Twisted Blood

A/N: Just to say I"ve had this idea for quite a while now, toyed with it tirelessly and finally decided to sit my arse down and write it. I"m writing this in the ga-lorious character of Alucard, which is actually quite hard, but me loves zee challenge! Tell me if it is too...unAlucardish and I will try to alter it. The majority of the time it will be Alucard's POV but occasionally it will swap- in those cases the name of the POV will be under the chapter.

Anyway, enjoy! I've tried to keep the characters in character (well, duh!) as much as possible. Criticism of a constructive nature is well received and reviews are like candy to me, sweet, beautiful and make me hyper and also make my day :D

And a thank you to my beta : Cannot Fathom a PenName- or Marie. (thank youuuu!) SO MUCH

Disclaimer: The stories featured here in twisted blood contain characters created and owned by Kouta Hirano, Dark Horse, satelight and geneon. No profit is being made from the display of this fanfiction and no infringement is intended. The writings featured in this work are the creative works of me and must not be published anywhere else without the my permission beforehand. I maintain that the works are based upon Hirano's work, but certain characters are my own, I am but warping the original characters created by Kouta to my own satisfaction. (Is that a good enough disclaimer?)

Chapter 1


Is boredom an emotion? Or is boredom an action?

If one is bored usually it is because you are not doing anything, so boredom cannot be an action. Though emotions- other than rage and all the other negative emotions that seem to consume and warp humans--are inconceivable to me now. I am a monster. Monsters do not feel emotions. But, if boredom was an emotion then surely I must not be completely monstrous as I felt that emotion insufferably and almost intolerably at that point in time. More so than I usually did, for when you have eternity, there is not much that you haven't accomplished to vanquish your boredom by now.

Sitting in my high-backed chair, swishing a glass of wine in one hand while tapping my fingers against the arm of my chair restlessly with the other, was the only remotely interesting thing I had done in days, well, nights, really. It seemed that freaks were hiding, from what? I didn"t know. Certainly not the police girl. For how long? I most certainly hoped that it would be their last evening of hide-and-seek, as that game had grown tedious long ago. A children's game, and I certainly was not a child.

Finally, I'd had enough; I drained the glass and strode through my chambers and into the upstairs kitchen. Walter stood slightly hunched over a cup of tea, which he tended to ever-so carefully for our master. Something must have upset Sir Integra, she only drank Camomile tea when she needed something to pacify her emotions; perhaps the quiet nights had unnerved her? "Good evening, Alucard." Walter carried on to making the tea and finally turned, tray poised on his fingertips professionally. He'd had many years of practice.

"Good evening, Walter. Camomile tea? Has Integra received some upsetting news?" I voiced my previous thoughts.

"After this quiet spell, any news is bad news; could mean an involuntary slip-up on their part. Or, perhaps, the build-up to something rather...for lack of a better word, chaotic." I smiled.

"Chaotic doesn"t sound all too bad." I laughed quietly.

"Depending on who is at the receiving end." Walter added, "Now, if you"ll excuse me-" He reached the door turned to take the tea to Integra. He spun around again, "Oh, Seras and the captain were looking for you."

"Police girl?" I asked interest heightening, "And the captain?"

"About the recent attacks in Merrow." Walter exited the kitchen almost soundlessly, surprisingly for a human.

Seras and the Captain were in the barracks, it seemed that a couple nights of almost no action had induced sloth, not exactly professional. "Police Girl, you were looking for me?" Seras and the Captain sat at a table talking in hushed tones, "And since when does James Bond have anything to do with irresponsible and vile freaks?" Seras smiled sheepishly, the captain grinned and scratched the back of his neck nervously.

"Just having a wind-down, Alucard, how are you this fine evening?" He"s just pissy 'cause he ain't had any action for a while. Pip's thoughts rang into my head, I smiled inwardly.

"Pissy or not, your attitude to your work is incredibly unprofessional, perhaps Sir Integra should dock your pay?" The mercenary's eye narrowed slightly.

"So..." Seras started, attempting to break the tension, "Merrow- who would of thought it, eh? Nice, snobby, upper-class people being attacked by vampires- why would they deserve such a thing?" She asked sarcastically.

"How many are there?"

