Stupid Boys

I do not own anything.


"Anko "TenTen whined, "I don't wanna go to school!"

"Yeah"Ino said while unwrapping a piece of gum

"Well too bad! I am your manager and I say you get a real education" Anko yelled

"Hey it might not be too bad, I hear the boys of RoKo are gonna be going there" Hinata said

"But I don't like them, there too cocky" Sakura said, taking a piece of Ino's gum

"I will not hear any more, tomorrow,school."Anko said leaving

"Well better get to sleep "TenTen advised walking to her room

(a/n:They all live in a mansion together)

"Night "Ino said hugging Sakura

"Night "Hinata said to TenTen

(The next morning 5:30)

Tenten's alarm clock began to ring loudly

"Oh my god what time is it!" she said slapping down the snooze button

'I don't wanna get up'she thought

She shuffled to her bathroom and took a quick shower, brushed her teeth and put her hair in two buns. After she went to the closet and picked out a green hello kitty shirt that read 'If one more person calls me cute'. After she found a pair of jeans and some white Vans.

She walked over to Ino's room and knocked on the door.

"Ino are you up?"TenTen asked

"Yeah" Ino relied wondering what color shirt she decided an a purple tank top

TenTen went downstairs and saw Hinata in a cream hoodie and jeans and Sakura in a pink skirt with yellow leggings and a yellow cami.

"Morning "they all greeted each other.

"When is the limo coming?"Hinata asked taking a bite of her bagel

"Now "Anko laughed as she watched a frazzled Ino try to stuff in some breakfast

They all left and filed in the limo TenTen grabbed a hoodie pull over

TenTen and Sakura put in their Ipods and started getting pumped.

5 minutes later they were in front of the school and a crowd had formed

"We love you Ino"

"Have our babies Sakura"

"Nice ass Hinata!"

"Whoosh TenTen your hot"

"Oh my gosh the fan boys "Hinata giggled

TenTen looked over and saw another group forming by a limo.

"OMG! Its RoKo"

"Shika nice hair"

"Your so hot Sasuke"

"Neji have my baby!!"

"Naruto want some ramen"

"Ew baka boys are here"Tenten scoffed

"Lets get to homeroom before we are late" Ino said

They got to homeroom on time only to see the RoKo boys there

"Great just great"Sakura said sitting in one of the spread out seats, next to Sasuke

"Hey, you me date wanna?"Sasuke said smoothly.

"Hell no!"Sakura said then turned around

Ino saw a seat by the window unfortunately Shikamaru would be in back of her

"Tch. Troublesome."He said

"Excuse me?"Ino said angrily

TenTen sat by Neji who didn't say anything, he saw TenTen drop a picture and he picked it up

It was of them practically naked by the pool

Neji texted the picture over to Sasuke who only laughed

Oh blackmail is gonna be sweet

(The lunch)

TenTen looked up the see the RoKo boys sitting at the girls table

"So, TenTen was it? Neji smirked we have a proposition for you

"What?!Get out of here"Tenten barked

Neji flashed the photo

"Wh-wH-WhERe did you get that from, HENTAI!!!"TenTen screamed

"Nether you mind that but if you don't go on dates with us we are gonna leak this on the internet "Sasuke warned

"Do you want us that bad "Hinata asked

"Yeah your really beautiful "Naruto said to her

Hinata began blushing

"Hinata, don't!"Ino said snapping in her face

"Fine, heres our address pick us up at 5 okay"tenten sulked and then they walked away

"Stupid Boys "she whined