Alright this is the second half and it's kinda short but be nice still! Reviews would be nice and I have 2 on the first chapter so thank you for the 2 reviews .

Disclaimer: I do not own transformers or anything. I just own Vivian and the other names are my friends so no wrong ideas!

Vivian got nervous as Derek had just called her. She gulped and listened closely.

"So about that date….um how about we go today?" he asked over the phone. Of course Vivian was nervous again.

"Uh sure where do you want to meet?" Vivian looked at the clock.

"How about the café near the mall?" he suggested and Vivian just said that it was alright and hung up.

"So that was him? Well you better get goin' Viv." Sunny nodded and Vivian was already out.

At the Café

Derek was sitting outside at a table and Vivian saw him. She went up to him and waved.

"Wow is that really you Vivian? Damn you look hot." Derek stated with a smirk. Vivian blushed and sat down a bit. What she didn't know was that the guys were following her and spying.

"That's him?" I don't see what Vivian sees in him anyways!" Sunny hissed out but was hit on the head by Bumblebee.

"Shut up Sunshine! I can't hear what they're saying!" Bumblebee hissed back. While the two blondes were having a hiss fight, Optimus, Ratchet, and Sideswipe groaned.

Meanwhile, Vivian suddenly felt uncomfortable with Derek. What was going on? Why isn't she feeling any romance or spark around them? Was Derek not the knight in shining armor she hoped for?

"So what do you like to do most of the time?" Derek asked while sipping his coffee.

"Well I like to go on the internet, like to hang out with friends, and I basically like to do many things." Vivian answered with a small smile.

Fact was, she knew that whenever Derek smirked, she knew that he was up to something and she wanted to get out real fast.

"This might be real fast but wanna be my girlfriend?" Derek smirked. Truth was that he was a pervert and just wanted to use Vivian. (A/N: yea the sick kind of use) Vivian looked nervous and waited a bit.

"Well, I dunno really…." Vivian stuttered and looked down. Derek didn't look pleased at all.

"What do you mean you don't know? It's just a simple yes or no question….." Derek explained with a hint of anger. He didn't have time to play games.

"I mean that I'm not quite sure if we should be a couple…..I mean this is a bit too fast don't you think?" Vivian whispered a bit and Derek instantly got angry.

Vivian noticed and quickly started to run out while Derek was chasing after her.

"HELP ME ANYONE!!!!" Vivian screamed and instantly, the guys (Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, Ratchet, Optimus, and Bumblebee) saw and started to run after Vivian. Sunny was fast enough and tackled Derek onto the ground. Optimus and Ratchet held Vivian closely to them while Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, and Bumblebee were punching Derek endlessly.

After 10 minutes, Derek ran home with all bruises and stuff. Vivian ended up fainting since all that running got her extremely tired. It was also there were no people around and that they were in their holoforms instead of their robot forms. Could've really gave Derek a heart attack and Derek could've told the police and all.

When they reached to Vivian's house, Vivian woke up and stretched a bit.

"Damn it! That Derek guy was a total slag head!" Sideswipe hissed out.

"Calm down men, Vivian is going to wake up" Optimus ordered them to be quiet but Vivian was already awake.

"It's okay, I'm awake now anyways and thanks for helping me. I didn't think Derek would be such a pervert…I can't believe I liked him!' Vivian exclaimed while flailing her arms around.

"Well if you were such a pretty girl then he couldn't help it" Matt (Sideswipe) joked but earned a punch on the head by Vivian. "Ow!! What was that for Vivian?!" he shouted while rubbing his head.

"Stop teasing me and stop calling me pretty girl!!!" Vivian yelled while chucking things at the guys. They just laughed until the day ended.

To Vivian, she doesn't have anyone to like anymore. Or maybe she will…..who knows?