wedding breakfast we wait until Blaise stand up and clears his throat.

"This should be good." Draco jokes.

"Like yours you mean?" I ask.

"It was a good speech." He protests.

"You brought up all his X partners." I say laughing

"So?" He says jokily.

"For those who don't know me I'm Blaise, and for those who do…I apologise! But as the best man, I spose I should do a speech, and seems as Seamus is already to drunk to do his I spose I should just do it." He jokes. "Now, first things first. I wish to toast two of the most beautiful and wonderful people in the whole entire world. But this isn't about them; it's about Harry and Draco! Only joking. So before I begin shall we raise our glasses…. I would raise mine but my husband seems to have taken mine of me. Anyway lets raise our glasses, to Harry and Draco."

"Harry and Draco." Everyone echoes.

"Now. When Draco was a best man at my wedding he took great pleasure in mentioning all my X's but with Draco I wont go into that because by the time we get to number 72 we would have run out of time. At least Draco found that 105 is his lucky number so Harry, well done for being number 105." He says smiling and laughter echoed around the room including Draco and I.

"I would say that Harry's changed Draco, but it would be lying. Draco is never going to change. Harry's only brought out the best in him, and turned him into a better man rather then a camp drama queen. I don't think this is the last we've seen of the potters and definitely not the last we've seen or heard of Draco unfortunately. So for that I wish to congratulate Harry and Draco Potter." Blaise finishes smiling.

"To Harry and Draco Potter." Everyone chorus's.

"Had fun?" Draco says wrapping his arms around my waist as we danced.

"More to come." I say grinning.

"Oh really?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

"Yes really." I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you." He says happily.

"Love you more." I say jokily.

He takes one of my hands and kissing it softly before his head snaps up with an amused look.

"What?" I ask.

"Your hand tastes of cake mix." He says laughing.

"What?" I say laughing. "That's impossible, we haven't cut the cake and I was no where near it when it was made."

"Exactly." He says grinning.

"Don't they look happy?" Remus says wrapping his own arms around Sirius.

"Now everyone's married." Sirius says looking up at Remus and smiling.

"Harry still would've looked better in the dress." Luna mutters dreamily.

"You were serious?" Dean asks supporting his very drunk husband with one arm.

"Yes, of course I was." Luna snaps jokily.

"Nothing else to go wrong." Hermione says happily.

"Well they could still have children." Evan says smiling.

"Them? Have children. Somehow that's a weird thing to imagine." Blaise says laughing.

"They'd make good parents." Remus says. "Harry definitely would anyway."

"Who made the cake?" I ask.

"Bla…" Draco stops and laughs. "Blaise and Evan."

"They dropped our rings. They must've." I say smiling. We both turn and look at the crowd of friends. They all look up like they know we know.

"Oh Blaise." Draco says in patronising voice.

"Oh shit." Blaise says worriedly.

"Come here Blaise we need to talk. Actually to all of you." Draco says and we stop in front of them.

"Having fun Harry?" Luna asks dreamily.

"Yes, thank you Luna." I say softly before turning back to everyone else. "Is there a good reason why are rings smell and taste of cake mix?"

"Err…" Blaise begins looking around. "We've been rumbled run!!"

And the last thing they saw was all of their friends making a mad rush for the exit.

A real ending for a finally perfect day.

Yay the end!! Plz review!!