By Mell8

A.N: I'm not really sure what to make of this story. It's short and it's meant to be short. The chapters are barely more than 1000 words each and I can't envision this growing beyond six chapters. Still, D/G/B is so much fun to write!!

Also, it's not really compliant with anything. Maybe a bit of CS but honestly, break out the AU goodness!

Trillium: a plant with a solitary three-petaled flower above a whorl of three leaves.

"We'll be friends forever. Right, loves?"


"Draco, I have decided that from today onward you shall be friends with Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. Their fathers have served me well and in turn, their sons shall serve my son well. You have no need for any other acquaintances until I choose your bride."


"Blaise, dear. I am getting married again. He is a Baron with millions of galleons in his vaults but has no liking for children. Therefore, I am sending you to Italy. Do not bother writing because, from today until he is dead, I have no children."


"Ginevra! How dare you sneak out into the woods on your own. Do you have any idea how worried your father and I have been? There are dangerous people living on the other side of those woods. We would hate for you to get hurt. From now on, if you're going to go play in those woods, you must bring one of your brothers with you."


"Loves? Loves, where have you gone? Please return to me!"