I am like EMBARRASINGLY SORRY that i didnt update sooner!!

ive been so busy (hw and minor writers block xD, end of year stuff/parties...) and i had this unfinished chapter saved for week and so i just wrapped it up today!

also, i wanna thank twilight is my heroine for being so super duper supportive!!

ps. this story will def. be getting somewhere soon!!

RECAP!! (for those going...i dont remember reading this story all) yeah just felt obliged to remind u guys about this after weeks of neglect...

--everyone is indeed a vampire

--Bella has a vamp bf named Michael and she thinks Edward has a vamp gf named the evil Chrissy

--Don't forget there is a shopping spree!! for Jasmine and Alice this afternoon (a few tips on how to maneuver this in would be nice!)

--The last chapter Bella and Edward was reflecting intensely of their thoughts on everything

--Bella's power(s): the ability to cause strange things to happen whenever she experiences an emotion. side effect: her eyes change colors along with the flux of her emotions

Chapter: Complicated


I tried to think of anything but him. I concentrated on the soothing melody I was humming: it was the lullaby he wrote for me, so many years ago.

Just then, my eyes flew open. I was too late in already: I was falling for him, all over again.

Bella's POV

I vaguely heard the bell ring when I was in Michael's car. I sighed. Thinking to myself, I opened the car door, I better finish this last class so Michael and Jasmine don't get worried.

With a groan, I stepped out of the car, my mind still wandering towards Edward. I stood by the car, and that's when I saw him. He was sitting in a silver Volvo, four cars away. (A/N: wierd how things are, eh?)

I let out a little gasp. It was the same shiny, silver Volvo from fifty years ago. Becoming a vampire had honed my visual abilities, so I could see he was in the driver's seat, with his eyes closed and it looked like he was listening to something.

I took a step backwards, almost bumping in the car behind from me. I can't let him see me, this sentence chanted itself around my mind. So with one last fleeting look, I shuffled away and joined the sparse crowd of students in the front of the school.


Edward's POV

I stayed in the car until the bell rang, signaling the end of school. Alice came bounding up to the car not even one minute after the bell rang.

"Edward! Are you going to sulk in the car forever?" Alice asked sternly.

I groaned. I wasn't in the mood for Alice chastisement. "Get out! Bella's gonna leave soon unless you talk to her now!" she commanded.

I bolted upright. I had to talk to Bella.

Just then, the rest of my family came. "Edward, you really need to stop moping." Jasper said. He sent me waves of calmness and serenity and I succumbed to it, letting it wash over and relax me.

"You better straighten this whole Chrissy thing Edward." Emmett reminded me.

I stared at Chrissy, hatred burning in my eyes. She looked nonchalant but a hint of anger was on her face. Why did she have to stumble in my life? I asked myself, filled with regret.

Chrissy was thinking, stupid Bella. She is such a bitchy girl! Why is Edward so fond of her?

Her thoughts annoyed me and my brows furrowed in distress.

"Look! There she is! Let's go." Alice exclaimed. I turned towards her line of vision, and I saw Bella staring at the floor as she walked in the parking lot. I have to talk to her. With that, I made my way over with my family following behind.


Bella's POV

"Bella! Please, stop!" Alice called. School had just ended and I was walking over to Michael's Mercedes. Alice had not come alone. With her came the whole posse of their family.

"What do you want?" I asked a little irritably, as I stopped outside the blue automobile. I wasn't in the mood to deal with this. Where were Jasmine and Michael? I wondered irascibly.

Edward came up to me first, grabbing my wrists tightly in his stone lock. "Bella, listen. We need to get this straight. I am not Chrissy's boyfriend. And she will never be my girlfriend." He stared intently in my eyes and it made be think back to the days before everything changed.

I was dazed slightly, then recomposed myself. I saw over his shoulder, Chrissy looked as if smoke was coming out of her ears.

"But, then...why did she..." I asked dumbly. Of course, I felt like slapping my forehead. She's a bitch, that's why.

As if Edward heard my thoughts, he stated, "She's a bitch, of course."

Now I was speechless. What did he want me to say? That I forgive now for everything? I couldn't. Never, everything was never going to be the same. It's become too complicated...

"How about we talk about everything?" he offered, well-mannered. Always polite, the perfect gentlemen.

I bit my lips. "Um.. I don't know. I actually have to go back home..." His face seemed to drop a thousand miles.

Alice came up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Bella, we really did not mean for this happen."

"Yeah, Bella. This wasn't how little Eddie planned it." Emmett teased. I had definitely missed Emmett. Edward growled and I could feel a rare smile play on my lips. It's been so long since I actually gave a heartwarming smile that reached my eyes. Too long.

The tense atmosphere loosened around us- probably Jasper's doing. Just then, Michael rushed over.

"Bella! Are you okay? That bastard wasn't doing anything right?" he asked worriedly, coming over. Jasmine was behind him and she looked a little intimidated.

"No, no! I'm fine. They just wanted to talk." I comforted him.

"Go away, you bastard! Seriously, stop bothering us!" Michael frowned and said rudely, turning to Edward and his family.

"It's okay, Michael!" I screeched. I didn't want a fight to break out here.

With an angry glare at Edward, Michael turned to me. "Let's go, Bella."

For some strange reason, I didn't move. "Bella. Come on." Michael urged. But I just stood there. Move! That order was screaming in my head but my legs wouldn't cooperate.

I was trapped in the deep pools in Edward's eyes. Suddenly, I broke away and forced myself to look at Micheal. "Okay...let's go then..." Uncertainty was present in my feeble sounding voice.

I turned around, with one a final swift glance at the Cullens. Then, the three of us, made our way to the faded blue mercedes, with me trying to leave the gloomy day behind.