A/N- Potentially a shitty ending, but it just begged to be written. Contains girl-on-girl action and the rare iCarly male/male slash. R&R y'all.

"No…" Sam mumbled incoherently. "Briggs…was just…urgh…" Sam made a funny sound before slowly opening her eyes.

Sam almost screamed when she found herself staring into Carly's eyes. "Sam, I think you were having a bad dream," Carly said softly. She was straddling Sam, and her hands were lightly placed on the blonde girl's sides.

"W-what?" Sam said stupidly, blinking rapidly.

"You've been mumbling like this for an hour. I didn't want to wake you because…" Carly trailed off, licking her bottom lip.

Sam's dream was rapidly fading from her memory. She recalled raw emotions, bitter rejection, and, most importantly, Carly.

"Why?" Sam asked sweetly.

"Because you looked so cute," Carly whispered. Sam almost couldn't hear her, but when she did, her jaw dropped.

Without waiting for a response, Carly leaned her forehead against Sam's. "What were you dreaming about?"

"It was such a weird dream," Sam said, rubbing her temples. "We were…together…and Freddie gave me lots of fashion advice."

Carly raised an eyebrow. "You dreamt about me?"

Sam blushed and nodded. She was still half-asleep, and the fact that her crush was flirting with her had not fully sunk in.

Carly placed her lips next to Sam's ear, causing the blonde to shiver uncontrollably. "Sometimes I dream about you too," Carly breathed.

Sam was in total shock. The night before, Sam and Carly had fallen asleep on the couch together after iCarly. How could Carly have known that Sam liked her?

"Freddie told me," Carly said, as if in response to Sam's thoughts. "Last night, I finally got it out of him. I was scared you kept blowing me off because you had a boyfriend, so I tickled him until he told me you love me."

This news, coupled with the fact that Carly's hand was sliding up Sam's stomach, was making Sam's breathing ragged. "In my dream you…hated me because I was gay. But then in the end…" Sam looked confused. "It didn't make sense, really."

Carly cocked her head. "I could never hate you. I love you."

Sam's eyes were wide. "Really?" She grinned.

"I always have." Carly's hands continued their journey north. "I thought you were, um, not interested because I'm a…and you are…" Carly shook her head. "But now…"

Carly immediately attacked Sam's lips with her own. Sam moaned loudly and arched her back, causing her hips to smash into Carly's. The raw roughness of the kiss only frustrated both girls more.

Carly pulled away. "I like your shirt," she said to Sam, her voice breathless and raspy.

"Thanks, I think…" Sam said, her eyes fixed on Carly's lips.

"I'd like it better if it was over there." Carly said, pointing across the room. Sam smiled and pulled her shirt off.

"Better," Carly said teasingly. "But now your pants don't match the rest of you. We might have to get rid of those too."

"Whoa, Carly," Sam said nervously. "I think your shirt needs to go be with mine. You know, so they can bond."

Carly grinned devilishly. "I like the way you think." Carly practically ripped off her own shirt, exposing a purple bra.

Sam instantly felt this huge urge to lick Carly's stomach, which she did, much to Carly's happiness. Carly was only wearing a dark miniskirt, which was quickly discarded. Sam laughed at Carly's rainbow underwear before being immediately silenced by Carly's impatient fingers on her zipper.

When all their clothing was on the floor, Carly stared at it for a moment before saying with utter finality, "I never realized this before, but our clothes look way better on the floor."


One week went by. One week, and Sam and Carly were still glowing. They held hands in the halls (much to Miss Briggs' displeasure) and stole kisses (and sometimes more) during the rare moments when they found themselves alone. Freddie had known all along, of course, that Carly and Sam would end up together. But he had a crush of his own.

The three of them sat in Carly's room, chatting absently about the day's events. Carly and Sam kept glancing at each other and giggling madly.

"Jeez, you two practically beam out the message 'I lost my virginity in this room'," Freddie said disdainfully, leaning back in his beanbag chair.

"Somebody's bitter because he's afraid to ask Jonah out," Sam said with a grin. Freddie blushed.

"I will tonight," he muttered, twirling a heavily gelled lock of his own hair between his fingertips. "It's harder for guys, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, sure. I think someone's afwaid," Sam said, clearly teasing Freddie. He looked annoyed for a split second, then smiled.

"See you guys later," he said, springing up. "I have something to take care of."


"Hey, this is, um, Freddie Benson."

"From my French class?"

"Yeah, I, uh…do you…"

"What? I'm going to be late for my trombone lesson."

"Well I had a, er, question."

"Is it about the homework? 'Cause I'm not really that good at French. I took it because it was either that or Latin, yuck."

"N-no, it wasn't about that."

"Well what was it, dude? My mom's already here."

"W-would you go out with me?"


"Yeah. Is Friday good?"


The elevator door slid shut. Sam's hand slid around Carly's waist as she pulled her in for a light kiss. Carly laced their fingers together and breathed in Sam's unique cinnamon smell. They were so completely, ridiculously in love that it sometimes surprised the both of them.

Carly's hoodie fell open suddenly, revealing a cheekily ironic "Over the Rainbow" t-shirt. Sam inhaled sharply.

"New shirt?" Sam hadn't meant for her voice to sound so gruff, but Carly seemed to be liking it.

Carly bit her bottom lip. "Yeah, I got it yesterday."

Sam slipped both her hands into the back pockets of Carly's jeans. "Your room?" She said softly. It didn't sound very much like a question.

"You bet," Carly whispered back.

A/N- Ha! Basically the entire story was just Sam's dream. I know, I know, not very original, but I feel like it worked pretty well here. Anyway, just clarifying that. Love n' kisses from the v-monster.