Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out. And really it's not that long. But it has the promised other houses interactions! I'll try to get the next one out soon. There is going to be a big skip probably between this one and the next one. I'm thinking 10 chapters for each year. Review if you have any suggestions!

I don't own Harry Potter, just Mira, the plot, and this computer I'm typing on.


Chapter Four: Halloween

Last Time:

They looked at each other, then started laughing as they headed back to the castle together.

Mira sighed, throwing her bag down on one of the tables in the common room and taking a seat in a log by the fire. It was surprisingly comfy, the log that is. Unfortunately, her mood wasn't.

"What is wrong with you?" Scorpius asked, giving her a weird look. His overall attitude had improved tremendously over the past six weeks they had been in school together, but that didn't mean his ugly side wouldn't rear its fearsome head whenever he thought his housemate was acting stupid.

The last couple weeks had gone by rather blur like to Mira. She learned to ignore stares, and as a consequence there were less of them. Classes were fun, though hard, and though Defense Against the Darks Arts hadn't improved, it wasn't horrible. For all that Professor Finnegan didn't really like Mira, he was fair and knew when to put grudges aside.

"It's Halloween." Mira stated shortly.

"And?" Scorpius asked, sitting besides her on a cushy boulder.

"I hate Halloween." Mira said. "It's creepy, and pointless!"

"I don't get you." Scorpius acknowledged. Then he shook his head. "Just don't worry about it, come on let's work on the paper for Charms before the big feast tonight." He said; grabbing his books and walking over to the table she had thrown her stuff on earlier.

Mira looked at him and sighed again, before getting up and following him to the table.

A couple hours later, Mira and Scorpius were walking back from the feast.

"That spider pudding sure was good, wasn't it?" Mira commented happily, rubbing her now full tummy. Her mood had improved drastically after the delicious feast. Unfortunately it didn't last long, for they ran into a problem.

"If it isn't the loser house." A cruel voice sneered. Mira and Scorpius turned to see the Slytherin 1rst year, Rouge Crabbe. Crabbe and his henchman, Verte Goyle and Daisy Parkinson, were sons and daughter of Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and Pansy Parkinson, Scorpius's father's old friends.

"Ignore them." Mira said, trying to pull Scorpius away. The blond hair, grey eyed boy stayed rooted in place.

"Yeah Malfoy, ignore us. Go and play with your stupid mudblood and your stupid freedom house." Crabbe snarled. It wasn't even a good insult, but it had the desired effect.

Scorpius gave his famous Malfoy glare and opened his mouth to say something. The something was never found out as they were interrupted.

"Hey, leave them alone!" A yell from the hall made them all turn. There stood Gryffindor Albus Potter, Fibus Longbottom, and Silicia Lavender.

"Oh look, Griffindorks." Crabbe sneered nastily. Daisy laughed and Goyle grunted.

"Go away Crabbe. They never did anything to you." Albus said, acting the noble hero.

"Whatever." Crabbe said, and then noticed that he was outnumbered and snarled. "Let's go, these losers aren't worth our time." The Slytherins slithered away.

The Gryffindors turned towards the Nymphars, who were still in slight shock from the interference of the other house.

Scorpius was the first to recover. "We didn't need your help." He growled roughly before stalking off.

Mira turned to the startled Gryffindors. "Sorry about him. And thanks." She said, grinning sheepishly. Then, without another word, she ran after Scorpius.

Albus, Fibus, and Silicia turned towards each other with confused expressions.


"Hey Scorpius, wait up!" Mira yelled to her housemate.

She finally caught up to him on the grounds, stalking off towards the lake.

"Don't follow me." Scorpius said, turning to her and then away again.

"What is your problem?" She asked exasperatedly.

"Isn't that obvious?" Scorpius remarked sarcastically.

"There were just trying to help! You didn't have to snap at them!" Mira collapsed on the grass in frustration, staring out towards the lake.

"Not them." Scorpius said quietly. After a pause he sat down next to Mira. When the girl turned to look at him, she discovered something shocking.

"Are you…" She said, brining a hand up in concern.

"No." Scorpius said quickly, slapping her hand away, desperately trying to wipe the tears from his eyes.

At that point, sitting out at dusk on the grass by the lake, something happened. A connection between two people, a deep friendship, an eventual romance. Mira didn't know why, but she knew that no matter what happened, she would be there for this blond haired boy.

"It's okay to cry you know." She said softly. Scorpius gave her a sideways look.

"Thank you." He murmured. 'But I'm not crying." He didn't resist, however, when Mira pulled him into a slightly awkward hug.

They sat there in silence for several minutes. When they finally stood to go to the common room, Mira only said one thing.

"I know you never wanted to be in Nymphar. I know you never wanted your only housemate to be a muggleborn. But I also know, that one day, you won't need green and silver. When that day happens, I'll be waiting."

Scorpius thought about what his housemate, no his friend, said as he lay in his bed that night, staring at the cave like walls around him. Quite suddenly, and for the first time since he arrived at Hogwarts, he didn't wish to be sleeping in the cold beds of Slytherin.


That's it. Here are the awesome people who reviewed the last chapter.

Kattelena Riana, Takagouzawa Hikari-san, hondagirl, anime pup, and Lord Brambleeyes

To get on the list for next chapter, review!