CD: Finally, after like forever here is chapter…. umm checks 5. Yep enjoy!
Karin: Tch, like they could.
CD: Shut the fuu up before I slap you.
Karin: Like you could.
Sakura, temari, zuri, and tenten, Hinata: Don't tempt her!
CD: smiles evilly I won't, but I'll do something else later.

Chapter 5: The Cabin

" I can't believe those girls." Sakura said shaking her head as she lay on the bottom bunk. It'd been two hours since they ran into the three girls and they were
just starting to get comfortable.

Hinata shrugged. " Believe it. They're just a bunch of wannabe type girls. It'd really stupid and makes me sick." She flipped through the pages of her current novel not really reading, just scanning.

Zuri grinned and nodded. " I can tell that makes you sick. Girl, I applauded you for standing up to them like that." She gave her a round of applause. " That really made me proud. I never thought you'd be the type to do something like that. Put it's better than Tenten putting a dent in all of their faces."
Tenten chuckled and gave a small shrug. " Well, They would have deserved it anyway."

Ino fake yawned bored of this subject. " Yes, I agree with you all. You did wonderful Hinata, thanks. Now about this cabin we have to do something about it. Make it more homey."

Temari looked at her through half closed lids. " Oh God no." She murmured. " Please no, That's just going to kill us. When you mean homey what you're really saying is that you want to turn this place into a stupid fashion studio. I should know you turned my bedroom into one."

Ino grinned and wagged her finger. " Yes, but you can't say you didn't like it. Maybe we don't have to turn it into a fashion studio!" She jumped up from her bed and walked around the room and started pointing at random things. " This place is okay now, but not right. It's real big in here, but empty. Just six beds in here, six dressers, three nightstands, a couch, bathroom, TV, and fridge….nothing else. Outrageous!"

" I agree with Ino." Sakura said sitting up. " I think we should go to that mall and ya know, get some things to make this place more homey." She nodded thinking of things to put into the room.

" We should get decorations, rugs, lamps, and all that and more. It's gonna look so good after we hook this place up!" Zuri punched the air and bobbed her head up and down excited.

Temari and Tenten just sighed and shook their heads. They weren't really looking forward to this as much as the rest of them. Especially since they'll try to make it girly galore. " Alright, so long as we can have a little bit of tomboyish stuff in here. Deal?" She asked.

Hinata slammed her book shut and grinned. " It's a deal. We'll also need a steam machine, and mats."

All of them turned to her. " Steam machine?" Sakura asked slowly.

Hinata nodded the grin wider. " Yeah, steam machine. For yoga. Ino, I know you know what I'm talking about."

Ino slowly nodded her head. " Yeah, I do. So when shall we go?" She asked.

" How bout' now. We have nothing to do anyway." Zuri suggested.

" Sounds great!" Ino said grabbing her purse and heading towards the door. The girls followed behind her grabbing their things along the way.

" You know we'll have to get prank items."

CD: I hope you liked it. This was just a quick thing. Thanks for reading, now please review if you care! Thanks a bunch keep checking in to see if I've updated!