
Brenman: "Do I own Dragonball Z? Frankly, that answer is above your pay grade."

President: "But I am the President of the United States. What is higher then that?"

Brenman: "Wouldn't you like to know. Besides I'm Canadian."

Brenman: Sorry about taking so long to update. I've been working more then usual lately and therefore don't have much time to write long chapters. Any way, hope you like this one.

Chapter 10: Another Lame Tournament. Only More Predictable.

The Group of saiyans exited from the Corkscrew and looked around at the amusement park in a new light. If they didn't know what it was before, they did now, and they could get to like it.

The male saiyans were all trying really hard not to look happy about being at the amusement park, but they were all failing miserably. Even the normally grouchy Vegeta was smiling, but it would take some sort of scientific equipment to see it.

"That was fun." Karak giggled out and grabbed onto Gokus' arm and began pulling him towards the Satan Megaton Coaster, which just happened to be the biggest roller coaster in the entire park.

The Satan Megaton Coaster was a twisting turning monster of a roller coaster that looked like a metallic form of Shenron that towered over top of the rest of the theme park. The Group stepped into line behind a couple of hundred people, and thanks to Vegetas' fantastic people skills, they were at the front of the line in time for the next ride.

The saiyans screamed out in enthusiasm for the whole ride and were highly disappointed that the ride didn't last longer, but all good things must come to an end and the saiyans were ready to move onto a different roller coaster. Besides, sitting in a roller coaster car that was designed to look like a very hairy fore arm wasn't how they wanted to spent the rest of their day.

When they had gotten off the latest ride and walked down the exit ramp they came face to face with a mascot of the world champ himself. The person playing the mascot was only about five feet tall himself, but with the added large head he easily towed a couple feet over Tippu. The group of new saiyans looked at the mascot and decided to edge around this new thing. They wouldn't want to come in contact with a person who would willingly wear that. Finally Prince Vegeta voiced what the rest of them hadn't, "What is that thing?"

Goten looked at him with a massive smile plastered on his face, "He's a mascot for the park. He's supposed to be an Imi... Imat... Imit... Copy of Mr. Satan." Goten grinned stupidly and then began looking around for the next ride.

Larvat eyed the mascot warily, "Does this Mr. Satan really look like that?"

Trunks jumped up and nodded, "Yup. See." Trunks pointed at a poster of the champ himself. "You met him yesterday at the Barbecue, but he was probably hiding behind Buu the whole time."

"Oh yes. Now I remember. Hercule wasn't it?" Larvat looked down at the lavender haired youth to see him nodding his head in agreement. "Is he really the world champion? He doesn't look that tough to me, and why does he have hair all over his body like that?"

Vegeta laughed, "He is not the world champ. You could say he is our cover. He takes the publicity so that we don't have to kill all the reporters and end up sleeping on the couch for a month. As for the hair, believe it or not, but most humans have hair on various parts of their anatomy. Chests, arms, legs, armpits, and other more, ummm... Interesting places. This idiot just has more of it."

Larvat looked disgusted, "The women have hair on their chests?"

Goku looked at Larvat in awe, "They do. That must mean there's something wrong with Chi Chi because she doesn't. I'll have to remember to take her to the doctors and get that checked out."

Vegeta growled and slapped Goku in the back of the head, "Women do not have hair on their chests." Vegeta humphed and continued walking across the park while Gohan looked at the ground with an embarrassed look on his face.

Goku looked around, "Speaking of Hercule. Didn't he say he was going to be here today?"

Gohan nodded, "I think your right dad. We'll have to keep our eyes open so we can try and avoid him." The group began laughing and never noticed that the mascot had been listening to their entire conversation and was now backing away from the crazy people that would try and avoid the great Hercule Satan. Blasphemy.

The group of socially challenged people traveled through the park pushing people out of their way when ever Goku wasn't watching. By the time noon rolled around, they had only broken three roller coasters, and they were all good and hungry. "Hey you guys," Goku called out behind him. Goku had the two chibi's sitting on his shoulders and turned around so he could better see the rest of the group, "What do you say we go find some place to eat."

As soon as Goku mentioned food there was the sound of thirteen stomachs growling and all movement in the nearby areas of the park stopped at passers by tried to identify where the unearthly (boy is it ever unearthly) sound was coming from. The saiyans began looking around for the nearest food vendor to buy out. After three minutes of following Tippus' sensitive nose they found the jackpot. Booth after booth of food, as far as the eye can see. There was everything here. Hot dogs, hamburgers, fries, cotton candy, ice cream, popcorn, roast duck, candy, chocolate, Mr. Satan flavored slurpies (that delicate blend of afro, chest hair, and manly odor), soft drinks, barbecued sasquatch (Mr. Satans cousin?) and everything else a saiyan could want.

