I don't own Pokemon, but if I did I would have made Ash age. That would have made things more interesting. Especially in regards to relationship stuff.

Unexpected truths

Ash and Dawn had just arrived at a pokemon center. They were resting up from a long day of traveling. The reason behind this was because Ash got a call from his crush May. She told him that she wanted to visit the pokefarm amusement park next week.

"I can't wait to see you again Ash. Its been way to long." May said happily.

"I can't wait either. Its going to be so much fun with you there." Ash replied.

"I'm bringing a friend along. Is that ok? May asked.

"Sure. What's her name?" Ash asked her.

"He's a boy and his name is Drew." May explained to him.

"Oh Drew is his name?" Ash said nervous.

"He's just a friend Ash and he's real nice and I want you to meet him."

A week flew by and tomorrow was the day they were going to meet up at the park. Brock had decided to turn in. Ash was so excited to see her again that he couldn't sleep. He hadn't stopped thinking about her since she left. Dawn followed him into the dinning area of the center. They sat at a small table.

"I bet your really excited to see her huh? " Dawn teased

"You bet I am." Ash quickly answered.

Ash was so lucky to have Dawn. She was a great listener, and since May was gone she was the one that helped Ash the most. Over time they had grown into the best of friends. They told each other everything. It was a great relief to both of them to have someone they could rely on so much.

"I kinda feel bad. I'm the older one I should be helping you with all your problems. " Ash apologized.

"Don't worry about it Ash you help me out so much. I'm just glad I can be here for you now." Dawn Smiled.

"Well I'm gonna owe you big time for this." Ash told her.

"I hope things work out for you Ash. You're a great guy and your very caring. I know you would be the best boyfriend to her. You wont let her down." Dawn said honestly.

"Thanks for saying so Dawn. It means a lot to me. If things go good tomorrow I'm finally going to tell May how I feel about her." Ash said smiling

The new day was warm and shiny. The perfect day to go to an amusement park. May saw Ash and ran over to him giving him a big hug. She grabbed him tightly and took a picture of the two of them. After words she introduced Ash and Dawn to her friend Drew. May took Ash by the hand and dragged him in front of a giant Jigglypuff statue. May rested her head on Ash's shoulder and took another picture. Dawn was happy for Ash and smiled at them.

"I've been gone several months Ash and your still as sweet as ever." May said sweetly.

Ash was a bit confused. Though she told him that Drew and her were just friends. He couldn't help but be a little curious. After all she was single and has been traveling alone for quite some time.

"I'm just glad to have you back May." Ash said as he hugged her.

"Lets go get on some rides." She said to him excited.

May went on many rides with Drew. Yet she saved the most exciting rides for her and Ash. The four of them got in line for the haunted house. May was set to go in with Ash. However Ash saw that Dawn looked really uncomfortable. Suddenly Ash remembered that Dawn was terrified of ghosts and she wasn't the sort to ruin everyone else's fun and back out. As any good best friend would he held her hand and went on the ride with her. As the ride was over they headed to a snack bar.

"Drew and I will bring chilidogs for everyone. We'll be right back." May said

"Thanks so much Ash I was so scared." Dawn thanked him

"I wasn't going to let my Best friend down. You needed me, I know May will understand." Ash reassured her.

"Speaking of May, you two are hitting it off great. She has totally been flirting with you since we got here. I was a bit worried when you said she invited a boy. But she has been spending more time with you." Dawn pointed out.

"I've noticed that too. I'm so relieved. Thought I was just imagining it." Ash said

May and Drew returned with the Chilidogs. May sat beside Ash and took another picture with him. Then she took one of Dawn and Drew who smiled sheepishly. The night came to a close. May hugged Ash tightly before leaving with the theme park with Drew.

Two short days passed since that excellent day at the theme park. Ash had logged onto the Pokemon center PC. He wanted to check his myspace. He noticed that May had changed her profile pic. Ash saw the picture and to his horror caught the surprise of his life. The picture was of May and Drew kissing. More then that they were full on making out in the picture.

"What the heck is this? Am I having a horrible nightmare?" Ash asked no one in particular.

Ash's heart not only sank, but it felt as though he had been punched in the stomach. Ash stared at the screen and the image began to blur behind his tears. Ash couldn't hold them back. As his tears came Ash shut off the PC.

"I can't stand it. After everything that happened and all the flirting she did. This happens, its just too cruel." Ash said devastated.

The clock showed that it was only 8:30pm. Dawn and Brock wanted to meet Ash for a late dinner. Ash was in no mood to do any talking. He went strait to bed not wanting to face another human being at that moment. This was the worst day of his life.

To be continued