Mr. Monk Joins the Theatre

By: Monk-O-Phile81

I own nothing, that has to do with anything about Monk or Romeo and Juliet!

Darkened room filled with costumes, swords, and other various props. Shadowy figure enters, picks up a small vial and replaces it with another. As he's leaving, he is stoped by the janitor.

Janitor: Hey!

Shadowy figure approaches

Hey! What are you doing?

Shadowy figure attacks, they struggle and he leaves.

Enter: April Rose (director) has bag over shoulder unlocks door and goes in, shuts door, turns around, turns on lights and sees Janitor. Screams.

Theme Song

Monk to Captain: So he's alive?

Captain: Yep

Monk: Then why'd you call me?

Captain: It's been slow so I thought I'd give you something to do, besides we've been here 6hrs and do you know what we've found?…Nothing.

Monk: And?

Captain: And you're the best detective I've got. Therefore, I want you to look around and tell me what you think.

Monk: What did the janitor say?

Captain: Nothing.. the guy busted his jaw, both hands, and a leg.

Monk begins looking around

Natalie: Wow! They've got a full house tonight!

Disher: Yea! They said (Flips through notebook) "The Show Must Go On"

See play as if in audience. It's the scene where Romeo and Juliet die. After the curtain closes, they are to rise for the 'funeral procession' but they don't. They are dead. Poisoned.

April to Monk: Please Mr. Monk. I need to know why my theater is being harassed…You won't even have to do any of the performances, I'm sure we'll have found a replacement for you by the next one.

Monk: But…I…I…

Natalie: Come on Mr. Monk (takes off to side) it is a job. You're getting paid for it.

Monk: I can't act. The last time I did I almost died. Sharona had to come out on stage and jump the lady.

Natalie: Mr. Monk, you don't even have to perform. You're just going under cover.

Monk: ok. Fine I'll do it.

April: Oh! Thank you Mr. Monk hugs and kisses Monk on each cheek, then runs back stage.

Monk: Wipe…wipe…wipe! He scrubs face

Natalie: Mr. Monk why do we have to rehearse? Rehearsal begins in an hour.

Monk: Natalie…I'm gonna tell you one more time, I…

Natalie: "Can't act" I know. But I don't believe you, you fooled everyone on that pier.

Monk: That was different. If I didn't die I was going to be put in prison.

Natalie: Then pretend that if you don't do this you'll be put in prison.

Monk: Natalie (sigh) just motions to script

Natalie: Fine! Climbs onto a "balcony" and begins reading from script

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love
And I'll no longer be a Capulet.

April (from stage entrance): claps Bravo, bravo. Ms. Teeger, You're hired!

Natalie: Really?!

April: yes , you're the best Juliet I've seen in years… Aside from myself, darling.