The group wasted no time in clearing the stalls out and in minutes all the food had vanished and Vegeta and Gohan spent the next couple minutes moving around and paying off all the vendors. After that was finished the group headed off to their next destination of the park, the carnival games.

-- The Lookout --

Dende was sitting on his lookout watching out for the planets well being. Watching out for the planets well being usually meant that he was watching over a couple of demi-saiyans that, without his intervention, could have blown up the planet on at least four occasion today alone. As Dende watched Trunks and Goten from afar he shuddered. Piccolo looked up from his meditating, "What is it Dende?"

Dende looked at his tall companion, "I have a bad feeling about today."

Piccolo scowled, "What kind of bad feeling?"

Dende looked up and gulped, "You know. The kind of bad feeling I usually get when those two demons are at an amusement park."

Piccolo nodded. "If you need any help with them, just let me know."

-- The Super Satan Amusement Park --

The Group had split up a couple of minutes ago and they were all now examining the carnival games intently. The most common thought that went through all their heads was, 'These games are so easy.' and the second most frequent thought was, 'Is that a life sized doll of King Cold?'

The group surveyed the games in front of them. There was everything from balloon darts, to test your strength, and even a ring toss game that was so clearly rigged that Vegeta blew it up as soon as he saw it. Gohan turned toward the rest of the group after watching the stall burn for a couple seconds, "Well, I better go win some stuffed animals for Videl and Pan. How about we meet back here in half an hour." With that said Gohan walked off in the direction of a ball toss game.

Vegeta gave an audible sigh and everyone turned to look at him, "I guess I'll have to get one for the woman and the little brat also."

Trunks looked up at his father, "What about me?"

Vegeta rolled his eyes over dramatically, "You can get you own."

Goku all the while had been looking around at the prizes to see what he wanted to get, "Well, I don't think that Chi Chis' going to want any stuffed animals, but there's a life size version of Bubbles that I want to get. Come on dad." Goku grabbed Vegetas' arm and ran off in the direction of a duck shooting game with Vegeta flying behind him like a kite.

All over the park, people could hear the sounds of a very irate saiyan prince, "LET ME GO YOU BAKA. I CAN WALK ON MY OWN."

and then a very sheepish sounding yell followed it, "SORRY VEGE-DAD."

This was in turn followed by the loudest yell yet, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO SHOUT KAKAROTT!"

After the rest saiyans had stopped covering their ears they spit up to try and tackle the games on their own, and for the new saiyans, try and figure out how to play the games.

Gohan arrived at the ball toss game to find the carny setting up all the milk bottles. After he had finished he turned around and walked over to Gohan, "I'll have to remember to give those two guys with the crazy hair some prizes for knocking down all my bottles just by yelling. Would you like to try your hand at ball toss?"

Gohan nodded and handed the guy ten zeni for three balls. The demi-saiyan pulled back and lightly threw the ball at the first stack of bottles. The force of the shock wave when the ball hit the bottles dead on caused the other two stacks to explode.

The carny got up off the floor where he had landed after being thrown in the air by the force of Gohans throw. "Wow, that's some arm you got there. how did you do that?"

Gohan chuckled nervously, "Well, I am Mr. Satans son-in-law." Gohan hoped the guy would accept that as explaining everything, and in perfect clueless civilian form, the carny nodded in admiration. The man ran over to the side of the stall and grabbed a large panda bear off the rack and handed it to Gohan as his prize and began setting up some new bottles.

Goku arrived at the duck shooting game that he had been heading for. He walked up to the booth and stared at the life sized version of Bubbles. "Excuse me sir. What do I have to do to get the monkey?"

The carny looked at the plush monkey and grinned, "If you knock down all thirty ducks you get to walk away with the cuddly monkey. It'll cost you ten zeni per try."

Goku pulled a bill out of his pocket. and handed it to the vendor. The man, who just happened to have a Hawaiian style shirt on with a picture of the Vegeta and Goku from the cell games reenactment with a speech bubble saying that Vegeta wanted to be just like Mr. Satan, handed Goku the air rifle and stepped back from the shooting gallery. The man grinned stupidly. That monkey had been there for years, and the man was secure in the fact that no one had ever knocked over all thirty ducks. especially considering he only gave them twenty-nine shots.

Goku fired off all the shots and the carnies mouth fell open. How in the world did he knock them all over. He didn't have enough pellets. The man wordlessly handed over the cuddly monkey. Goku turned around and noticed that some time during his shooting Vegeta had snuck off. This is also when the carny realized that he was a bit chilled, and upon looking down found that his prized shirt was missing. 'How in the world did that happen?'

