Hey, it's me again. Here's a poem that I wrote for my new story. I might not submit it to fan fiction but you should get what this means towards the end of it. Thanks. Please review. -Enola

The war broke out,

Taking souls away from loved ones,

We tried to save them,

To take the thorns away from the rose.

We feared the darkness,

We feared the light chant prevail,

We feared so many things,

But mostly, we feared ourselves.

We would be the destruction of us,

Our own creators of this war,

We have bled for our homeland,

We acted like carnivores.

We tasted the blood of others,

We took their lives,

We loved the thrill of the chase,

We loved the fear in their eyes.

When the light returned,

We were banished into the darkness,

For we only had one choice,

We were to wait for the new blood.

In case you haven't realized, it is talking about vampires. I love them so now I'm trying to write a story on them and a vampire prodigy. Emphasis on the "try". I'm gonna' have a lot of research to do on vampires though. I don't want to make it all up. Please review and tell me what you think and if I should submit my new story. Thanks.

-Enola Nokomis 