"Three or four, we're guessing three male one female. They sound like a group that have been together for a few years...they plan- to an extent- and then maim. They go for families." The Captain answered, scratching at the skin around his eye-patch.

"Well, at least they have the courtesy not to split them up." Seras spat.

Pip continued, "The bodies of the families were discovered at noon, all family members were tortured and then killed-not just to settle their hunger. I wouldn't mind sending these three to hell." The Captain finished, hate resonating off of him in waves.

"Are we going to sit around all evening, Police Girl?" I asked after she showed no signs of getting ready for a hunt. She blinked, recognition hit and she stood up, clicking her heels together, "No, Master." She set about collecting her weapons.

It took the mercenaries a few minutes to pinpoint the freaks, the dastardly quartet staking-out a "modest" four-bedroom house belonging to three children and their parents. Seras twitched restlessly, To kill children- no, not kill, torment and torture-"s...repulsive! I mean, if they were gonna fight someone they could at least make it a little fair and go for fully grown human adults! Children stand no chance! Her mind plagued with anger and disgust, though I would have thought she"d get used to it after a while. She should've known by then that freaks were not honorable, nor were they fair, they were despicable fiends with nothing but wanton madness and chaos on their minds--they could not even be considered as monsters! At least my hunger for madness was not mediocre, when I wanted chaos I created chaos not a few murders here and a few public appearances there.

I could hear the screams of the family before I even walked through the gate, could also hear the crescendo of heartbeats and the sound of the children fleeing for their lives. Yeah, I"ll get that bitch, screw her right up! God, that makes me so hot! I refrained from listening to their disturbed and often perverted thoughts anymore as I stepped through the door and was immediately welcomed by the tantalizing scent of blood. The youngest of the three children was already dead, the nine-year-old's blood splashed against the walls and smeared across the floor as it had tried to crawl away from its predator.

"Who are you?"" Came a cackle from the dining room to my right, the woman sat on top of the dining room table, legs crossed and head turned to the murder going on in the corner by one of her comrades. As she turned her head back I noticed a strange burn on her cheek, the letter "m" placed within the sphere of a pendant, possibly it was the mark of a silver necklace- the mother had tried to fight back, perhaps.

The first male freak turned around, wiping blood from his mouth, his already ugly face contorted into a smirk of triumph, a teenaged girl lay dead on the floor, clothes ripped around her. "I was 'opin' we'd get more fun outta tha' one...aah, well, eh, Shels?" The man stopped as he saw me, "Shit, s'that Hellsing's pet!" Pet? I think not! His hand pulled at his waistband for his gun as I drew out my trustworthy weapon; lining it up and shooting him down before he could even flick off the safety on his own gun.

Shels screamed, picking up a knife on the dining room table and hurled it at me, the blade sunk into my shoulder. "Is that all you've got, this isn't very fun at all!" I shouted, dislodging the knife from my shoulder and hurling it at her easily. She screamed as the knife embedded itself in her eye, falling from the table and squirming on the floor like a fisherman's catch of the day.

"Patrick! Get the hell outta here!" She screamed, the sound of a window upstairs being smashed reached my ears, I growled--perhaps there would be a bit more of a fight after all. Thank God. I was getting worried that I came out here for nothing.

I reached the woman, gripped onto her neck and twisted the knife into her socket, she screamed, squirming in my hand and shrieking for me to stop, "You can't do this!" She shrieked, "I'm like you!"

I laughed in her face and her eyes widened "You? Like me? You will never be a true vampire! You are just some lab rat! You mean nothing!" She tried to kick me.

"I'm a vampire, just like you!"

"You're a FREAK!" I roared, blowing a hole through her skull and sending her straight into hell. My attention turned to the escapee, I followed soundlessly watching the short and stocky figure of the freak run down the street, my eyes caught the shape of another freak running into the church.

"Police girl, it's your turn, now." I said returning back to the group of soldiers, Seras lined up her canon-like gun, her teeth biting down on her lower lip in concentration, her finger pressed upon the trigger. The short figure stood around two hundred or so meters away from the church, but suddenly the figure vanished, ash pouring from sleeves, neck and legs of his clothes; but we had not heard Seras' gun.

