A/N: Hi! I know I so shouldn't have started another story, but I couldn't get this idea out of my head. Ok, so Troy and Gabriella are 16 and have never met, this entire story will be them falling in love through letters. I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own High School Musical and I stole the story in letters idea from Jaclyn Moriarty, a fabulous author who has written a few books in this style. They are some of my favourite books so I suggest you read them.



The Start of year tradition lives on!

This weekend, the first of the school term, West High School is having their annual Fair, so come along and join the fun. There will be rides, games, food, performances and the famous West High art show.

This year all the money raised is being used to pay for resources for our Scholastic Decathlon team. Let's see if we can beat those Wildcats from East High again this year!

The fair will start at 9:00 sharp Saturday morning and continue until 9:00 that night. The same times will apply for Sunday, so clear your weekend!

We hope to see you there and if you have any further questions about West High or anything related to the Fair, please come to the information stall this weekend and I, Gabriella Montez, will happily assist you in any way possible.


Dear Gabriella Montez,

I want to tell you a story. Today when I arrived home I found a pamphlet in my letter box for the West High Fair. This struck me as quite odd because my house is on the East side of town. Therefore any teenagers living in this house, such as me, would go to East High, so why the hell would they want to go to the West High Fair and give money to your nerd team? I have never written a letter in my life before but your stupidity forced me to.

By the way, did you know that you are the only Montez in the phone book? If any one wanted to send you an insulting letter it is not hard to find out your address.

Troy Bolton

Dear Troy Bolton,

I am replying to your letter to tell you that your story sucks. You think I am an idiot for putting one of the Fair pamphlets in your letterbox? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. You don't even know me. There could be a million reasons why that pamphlet was in your letterbox, such as:

Your house is right on the border of the East and West sides of town

I had to hand out 100 pamphlets and there was no way I was walking further then necessary

After writing my name 100 times I couldn't care less whether you actually came to the fair or not

We raised over $1000 for our "nerd team"

Okay, that last one isn't a reason, I just wanted to rub it in your face that West High is once again going to bet East High in the Scholastic Decathlon. Also if you have never written a letter before that is kind of sad, then again I know that a lot of Wildcats don't know how to write.

Yours sincerely,

Gabriella Montez

P.S. You are not the only Bolton in the phone book, but, by process of elimination, I figured out your address.

Dear Gabriella,

You really are a nerd, aren't you? You actually replied to an insulting letter. And you figured out my address by "process of elimination", were you seriously desperate enough to call all the Bolton's and find out which one had a Troy? You really need a boyfriend to take up your obviously empty time, or even just friends.

How did you get the idea that I care about losing the Scholastic Decathlon to your school? Please go right ahead and win it, nobody even cares about those things. What people are actually interested in is sport and we haven't lost a game of any kind to West High in 3 years.

Troy Bolton

P.S. Good work insulting me there, telling me I can't write, I'm so offended.

Dear Troy,

Wow, your second letter, don't wear yourself out.

Did you know you are blind as well as stupid? I said in my letter that I know your house is right on the border, so when I looked in the phone book I knew what street you must live on. It's not rocket science.

Not that it is any of your business, but I do have a boyfriend and a lot of great friends. I can tell from your lovely view on what is important in a school that you are a brainless jock. So I doubt you have ever had an actual relationship with a girl, let alone a friendship that actually means anything.

Also, West High beat East High in soccer last year.


Gabriella Montez

Dear Gabriella,

Why do you keep replying? It's weird and defiantly not a teenager thing to do. I was pretty certain of this and even asked some of the nerdy girls at my school if they frequently wrote letters. And they said no, (after staring at me for a while, I thought they were supposed to be smart?) so you are officially the nerd queen.

Wow, you won one soccer game, big deal.

Also congratulations on having a boyfriend. It sounds like you have a really deep relationship. Do you talk about feelings and quiz each other on the next test? What a fun couple you must be!

I would like to say that you have no right to talk about my friends. I have a gorgeous girlfriend who I have been dating for 3 months and I have known my best friend since preschool. We are like brothers, so who the hell are you to come in and say I need more "meaningful" relationships?


P.S. I bet your boyfriend has a nerd name like "Greg"

P.P.S. My girlfriend's name is Sharpay, way hot

Dear Troy,

Just when I think you can't get any stupider you do. I bet you're really confused now so I will explain why you are so stupid in the following points:

You are the one who started this whole letter thing and you keep replying to me

You seem to think that you have the right to talk about my friends but I don't have the right to talk about yours

A name can not be classified as "nerdy" or "hot"

Even though my boyfriend is very smart he is also on the basketball team, his name is Jason

A Sharpay is a breed of dog. If you think dogs are hot you have issues.

So, Troy Bolton, I hope this will be last time I write to you because, to be honest, I would like you to stop wasting my time.

Have a nice life,



A/N: There you go, did you like it? In case it isn't obvious, Troy is going to reply. The letters will get longer as they get to know each other better. Also, I know in HSM Jason isn't smart, but in my story he is. Jason, Gabriella and Taylor go to West High, Troy, Sharpay, Chad and Ryan go to East High.

If you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to tell me in a review. Or review if you would like me to update. Ok, bye!