Hah! Hello people! Glad to meet you Call me Sympho and thanks for reading! It's based primarily around the return of Luke and what drove Lorelei to send him back, this is just a basic Prologue now I also Refuse to do the scene when he returns because ,1.) Everyone does it, and we all know what they say and do (Kudos to the people who did that Scene though Love that scene!) and 2.) I don't remember the scene all to well since I have not played this game in forever! But I have had a fetish with it, but I will do a scene after the last scene on the game after Luke's return I'm hoping it will turn out to be a Luke X Tear, Guy X Natalia and one other one that I will not say because it will spoil!! Okay…enough babbling XD R&R Please!! Oh, and a early warning: I never done a Human Fic before, only warrior cats, so It may seem a little odd, and I have not played this game in forever, so they may seem OOC!

Disclaimer: I don not own this awesome game, the characters the world, or anything but the Idea I thought up!


A darkened abyss stretched out before the emerald eyes, of the Fiery red headed hero. Time and space seem to fluctuate rapidly as he floated in a dark world. Small beams of light appeared every so often, and memories flashed through his mind. His eyes grew dim with sadness and he let out a hefty, unsatisfied sigh. "I guess…It's over…I'll never see them again, but, I'll always know their safe." He muttered incoherently in a dry monotone voice. Suddenly, light flickered before him and a faint voice muttered his name.

"Luke!" He heard in a soft whisper as the flickering, dancing lights seem to form into an oddly familiar shape. The light began to glow and flicker, like a flame in the whipping wind, but the air was stale and crisp without sun or a fine gentle breeze. "Luke!" The voice exclaimed once more.

Luke squinted his eyes every so slightly, even though the being was only a few inches from his face. Then, it hit him. His eyes widened. "Lorelei? Lorelei! Is that you!" Luke exclaimed, happy to see the godly being.

Lorelei gave a slight nod. "Yes, indeed it is me. I have come to tell you…you do not belong here… Bad things are yet to come, not much time is left, or the world will be thrown into turmoil, and you must be there to stop!" The being explained calmly, though he seemed in distress.

Luke's mouth stretched into a smile. "You'd really send me back?! Thank you Lorelei…Just tell me what to do, and I'll do it." Luke promised.

"There…is no time…The longer you spend in my world, the more time passes by in your world…as we speak now, a year has passed, your friends are mourning on your coming of age ceremony…Even your body is feeling the long term changes, your hair, has grown a considerable length."

Luke blinked in confusion, and touched his hair, one short and cropped, now, so long it nearly reached his reaching his ankles.

"Now…you must go, never give into the faces of once, only trust those of now and don't be deceived, stay as vigilant…as…possible." Lorelei managed to mutter, though his voice began to falter. His form shifted every so lightly, and Luke began to dissipate into the thin air of the unnatural world.

"Thank you Lorelei!" He exclaimed before he disappeared completely.

Lorelei's fiery form began to shift in an awkward manner, and he groaned and moaned heavily. A dark aura seemed to spread across the red lights as he let out screams in agony. Then, his fiery form became a dark black, with an aura emanating around him, and his groaning stopped, and evil laughter became to rasp from him.


Haha! What'd ya think Hmm? It's my first human fanfic…like I said, so it may seem dry… Hehe, I've had this in my head for a while now, and can't wait to take this to the end Thank you R&R!

Luke is returned to his friends once more, but what is going to unfold in that world? What has gotten into Lorelei? Find out in the next Chapter!