"That wasn't me..." She whispered, the soldiers shouted at one another to find out who had shot the third freak, though none of the humans could've shot him, he was too far away and even a lucky shot could not have been that lucky.

Atop the church's spire, a small shadow stood up and as my eyes focused I was able to catch a glimpse of the weapon, it was not a sniper's gun, it was, to my amazement, a crossbow, modernized, but a crossbow nonetheless. The shadow climbed down and ducked into the belfry, "Who was it?" The Captain asked.

"I don't know..." I answered, making my way to the church as quickly as I could, the doors had been blown open and the crisp winter breeze flooded the medieval church, had I been human, my breath would have been heavy vapor in the air. A shout came from an antechamber past the front and the aisles of hard wooden benches, "Long time no see, Alec!" Came a girl's shouts. The room was lit by candles, the orange light casting flickering shadows against the walls, if I couldn't already see in the dark, the dim lighting would've shown the fourth and final freak being thrown back into a table, unlit candles, photo frames and a vase tumbled over. The freak shouted back, "Why won't you just give it a rest! We killed Jack, so what?"

"So what? You say that about all your victims, Alec, and that cold indifference only makes me want to kill you more! You won't be so indifferent when Satan is shoving a couple of hot pokers down your throat!" Alec jumped at her, I stepped into the shadows and watched with mild interest as the couple fought.

"It was a little kill...get the hell over it!" Alec shouted as she gripped onto his throat and slammed her fist angrily into his face.

"That. Was. My. Baby!" She punctuated each word with another punch. The freak broke free, grabbed onto her arm, spun her around and lowered his mouth to her neck. She laughed humorlessly, a dagger slipped from her sleeve of her light blue overcoat and into her fingers; she whirled around stabbing him in the stomach.

"What you do will never go unpunished!" She screamed, pulling the dagger up, the sickening squelch music to my ears as her jaw set into determination. "Do you like that, Alec? Huh? Yeah you like that!" She twisted the blade inside of him, his shrieks and shouts bouncing off the walls, her sleeve drenched in blood.

"You...You're-" He stuttered.

"I'm what? Not doing it right?" She withdrew the knife and punched him to the ground. He crawled over to the table, grabbed the vase and swung it at her, fighting for his undead life. The couple punched and kicked each other, throwing each other against the walls, shouting all manner of profanities until their throats were hoarse.

Blue held him on the floor, face pushed into the stone slabs. She pulled his arm up his back until the joints dislocated and his moans and shouts muffled upon the stone flooring. With her other hand she gripped onto a handful of matted hair and pulled him to look at the photos that had remained standing from their tussle, "Look upon their faces and realize what your chaos does- it only gets your lot killed." She said to him in a deadly hiss, spit flying out from between her lips.

"Whatever!" He screeched, "Max is still walking around isn't he? He'll get you before you get him!"

"Max has been branded and he will receive exactly what you and the rest have." She let go of his arm, which fell to the floor uselessly, and pulled out a silver dagger. She cut the shirt off his back, revealing the same 'M' brand upon his shoulder blade. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm going to enjoy this a lot more than you are." He started to squirm.

"You bitch! You dirty bitch! Whore!" She dexterously flicked the dagger in her fingers, tracing lines over the brand, the flesh around it turning to ash, he screamed and finally after a few moments she buried the blade up to the hilt and he turned to ash around her, leaving her on her knees on the ground.

She sighed, head falling back, so she gazed at the ceiling. "For you Jack, all for you," she sighed, pulling herself up on her feet without putting her hands in the ash and then busied herself with tidying up the tables and counters, spending more time at a large photo of a black-haired, three year-old boy. Now the fighting had stopped I took my time observing the girl, who couldn't have been older than eighteen, and tried to read her thoughts. Her mind was a vault that not even the most experienced burglar could penetrate, just a single sentence escaped her mind: Justified, my cruelty was justified...I am better than them.

She had long flowing red hair, which appeared to almost be the same color as blood, her light blue overcoat and long white skirt were stained with crimson patterns, the blood more expertly placed than any designer ever could accomplish, in my eyes. A slit ran up the skirt to show a small portion of her thigh and a gun-holster equipped with a SW 1911, the stainless steel barrel glistened lethally in the candle-light. She kissed her fingertip and brushed them against the glass of the picture frame, "Sleep well, you are avenged, my beautiful baby boy." Her voice was steady, her jaw clenched in determination. Her face was not beautiful, her left cheek was marred by three white scars; her nose long, straight and pointed and as she smiled at the photo in her hands her nose wrinkled. Her lips were small and her bottom-lip a deep scarlet from constant biting.

