
Ok guys this is my second fanfic , I don't mind some flaming, but don't be so mean..hides

DISCLAIMER: don't own...blaaah blah

rated: k+

Itachi: 12

Sasuke: 7



flash backs' if any

This story starts with itachi laying on his bed

'Today is the day' itachi thought smiling … was the first day of his vacation, that means more jounin missions nor stupid

D-rank missions, and the best. he'll be able to spend time with shisui, his best friend.

Well, that was until….sasuke suddenly burst into his room and jumps on the bed and onto his aniki's lap

Itachi: otouto, what's the matter?

Sasuke:grins widely

Itachi: what?

Sasuke: I'm happy

Itachi: ...why??

Sasuke: mom and dad will go visit their friends

Itachi: and?

Sasuke: they'll be gone for 3 weeks, that means. Aniki will take care of me

Itachi: whaaaaat?

Well itachi likes taking care of sasuke, because they rarely spend time together, but it was his vacation, I'm sure dad will understand, I'll just talk to him and see if they can take sasuke with them' . itachi pushed sasuke off his lap gently then got up and went to the living room where his parents spend most of their time sitting and drinking green tea.

His father was sitting at the low table reading a newspaper while his mother was nowhere in site, he guessed that she was in the kitchen, the kitchen was the second place that she would spend most of her time either cooking or washing the dishes, sometimes he felt sorry for her, because she's the one that does every thing around the house, while his dad just sat there drinking tea. Oh how much he hates his dad, he can't wait to be 18..sheesh. "itachi, what do you want?" his father's hoarse voice snapped him out of his thoughts,

"huh? O-yes, well father I need to talk to you about something" he answered while he walked to the other side of the table and sat there crossed-legged facing his father "well?" his father was waiting, "it's about otouto" answered itachi, "what, is that brat annoying you again?" his father spat the word brat as if he's talking about some obnoxious trouble-making kid down the block.

Itachi: "no father, he's not bothering me, it's just…..I heard that you and mom are going to visit some friends and.." he trailed off, if his father orders him to take care of sasuke then it'll be troublesome convincing him to let sasuke go with them without being yelled at for disobeying his father's command. Some times he felt as if he's trapped in a glass-cube that'll shatter if he made one mistake.

Fugaku(father's name) :" yes, and you'll take care of him" he stated

Itachi was going to object when his mother(mikato) walked in carrying a tray with 3 glasses of green tea, she placed them on the table, one in-front of fugaku and one in-front of itachi, then sat down beside her husband then reached for her glass, she just held it in her hands.

Itachi opened his mouth but closed it when two little arms wrapped around his neck and hugged him from behind, it was sasuke's. "SASUKE! SIT DOWN!" his father ordered….he never liked the fact that sasuke hugs his aniki nor does he like that itachi's ok with it. Sasuke jumped a little at his father's angry but calm voice, itachi just closed his eyes and restrained himself from yelling at his father for scaring sasuke like that, 'for god's sake he's just a child, all he wants is some attention, not being yelled at for his every movement!' sasuke slowly unwrapped his arms from around his brother's neck then looked down at his feet with his bangs' shadow covering his eyes, he took two steps backwards then sat down cross-legged beside itachi, itachi opened his eyes slowly, then glanced at sasuke. "itachi!" his father called his name so he'll have his full attention….."yes father?" itachi answered "as I was saying, your mother and I are leaving tomorrow morning at 8:00 am, so we expect you to take care of…..him" he glanced at sasuke, itachi noticed that sasuke held his breath for a sec when their father referred to him as 'him' as if he's nobody, or important enough to even be mentioned. He tried his best not to glare at their father, as he just nodded and excused himself while he stood up, then made his way toward the back door( in the kitchen which is beside the living room) he stopped in the doorway and turned his head to the side to glance over his shoulder at sasuke which was still in the same position, "hey, otouto" he called out, sasuke shot his head upward and turned around, he was so consumed in his thoughts, he didn't even notice his aniki getting up and leaving. Their Father was back to reading his newspaper, not bothering to look at sasuke "c'mon otouto, aren't you coming? Or do you prefer to stay with father?" his father glared at his news paper before looking toward itachi, but the only sight that met his eyes was the empty doorway, 'they left?'…'he should be training not wasting his time with that brat!' . he thought bitterly.

