This is my second attempt at an AVP story

This is my second attempt at an AVP story. My first one was never finished so I've never posted it anywhere. Hopefully this one will be better. I'm not using the people from the movie; I will be using my own characters, though Scar and a few other elements will remain the same. This is not me re-writing the movie, it will appear that I'm just rewriting the pyramid scenes, but this story is my own and these elements are just borrowed from the movie for the first few chapters. I don't own AVP yada yada yada… Also, I know you might want to skip over the first few, boring chapters, but there's important info… So just bare with me and read the whole first chapter. And sorry it's skipping around-need to get to the good stuff. Ok, rambling over… Enjoy!


Chapter 1

"I can't wait to get back to Miami." Said a woman with blonde hair. She was wrapped in several layers of clothing. Her whole body was consumed in layer after layer except for part of her face. There was a small laugh beside her.
"Are you kidding me Jamie? It's not that cold." Said another girl. She was French, with long, light brown hair and a refined face with a light tan. Her French accent was mostly covered by her ability to speak English very well. She was young, about nineteen. She wasn't wearing as much, though she was still bundled up. She had a furry hood over her head, lining her face with fur.
"But you're from Paris, Brielle, it's always cold there." Brielle smiled and cocked her head slightly, making a small noise. Just thinking about her birthplace warmed her in the harsh climate of Antarctica.
"Miss Jamie Ross and Madam Brielle Sommer?" Asked a man as he walked out of a building into the cold.
"It's pronounced som-ay, and please, call me Bri," she corrected with a small sigh. The blonde, Jamie, gave a small laugh and walked away, muttering about how American's couldn't pronounce the French names. Bri walked after shortly after.

Several people, dressed in various colored jackets, sat in a small room, discussing their mission. Here's what Bri had gathered so far from the lecturing men.
Several days ago a heat bloom under a remote island of Antarctica had gathered the attention of these scientists. They believed it was a pyramid and so the best team possible was gathered to explore. So here Bri was, a seasoned explorer and researcher from France. She had been to almost every remote place possible on the earth and was conditioned just for this kind of thing.
She didn't want to get attached to the men and woman who were with her on this for various reasons of her own, but she had taken a liking to Jamie. The blonde from Florida was hilarious compared to her French up bringing.
So this pyramid was buried under the ice and mysteriously a tunnel leading directly to it had appeared. The team was overlooking that fact as some natural phenomenon and was all set to get down to the old building.

"Lights on!" Yelled a gravely voice as lights flooded the area. They were now at the entrance of the pyramid and had set up a base camp. A couple hundred feet away were the steps leading into the pyramid. Bri smiled, anxious to get in there.

A team of twelve was walking through the labyrinth that was an ancient pyramid. So far they hadn't covered much ground. Bri looked visible nervous as they entered a circular room. She dared not place down the small case she held in her left hand. There were ancient, dead bodies lying on slabs of stone, with their ribs broken open.
"Sacrificial chamber, and-" Bri wasn't paying attention to the man beside her, rambling on about this find.
"That's not where you heart is… Something broke out of this body…" Jamie said slowly. And the pyramid began to change. As various slabs of solid stone began to close off exits Bri ran for one, grabbing a few people as she ran. Nine people were left in the sacrificial chamber. So, including her, four got out. The men began to break out guns.
"Let's go, we don't know what's going on. Let's move and try to find an exit." Said one man, taking charge. With a bit of a smile Bri followed. She loked up to the ceiling, and a small shimmer of air moved on a ledge.
Beep. Beep. Beep. "What's that?"
"Well, the pyramid should configure every ten minutes of I'm correct." Jamie said. As if on cue the walls began to melt away and appear again. Bri slowly slipped away from the group, narrowly making it into another room.
"Help! I'll find you later!" She screamed, trying to sound desperate.
"Madam Sommaaay!" Yelled one brunette man, the one she had correct for mispronouncing her last name.
"Bri!" Jamie screeched. Bri just cocked her head. As the stone hit the ground, separating her from the other three, she spat at the ground with a grunt.
"It's Mademoiselle, not Madam… I'm not that old." She growled slightly to no one, letting her French accent show through. Finally… She thought. She undid her jackets and underneath was an assortment of weapons. She changed there in the corridor, the wall at her back. She put on a pair of warm, black pants, and boots with fur in them over warm socks. She put on a tank top, and over it she put on a belt. She looked into the now open suitcase and strapped a variety of knives and weapons not from earth on her body. She shoved one large, jagged knife in particular into her boot.
Over the tank top she sipped her black jacked with the furry hood on. Onto her hands she slipped on gloves made of some strange, black leather. She placed her old belongings into the suitcase. She grabbed out a few final things. A small pistol, which she shoved this into the side of her pants. And some strange spear, not more than a few feet long, which she held onto with her right hand.
After a while of navigating through the shifting prison she came to what she had been looking for. The small square room only had one entrance and exit. Before her stood a large, rectangular box, which had strange inscriptions on the top. She loked up, and above her was the sacrificial chamber. She walked around the small opening which led to that room, for a bit of red, human blood was falling out of it and she didn't wish to ruin her expensive jacket. She went to the box and sat on top of it. Let the clean up begin, She thought to herself. After an hour or so of waiting and many shifts later her butt was beginning to get cold and sore. She pretended not to notice the shimmer of air near her.
"You would think I would be used to that by now," she said to no one. Her words weren't English, and defiantly not French. The strange words rolled off her tongue naturally and the guttural language was one of her favorites. Beside her materialized a large predator.
The beast was at least seven feet tall, probable closer to eight. He towered over her frame of just over five and a half feet. Around the room three other Yautja appeared. Bri turned to the creature beside her, drinking him in. He had metal armor over his body, and his molted yellow skin was covered in some form of mesh. A metal mask hid his face, and his "dreadlock" hair fell long over his shoulders. She smiled at the familiarities. A small, guttural grown/purr escaped him. She jumped off the box and walked to him.
She stopped near him, and with a fisted hand hit herself on the chest. She gave a small bow and stood before him. After a moment he repeated this gesture and they strode to the rest of the Yautja, ready to begin the clean up.