She turned, the crossbow slung over her shoulder and a light blue top hat atop her head, the contrast of light blue with deep red not exactly color coordinated. "Well, hello there, Red," She said, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. I noticed her arm tense ready for a fight if need be.

"Good evening," I answered, she relaxed slightly.

"You're from Hellsing?" I nodded.

"And aren't you a bit young to be fighting vampire-freaks?" Her lips twitched from their down-turned position, I noticed another of scars on the other side of her face, one running from the corner of her right eye and curling up at the temple, the other starting on her jaw-line and wending its way over her throat.

"Aren't you too suspicious looking to be asking me questions?"


"I'm old enough to have sex, drink, smoke, drive- so I am old enough to fight anyone also, whether they are human or not,"

"That mark was on the woman's face as well..."

"You got her? Mm, all of them have it, anyone who crosses me has it, it means I'm getting around to killing them,"

"What does the 'M' stand for?" I asked. She blinked.

"Introductions...sorry, I forget decorum when I've been fighting, I am Molly," She bowed and took off her hat, straightening up she asked, "And you, Red, are...?"

"Alucard," I answered, taking off my hat and inclining my head to her.

"Ahhh, Alucard, Sir Hellsing's favorite assassin?"

"I wouldn't say favorite -best, yes,"

"If you don't say so yourself." She snorted.

"But I do say so myself." I smiled, the corner of her mouth turned up into a lopsided smile and she shook her head.

"No doubt some of those soldiers will be coming in here in a moment...?"

"It's a possibility."

"Well, I'm not exactly highly esteemed- this is where I disappear, excuse me, Red" With that she turned to the picture on the table and bowed , taking off her hat, and repeated this action to me.

"Good evening, Blue," I laughed as she slipped past me and sprinted towards the steps to the belfry, obviously not wanting to be seen leaving the main entrance. I turned my head to the ceiling, heard her boots against the old wood and heard the rustling of leaves as she climbed down the back of the church and left.

"Master. Master?" Seras shouted through the church, skidding to a stop at the doorway, "You took forever...did you see the person who got the other vampire?"

"Not even vampires have forever, Police girl," I corrected, "And yes, we don't need to worry about her."

"Oh...ok," I donned my hat and sunglasses and walked with Seras back to the Captain.

"Who was it?"

"A girl with a vendetta, no need to worry,"

Walter and Integra listened as I explained it was not I who had killed the final freak, "Walter, could you see if you could find out who this 'Molly' is? I don't want her 'excursions' bringing attention to ours." Integra lit the end of her cigar and sat back in her chair.

"It was quite obvious by her technique that she has done this countless times before." I added as Walter slipped through the doors, "I doubt she will be found out now."

"Doubt all you want Alucard, the slightest slip-up on her part and we're all buggered." I nodded slowly.

"How did she shoot him?" She thought aloud, after a moment of silence. "You would've seen if she had a would've seen if she had telescopic" She shouted, ash falling from the end of her cigar.

"Luck?" I offered, stepping over to the window and looking out to the mansions gardens and lawns, a firing range and a field for the soldiers's field practice.

"No, Alucard, you and I both know that's not it, did you hear her heart beat?" She asked, spinning her chair to look out of the window with me. I had to think back, I could remember hearing the dull noise of a steady heart-beat as she fought the vampire and then it had slowed...

"At times,"

"At times"?" Integra asked tetchily, stumping out the cigar in a glass ashtray, "What do you mean 'at times' was she human or not?"

"I would guess...not," I looked down at Integra, her elbows rested on the arms of the chair and her fingers interlocked, one of her eyebrows was raised.

"Guess?" She sighed, rubbing her temples and spinning back around in the chair.

"You seem tired, Integra." I laughed, standing beside her chair.

"You would be too...Maxwell and the damn Iscariot organization is really starting to annoy me."

"Starting? More annoying than usual?"