Itachi .POV:

I walked around in the uchiha compound with sasuke beside me holding my hand, "aniki" sasuke said shyly, "yeah" I answered not even looking at him "thanks" he answered, still holding hands,I stopped and turned so we faced each other giving him my full attention, "for what, otouto?" I asked, I didn't understand why he was thanking me "you got me out of the house" he answered smiling, I raised an eye-brow slightly , sasuke let out a sight then explained, I knew why but I wanted to make sure "I'm thanking you 'cause you got me out of the house and away from father, he seemed really angry and that…well…it kind of scared me." He answered….''it's ok, even I get scared from him sometimes" I told him, sasuke looked at me weirdly "what?" I asked "nothing" he turned around and walked away pulling me with him but I stood still and he just froze mid-step with his back to me "otouto, answer me" I demanded, he just tried to pull harder but I wouldn't budge, I stood my ground waiting for the answer, finally sasuke turns around facing me and said "it's just…." He trailed off "what?" I asked, it began to irritate me "you said that even you get scared from father" he answered then added "I mean…..why would you? He never yell at you and he never get angry at you…….he likes you" sasuke said the last three words with a low voice and looked at the ground "otouto…." I started "he does yell at me, heck he even hits me 'till I almost pass out, it just never happened in-front of you" I answered, I let go of his hand and walked off toward the gates of the uchiha compound that led to the rest of konoha, I didn't even bother to glance over my shoulder to see sasuke staring at me with wide eyes. "aniki" he called after me.

Sasuke POV:

"otouto…..he does yell at me, heck he even hits me 'till I almost pass out, it just never happened in-front of you"….' what!! Aniki gets hit? By FATHER! But why?! '

I couldn't believe what I heard, I just stood there staring at aniki's back with wide eyes, "aniki" I called out, he stopped and slightly reached his hand without looking at me while shoving his other hand deep into his pocket, I guess he was nervous, but aniki never shows his emotions 'cause a shinobi should never show his emotions, I immediately ran toward him and clutched his hand, he started walking again, neither one of us said a word 'till we were out of the uchiha compound and sitting at a ramen stand…If I remember correctly it's name was…o yeah ''icharaku'' they had a reputation of the best ramen restaurant in konoha, though it was small it was famous, so we sat there then an man that looked in his late thirties told the young girl, I guess she's his daughter, to take our orders….she looked around the age of maybe 14 or 15.

When our orders arrived, aniki ate his chicken ramen quietly while I ate my miso ramen happily, slurping loudly, he didn't seem to mind.

Normal POV:

Itachi finished first and put his chopsticks down, and gently pushed his bowl so the girl that worked there would take it, she took the bowl and blushed slightly when she glanced at itachi (who wouldn't XD) then she went to the back to put the bowl into the sink, and wait for the rest of the costumers err costumer 'cause there was only sasuke left….she couldn't help but smile at sasuke's cuteness while he slurped happily.

5-min later sasuke was dragged out of the stand by itachi 'cause he tried to order a 3rd bowl and itachi wasn't going to stay there all day! The people that worked there just smiled and waved good-bye. They headed to the park where sasuke played for 2 and a half hours, 'till he got exhausted and itachi just sat on a bench watching his otouto.

later….. Itachi walked home with sasuke on his back, the young uchiha was tired and couldn't walk a lot and they were kind of far from the uchiha compound, and they can't be late or their father will definitely get mad, although sasuke resisted being carried around on his aniki's back and blushed slightly because he was (in his opinion) too old to be carried…but he gave up and drifted into a dreamless slumber on his aniki's back.

As soon as they reached the uchiha compound sasuke opened his eyes as if sensing that they were home already, "aniki, you can put me down now" sasuke said with his voice a little hoarse from sleeping, "ok" itachi answered as he got on one knee so that sasuke's feet reached the ground, sasuke stepped away to let itachi stand up without bumping into him, then grabbed his hand as they both entered the uchiha compound's gates, luckily they weren't too late or they would've been locked outside, they saw the gate keeper (in this story he's shisui) "hey itachi…hello sasuke-chan" shisui greeted them…."oh hi shisui" itachi responded, sasuke just smiled, itachi and sasuke watched as shisui closed the gate and locked it "you're lucky y'know if you were late just 4 more minutes you would've been locked outside" shisui stated, itachi and sasuke's hearts skipped a beat at that statement, they were really late! "what time is it?" itachi asked trying his best not to fidget, while sasuke on the other hand was jumping in his place…and looked terrified "it's 11:55, why?" shisui answered, itachi's eyes widened a bit and sasuke almost fainted…they were supposed to be home at 9:30 sharp!

Shisui on the other hand HAD to stay awake 'cause it was his job to make sure that the gates are closed shut before mid-night.

They said good-bye and walked 'till they were sure that shisui was no longer there, then itachi picked up sasuke and ran as fast as he can….

What will happen to the uchiha brothers next?