Mirai Trunks and Gohan were both walking down the lane trying to find a game they could easily beat. Trunks looked sadly at what had happened to the world he had saved, "I really wish Gero hadn't created those androids. We could have grown up in a place like this. Only with less Mr. Satan memorabilia."

Mirai Gohan nodded his head solemnly. "Maybe we'll be back to this point in ten years."

"Ten years?" Trunks countered, "Maybe ten years to get everything rebuilt, but it'll take way longer then that to get rid of all the emotional scars left over from the androids. Only really young kids would ever go to the park."

Gohan looked down at the ground, "You may be right, but we cannot lose hope."

Trunks nodded his head, "Of course we can't lose hope. It's right here in my pocket."

Gohan slapped himself in the face, "I'm not talking about your time machine Trunks."

Vegeta was walking through the park, he had managed to escape from the overly happy son of his and was now trying to find a game that he could use to terrorize people. Perfect, Test you strength.

Vegeta walked up to the tall game and eyed it critically, "I would like to try this game." Vegeta said formally to the carny. The carny handed the mallet to Vegeta in exchange for twenty zeni.

"You get three tries to ring the bell sir. Of course a short stack like you won't stand a chance. The great Hercule Satan is the only person to ever get the top prize." The carny said in a deep haughty voice.

'Short stack? Perhaps I will have to teach this idiot a lesson.' Vegeta thought. Vegeta dropped the mallet and bent down. He grabbed the carnies feet and lifted him over his head like a mallet and swung him down face first onto the target.

Here is a brief, but cap-locked summary of the sounds that would have been heard in the next couple of seconds.











It took a couple of minutes for the screams to die down, but thankfully they did eventually.

The carny lay on the ground surrounded by splinters of wood as Vegeta grabbed up a couple of the top prizes available. Much to Vegetas' disgust one of the prizes he came away with was a life sized chatty cathy version of Mr. Satan. Vegeta relized, while looking at his loot, that this Mr. Satan doll was taller then he was. Vegeta pulled the cord on his back carefully and was rewarded by a surprisingly clear speaker bellowing out at full volume such phrases as, "I am the World Champ" or "I beat Cell." or "I'm a big hero, tall and thick. Here are my love handles, here is my... ummm... spout. Hehe" Did this man have no shame?

Vegeta turned around to survey his handy work after getting bored of pulling Mr. satans strings. After hitting the target, the whole game had split in half, and the top half had fallen over and knocked over a nearby stall. The chain of events that followed was like a well laid set of dominoes, as stall after stall fell over. Eventually the chain stopped and the screams died down. The metal ball that had been inside the test your strength game was long gone and probably somewhere in the stratosphere by now.

The group congregated at an intersection with two or three stuffed animals each. Vegeta threw his stuffed prizes to M. Trunks, "Capsulate these things. I do not wish to carry them around for the rest of the day." Trunks Threw the stuffed animals on the ground and motioned for everyone to follow his example.

Goku had managed to acquire a life sized version of Piccolo to go along with his Bubbles doll. M. Gohan and M. Trunks each had life sized versions of Freeza and King Cold. Gohan had managed to get his hands on every life sized version of Videl that he had come across. Who knew what kind of perverse things people did with these things? He had lost track of his Panda bear somewhere along the lines. The rest of the saiyans had managed to get a bunch of stuffed animals that in no way resembled any of their friends. Except Karak who had come across a stall giving out life sized plushies of former world champions and now had three Goku dolls, which she was reluctant to give up.

Trunks tossed an empty capsule on the mountain and with a poof the prizes were gone.

The group were about to get moving onto the next area of the park when they heard some screaming coming from above them. They all looked up in time to see an airplane full of people falling towards the ground. The plane hit the ground with a resounding crash and a large fiery explosion. Vegeta casually walked into the fire and came out a few seconds later holding onto a solid steal ball. "Well, I found the ball from that stupid human game." Vegeta said with disinterest and tossed that ball over his shoulder, knocking some poor old lady out.

The group began moving towards a part of the theme park that didn't seem to be completely destroyed and on fire. As they neared the area they could hear a roaring cheer that only seemed to get louder. They came to a large crowd surrounding a raised arena. On the fighting ring stood four people. One of them was recognizable as being the charismatic personality of Mr. Announcer from the World Martial Arts Tournaments. Standing on either side of him were the two students of Mr. Satans that showed up at the Cell games, Piroshiki, and Caroni. Behind the announcer stood a tall well built man in jeans and a tank top with long black hair.