"Unfortunately so...He seems to believe the root of his vampire problem back in Italy is coming from England. That pig! Always tries to make out we don't do our job! We work our asses off! And what does he do? Sits back, relaxes! I bet he has never fired a gun in his life!" She sneered disgustedly.

"Does he have evidence to back up his claim?" I asked calmly. Integra shrugged.

"A few vampires speaking English...a cult tattoo here and ritual killing there! 2001, we had those Irish vampires, what did they call themselves?"

"The Architects, they believed they were sculpting Southern Ireland for a new era--one that was far too easily wiped out." I smirked as I reminisced about the slaughter- how simple it had been.

"How many were there?"

"Around sixty- which is quite a large group as cooperative freaks go," I mused aloud.

"Exactly, ten English vampires and Maxwell starts squealing like the sniveling pig he is!" Integra slammed her fist on the table.

"Feeling better?" I smiled as a knock resonated around Integra's office.

"Come in." She called, Walter slipped into the room, a tray of camomile tea and a file lay beside it.

"I thought you may need this, Sir Integra. Also," Walter placed the tray on the desk and set the cup and saucer in front of Integra, "this Molly girl, I was able to find a small paper trail..." Integra raised an eyebrow and took the file from the silver tray.

The first page was donated to pictures of women on a street corner, each one wearing clothes implying they were prostitutes. A man stood talking to them, a girl at his waist; the man seemed too smug with himself, and immediately I noticed the slightly inhuman teeth and the pale skin. The girl was undoubtedly Molly, her red hair piled on top of her head tastefully complete with a small ornamental top-hat, a long dark blue skirt whipped around her legs and a black overcoat was wrapped around her for her only warmth. "That man was Philip Mcphail, a pimp. He hired human and vampire women alike, set them up with freaks, vampires and humans. He was followed by the police for a suspected drug smuggling and was a suspect in the Ipswitch serial killings a few years ago." At the look of my blank face Walter elaborated, "The Jack the Ripper copycat," I nodded then.

"Where does Molly come into it?"

"Well, after Philip's disappearance, the police believed he was smuggling more drugs so they brought in his favorite girls, one of them being the rather tenacious, Molly. When they raided his apartment to find her she put up quite a fight, wouldn't talk to anyone them--they even went as far as to hire a translator as a majority of the girls were Bulgarian and Russian. The other girls were able to tell them that he had disappeared months before and that Molly had been looking after them and, unlike Philip, treated them well. When they went back to her cell for another interrogation she wasn't there, the guard looking after her was suspended and she is still wanted for questioning."

"My, she does get around," I laughed. "How old is she?"

"Well, the girls working with her said she was underage...but that she was forced into prostitution- blackmailed even." Integra read her file, turned the pages to read more information.

"She was caught on CCTV camera at the Voodoo Lounge attacking two customers- they are said to be connected to Maximus Frasier-" I looked up.


"Yes, Max. She is neat and organized and most of the time the evidence was only circumstantial...she was also wanted for a kidnapping."

"A two-year old?" Integra looked up from the file, closing it and throwing it back on her desk, drinking the tea deeply.

"She kidnapped Jack from a murder scene..."

"So the child wasn't actually hers,"

"She is connected to many vampires, mostly are true vampires; any freaks she is connected to die shortly afterwards."

"Where was she born?" Integra asked.

"That is where we draw a blank, she appears in 2000, disappears in 2005 and reappears a year later. She has no credit cards, no accommodation, no job... she is a ghost."

"She is fighting with us then, a liability, but a friend none the less," Integra span back to face the window. To give us up would be to give herself up. She is young, too young to know about all this. She shook her head sadly. She knew what it was like to be exposed to the vampire world at a young age.

"Well, sir, I shall return to my duties." Walter made to collect the file and tray.

"Leave the file, Walter, please." Walter nodded, leaving the office.

"It is quite late, Sir Integra, I shall leave you to your thoughts." I left the office for my own chambers, an uneasy rest awaiting me.

A/N; Hey, hope you enjoyed it, it's quite a long first chapter. Marie, hope you like it! Everybody- hope you like it :D An update should be coming up soon, "cause I just cant stop typing :P oooh, muffins! yum!

Thank you, Marie for giving it those extra tweaks, it's all the better for it :D