AN: I know its been a long time since I have updated this story, and to tell you the truth, I wasn't into writing One Tree Hill stories for a while, and I had lost my muse, and I had writers block. But I realized that I need to finish this story.

I don't know if people are still reading this story, but thank you to everyone that reviewed the last chapter, or added this to your favorites.

Chapter 7

Dinner went well, they all were laughing and having a good time. Brooke was invited to sleep over, but Nathan had to go home. So they hung out for a while until Nathan had to go. After Nathan left Haley locked up and then she and Brooke headed to bed.

Brooke and Haley couldn't fall asleep so they decided to sit up and talk. Haley went downstairs and grabbed the ice cream and two spoons.

"So what's up with you and Luke?" Haley asked as they ate ice cream and Brooke blushed.

"Nothing, we are just really good friends." Brooke said as she focused on the ice cream, a blush still tinting her cheeks.

"Right and I'm Mary Poppins." Haley said playfully as she rolled her eyes.

"Well then Mary, where is your umbrella?" Brooke asked as she laughed.

"It's in the shop, but on a serious note do you like Lucas?" Haley asked.

Brooke sighs, "I do but I don't think he likes me, I mean I don't think that he would be into someone like me." She said sadly.

"Someone like you! What are you talking about?" Haley asked shocked.

"I'm a party girl, he wouldn't want me." Brooke said.

"Brooke, of course he would want you, you are an amazing person, and you havent partied in a while. I think you should go for it, ask him out." Haley said.

"I'll think about it." Brooke said as she and Haley both yawned.

They burst out laughing and decided that they would go to bed and get some rest.

They awoke the next morning and after they both had a shower and were dressed they made their way downstairs and into the kitchen leaving their bags near the front door.

"Morning mom, dad." Haley said as she kissed both of her parents on the cheek.

"Good morning mama and papa James, what's for breakfast?" Brooke asked as she sat down next to Jimmy.

Haley and her parents couldn't help but laugh at how bold and upfront Brooke was.

"We are having pancakes, they should be ready soon." Lydia said.

"What are you reading papa James?" Brooke asked.

"Twilight, its actually really good." Jimmy said, as Haley, Brooke and Lydia snickered.

"Dad, you are not seriously reading Twilight?" Haley asked.

"Yes, I am its really good and I am almost done, then I'll be moving on to New Moon." Jimmy said as he continued reading.

Haley, Lydia, and Brooke couldn't help but laugh at the look on Jimmy's face as he read Twilight. The doorbell rang and Haley decided that she would get the door.

"I'll get it." Haley said as she made her way to the door.

"Good morning gorgeous." Nathan said as soon as Haley opened the door.

"Hi." Haley squealed as she jumped into his arms.

Nathan chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist, walking them inside closing the door behind them.

"I missed you." Nathan said as he kissed her.

"I missed you too." Haley said between kisses.

Nathan walked into the kitchen with Haley still in his arms.

"Good morning." Nathan said.

"Well good morning Nathan." Lydia said as she smiled.

"Good Morning." Jimmy mumbled as he drank his coffee and continued reading.

Nathan sat down next to Brooke with Haley in his lap.

"Your dad is reading Twilight?" Nathan asked as he chuckled.

"Yeah, they're my mom's copies and he got his hands on them and decided to read them, but he's just on Twilight." Haley said.

"Nathan would you like to join us for breakfast?" Lydia asked.

"Sure, thanks Lydia." Nathan said.

"Ok, breakfast is ready. Haley get off of that boy, Jimmy put the book down." Lydia said.

Haley got up and sat next to Nathan as Jimmy continued reading.

"Jimmy James!" Lydia said sternly.

"But, Lyd it's so good I can't stop now." Jimmy said in a whiny voice as Lydia gave him a look.

"Fine." Jimmy grumbled as he marked his page and placed the book down.

They ate breakfast and talked about Lydia and Jimmy's trip, and about how school was going. Haley cleared the table as Lydia talked to Brooke and Nathan, and Jimmy went back to his book.

"We should probably head out to school." Haley sighed.

"Yeah, we better go." Brooke said excitedly.

They said their goodbyes, grabbed their bags and got into Nathan's car as he drove in the direction of school.

When they got to school they got out of the car, Nathan wrapped his arm around as they headed inside. They each headed to their lockers and got their books they would need.

Brooke noticed Rachel, and her followers heading towards Haley and she knew something was about to go down, but she also knew that Haley could handle herself. She closed her locker and made her way closer, she noticed Nathan doing the same.

"What do you want Rachel?" Haley asked as she rolled her eyes.

"You think that because you're with Nathan that you're somehow popular, trust me you're not, and he will get bored with you and I will be waiting."

"Sure Rachel keep telling yourself that, you need to seriously get over the fact that your ex doesn't want your skanky ass anymore and he would rather have a good thing." Haley said as the small crowd that gathered around oohed and ahhed.

Rachel was about to get in Haley's face but Nathan had, had enough and he stepped in before things could get worse.

"Listen to me Rachel and listen good, you and I are done, we never will be a couple again. You were the one that cheated on me and I have to say I'm honestly glad that you did, because if you hadn't I would have still been stuck with you and I wouldn't have met this amazing girl or gotten to date her. So lay off of her stay out of our relationship and get it through your head that I don't want you anymore, I'm finally happy." Nathan said as he grabbed Haley's hand and turned to walk away moving forward and letting the past go.

Brooke couldn't help but laugh as she bumped past Rachel who was still staring at Nathan in shock. She glared at Peyton before following behind Nathan and Haley, she felt someone wrap their arms around her shoulders and she couldn't help but smile as Lucas walked with her, and she knew that she was starting a new beginning.

So this is the end for this story, I had originally planned more for this story but I think its best to end this story here. Thanks to everybody that has read and reviewed this story.