The past

The past

Previous chapter:

Shisui calmed down a bit and took a deep breath, then chuckled a bit, he looked at the two annoyed uchihas and stifled a snicker.


Fugaku came downstairs and nodded his greeting to shisui, shisui grinned in return, that was when sasuke and itachi noticed the backpack on his back, it was like itachi's since they liked the same band "mmm, shisui why are you carrying a backpack?"

Itachi asked glancing at the bag on shiui's back "didn't you know? My parents are out of konoha for the week so I'm staying here 'till they come back" he beamed, it was always fun to have him stay over, but they won't be there this week, sasuke and itachi glanced at their father as if asking his approval, fugaku sighted then decided that that wouldn't do any harm "shisui, how about you come with us for the camping training session?" he asked while taking the cup of tea that mikoto handed him then kissed her cheek, shisui almost jumped in his place "REALLY!" itachi chuckled and sasuke just rolled his eyes "yeah" answered fugaku a bit amused by the boy's enthusiasm "I don't believe you're an ANBU!" sasuke said, shisui pouted then grinned at him, sasuke grinned in return. Mikoto just watched and laughed gently then handed them their lunch in brown paper bags, although she didn't expect shisui, she made extra portion incase they lost it or they got hungry and needed snacks so she packed it for shisui "here you go shisui" she handed it to him "thank you" he replied politely.

The four uchihas walked down the route to the gates ignoring the grins that people were giving them (because they are well-known clan)

As they stepped outside the village fugaku kept silent while shisui was doing the opposite, he kept jumping, skipping dashing, you name it he's doing it, and he did all that beside itachi who didn't seem to mind since he's used to it, but sasuke wasn't. "will you ever stop moving?!" sasuke almost yelled obviously irritated, itachi and shisui stared at him together then quickly said "no" causing him to almost trip on his own foot. "you boys better be quiet, you'll have to save some energy because this is going to be a really long trip" fugaku commanded, he was starting to get irritated himself with their childish behavior "hey father.." sasuke started waiting to get his otousan's full attention and when he did he continued "how long will it take us to get there?" "really long" fugaku answered his younger son smirking "that's not helping" sasuke pouted.

Kakashi sat infront of his FAVORITE shop (I think u know which one, lol!) yeah the ahem…adult….book shop holding the new volume of "icha icha: flirting paradise" (I made that up -.-)

With his one visible eye curved happily and his fist beside his mouth looking really exited, not noticing the very curious blond kitsune passing by then suddenly appearing beside him "WHAT ARE YOU READING KAKASHI-SENSEI!" naruto yelled energetically directly into his distracted sensei's ear, managing to blow his ear-drum out of it's place "well, hello naruto" kakahsi answered instantly absorbed back into burying his nose in the book and chuckling pervertly(yeah pervertly lol) "what are you reading??" naruto asked again with a quieter voice. Kakashi moved his face back from then book "well naruto, it's for adults only so I can't.." he didn't finish as naruto read just one line from behind his sensei's shoulders and past out of blood lost instantly, kakashi sweat-dropped "I told him it was for adults, tsk-tsk"

"we reached our destination" fugaku announced to the three crawling uchihas behind him, they've been walking for the past 6 and a half hours without a break "FINALLY!" shisui and sasuke exclaimed jumping to their feet, itachi added a "hn" as he dusted his pants. "now you boys set up camp then get ready for training" fugaku ordered "what! Father I'm so tired, I can't even stand anymore, neither does shisui" sasuke stated pushing shisui and causing him to fall flat on his face to prove his point, itachi just laughed softly. Fugaku smiled slightly at his youngest son before replying "stop complaining and get to work"

Fugaku walked around the forest gathering wood for camp fire

Itachi started setting up the tents when something caught his attention "hey guys, did we forget something?" sasuke stopped strangling shisui for a second and they both started thinking "um, no, why?" they answered, itachi sweat-dropped, then turned to face them lips twitching in annoyance, sasuke let go of shiui's neck and helped him to stand up waiting for itachi's response "there are only two tents, usually father sleeps in one and sasuke and I squeeze into the other, but now we are three" sasuke gasped, itachi sighed and shiui sweat-dropped.

When fugaku returned, the others were gone, he dropped the wood beside the now ready tents and called out their names "ITACHI, SASUKE, SHISUI, WHERE ARE YOU?" no response 'well, there is nothing to worry about, they are highly trained shinobo, heck two of them are ANBU….but still, what if something happened? mikoto is going to kill me!' he flinched when he remembered the pan incident, thinking about what will happen if both of their sons get hurt…."OMG! I gotta find them fast!" he yelled creating clones and sending them everywhere while he waited incase the kids showed up.

10-minutes later the clones came back without any information about the uchihas whereabouts then disappearing with a –poof- leaving fugaku a nervous wreck, just when he decided to look for them himself, shisui came running shouting something he wasn't able to understand until he came closer, fugaku let out a sight of relief expecting to see his sons behind shisui, but they weren't "shisui, where are they?" fugaku asked angrily, shisui gulped then started telling him what happened:

"I was fighting with sasuke while itachi stared at us, when suddenly, we heard something we didn't recognize. Itachi and I ignored it but sasuke went looking for it's source, we tried to convince him to let it go, but he wouldn't listen, so when we looked around, we reached a river, long story short, I slipped, sasuke tried to grab my hand but he fell after that itachi jumped in to save him. When I got out both of them weren't there anymore!" shisui took in a deep breath, watching fugaku's eyes widening "take me to that river, now!"

Sasuke opened his eyes blinking several times to get used to the sunlight, he was confused about what happened earlier, all that he remembers that shisui slipped and he tried to help him, then a loud –splash- and he couldn't breath, then he saw itachi reaching his hand toward him, then he woke up here….where is here anyway? Realizing that he was drowning, he shot up looking around frantically, letting out a sigh when he saw itachi on the ground beside him soaking wet. "aniki, wake up!" sasuke shook his brothers' shoulder, itachi opened his eyes slowly then shot up into a sitting position like sasuke looking around "sasuke!" he kept repeating his otouto's name, sasuke poked his shoulder, itachi looked at him and hugged him with a death grip "i-itachi, i-I c-can't b-breath!" itachi let go of him and pointed at his nose, sasuke looked at his finger crossing his eyes "I did not hug you, I'll kill you if you told anyone" itachi stated, and sasuke laughed.

After their clothes dried up, they started looking around for shisui, when they didn't find him, they decided to look at the place where they (itachi) set the tents. When they reached that area sasuke's eyes widened "what happened!" he whispered looking around, the area was empty, no tents, no bags, no sign of human life form, it looked like nobody ever set camp in this area. "I have no idea, maybe they went back to Konoha" itachi replied "but aniki, there is no way shisui and father would leave knowing that we fell into the river! Wait a minute, what if shisui drowned, I didn't see him when we woke up!" sasuke panicked pacing around like crazy, itachi sighed "otouto, there is no way shisui would drown, that guy is like a fish when it comes to swimming, really, when we were in the academy he was the one who always won the swimming competitions" he reassured smiling at the memories.

When they reached the gate of Konoha, itachi was the one who started to panic, since sasuke's soul departed 2-minutes ago when he saw the gate that looked nothing like the one they were used to, it looked like the one they saw in their history books before it was replaced by the new one many years ago.

OMG! I'm so sorry for being so late, I thought this chapter was already on the site, but when I read it, it was half done, and then I realized that I didn't put it here, so anyway review plz!