Mr. Announcer raised his microphone to his mouth and began shouting in his amazingly enthusiastic voice, "All right folks! Are you ready for a show. These three fighters are taking on any challengers. Just come on up. For each of them you can beat in a one-on-one fight will win ten thousand zeni. If you can beat all three of them you will get the once in a life time chance to fight the one and only Mr. Satan, and as an added bonus, if you can last against the champ for three minutes you will receive an additional fifty thousand zeni. Do we have any volunteers. Come on folks, it's free to try." Mr. Announcer looked around the crowd to see if there were any takers. His eyes fell on the group that was pushing its way to the front of the crowd to get a better look. He hoped that one of them would give it a shot.

A muscular man stepped onto the ring from the other side from where the announcer was standing. The three fighters turned around and eyed the man for a couple seconds before Mr. Announcer noticed him. He turned around with a flourish and began yelling into his microphone once more, "all right. It looks like we have our first challenger. Sir, could you tell the crowd what your name is?"

The man thought about it for a couple seconds, working over the extremely difficult question before answering in a dull voice, "I am Larry the Lugnut, and I'm going to crush you all." Larry struck a couple of unflattering poses, especially when his pants ripped down the seam, and the look on his face said that he had a serious case of constipation.

Mr. A (because I don't feel like typing out his full name any more) Backed up and let the three fighters begin a match of rock-paper-sissors to decide who would fight first. After three rounds, the tall muscular man stood up and roared out for the crowd. "Great. It looks like the first of Mr. Satans pupils to fight Larry the Lugnut will be none other then Barry the Bolt."

Barry the Bolt walked to the opposite side of the ring as Larry the Lugnut and faced his opponent. He crouched down into a sloppy fighting stance and studied his adversary. Larry rushed at Barry and swung his fist

Barry grabbed Larry's fist and twisted on the ball of his foot. Barry then kicked larry in the stomach and Larry went sailing out of the ring, where he just happened to fly into an immovable brick wall otherwise known as Princess Vetee. Mr. A spun around to face the bulk of the crowd, "Looks like Larry the Lugnut has lost spectacularly. From what I can see, he is out of the ring and out cold. Larry won't be collecting any prize money today, can any of you?"

Vegeta began smirking, "Does anyone want to teach them a lesson?"

Gohan climbed up into the ring and looked at the rest of his companions, "I'll go grandpa." Gohan smirked in Vegetas' direction. Vegeta humphed. M. Trunks snorted at his nephew.

Gohan turned around to face the other occupants of the ring, "I'll go next."

Perhaps it was the fact that Gohan was wearing geeky glasses, not that he needed them, but they made him look more like a nerd then he would normally. It might have also been the fact that Gohan was wearing very nerdy clothes, but the crowd could be heard laughing at the demi-saiyan. Phrases such as, "Look at that nerd. He's going to fight?", or "That guy has no muscle on him." could be heard through out the crowd. Gohan just smiled. Their laughing wouldn't last much longer.

Mr. A once again took up his microphone in an already loud voice, "Okay people, we have another challenger, and this ought to be good. I know for a fact that this man is the son of former world champion Son Goku. Give a worm round of applause for Son Gohan? And I would just like to take this time to once again thank Gohan for inviting me to his wedding last year."

Gohan nodded and smiled at the announcer, and the other fighters began another game of rock-paper-sissors. This time the giant of a man, Piroshiki won on the first game. He walked up in front of Gohan and sneered down at him. "I'm going to make this easy on you and throw you out of the ring. It shouldn't be to hard. I could snap a scrawny twig like you in half with both hands behind my back."

Gohan stood up and laughed, "Good luck with that one."

Piroshiki snarled and reeled back. He put all his strength behind one punch and threw it at Gohans face. Gohan crouched down into a runners stretch, dodging the punch, and jumped forward between Piroshiki's legs. Once he was behind the large man he spun around on his right foot and kicked Piroshiki in the back of the legs. The tall man fell over backwards, but before he hit the ground Gohan caught him and tossed him out of the ring. With one arm.

The crowd was stunned. After a minute or two they regained their composure and picked their jaws up off the floor. That's when the clapping began. Gohan turned around and faced the next opponent. It seemed that he would be going head to head with Caroni. The blond pretty boy had no idea what he was getting himself into. Gohan was sure that this guy was even less intelligent and even more vain then Sharpener.

Caroni cracked his neck and then threw a rose down on the ground. He had been carrying the rose for the past couple of minutes and Gohan couldn't figure out why. Did this guy think that throwing a rose onto the ground would make him stronger?

Gohan decided the he didn't want to drag this out any longer and rushed lazily at Caroni. Caroni watched in anticipation as the demi-saiyan rushed at him. At the last second, Caroni pulled back his left fist and punched Gohan in the center of his face. Gohan kept running. Caroni was pushed out of the ring and the crowd was once again struck with silence.

Mr. A jumped up, "Wow, that's two down and one to go. And if I had to make a guess, I would saw that our challenger has yet to break a sweat. Can Mr. Satans Star pupil dislodge this young master?"

The crowd cheered at the mention of the last pupil. Barry the Bolt. The tall man stepped forward and grinned at the professor. "I won't be as easy to beat as those two chumps. So don't get your hopes up little man."

Gohan grinned right back at him, "Why don't you put your money where your mouth is. On the other hand putting your fist where your mouth is may be more appropriate, but unfortunately for you, that's where my fist is going." With that Gohan jumped onto the other side of the ring and he planted a punch right on Barry's mouth. The tall man went flying out of the ring and landed head first in a garbage bin full of half eaten hot dogs and currently the resting place of former challenger, Larry the Lugnut.

Gohan bowed to the now cheering crowd. Man these people were fickle, did they have any loyalties at all? "Wow Folks. Did you see that? Because if you didn't you can watch the replay on the Jumbotron. We will be showing it in slow motion incase it's still to fast for you."

The crowd watched the jumbotron in awe as they saw Gohan rocket across the ring at inhuman speeds and planted a light tap on Barry the Bolts kisser. It was clear, after watching the attack in slow motion that Gohan wasn't trying to hurt the larger man. Humiliate him maybe, but not hurt him. "And now, what you have all been waiting for. Our challenger will have the chance of facing off against the one and only... Mr. Satan!"

The crowd roared their appreciation as Mr. Satan himself came bursting out onto the ring through a door to the changing rooms. He did his famous double victory pose and yelled out his might, "Yeeeeeeaaaaah!" Mr. Satan then pointed at Gohan across the ring and with perfect bravado announced, "Be prepared to go down against the awesome might of... Ulp. Hi Gohan. How's it going? Long time no see."

Gohan laughed at his father-in-law, "What are you talking about? We saw each other yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. In fact I think I've seen you everyday this month."

"Oh. Yes, your right." Mr. Satan looked around nervously and scuttled over to Gohan and began whispering so that only Mr. A and anyone with saiyan hearing could hear him. "Hey Gohan, old pal. How's about you let me win? What do you say? I'll get you double the prize money."

Gohan began laughing again and answered in a whisper, "Don't worry I would have let you win anyway. Instead of double the prize money, how about you agree to baby-sit Pan tonight, and I can take Videl out for a nice dinner. We haven't had any time to relax since she was born."

Mr. Satans face lit up like Piccolo that time Trunks and Goten placed Christmas lights and tinsel on him while he was 'meditating'. "Sure thing Gohan. I'd love to look after Pan. How about I pick her up at six and she can stay the night?"

Gohan grinned excitedly, "Sounds good. Now. While we're fighting, just do your thing and I'll make you look better then you are. You don't have to worry about a thing, I'll make it look like you tossed me out of the ring, but not before three minutes is up."

Mr. Satan nodded and walked around to the other side of the ring to face Gohan once again. "All right kid. Be prepared to lose at the hands of Mr. Satan. Yeah!"

Gohan slid into a fighting stance and shot at Mr. Satan. Hercule began punching and Kicking at Gohan who fell back a couple times and let some of the attacks hit him. He threw some really weak shots at Mr. Satan that wouldn't even bruise him. After three minutes of fighting that made Mr. Satan look really good, Gohan stuck his wrist in Mr. Satans hand and jumped over him and out of the ring.

Gohan landed on an empty patch of ground and made a show of getting up and looking really sore. He rubbed one of his shoulders soothingly and put a light limp in his step. "Well, folks. This young man has lasted for three minutes and twelve seconds and therefore will be receiving a prize of eighty thousand zeni today. Let's all give him a big round of applause, and now a cheer for our champion, Mr. Satan."

The roar from the crowd was deafening. Mr. Satan waved to the group of saiyans as they walked off to their next destination after Gohan had collected his prize money. Goku and The two Gohans waved back at the big hairy man. Mr. Satan would end up spending the next two hours doing victory poses and manly roars.

As the group walked away from the loud crowd Queen Rosicheena decided to voice something that had been bugging her, "Where are Trunks and Goten?"

Brenman: How was that? Why don't you review and tell me. Unless you didn't like it, but that would never happen. Why would you read this far into a fic just to find out that you don't like where it's going? Next Chapter: You are definitely going to find out where Trunks and Goten are, and you can be sure they aren't helping little old ladies cross the street.