Moving On

Summary: Haley has always been a shy quiet girl. She has always stayed focus on school and has never done anything she would regret. After her boyfriend cheats on her she decides to go to a nightclub that her best-friend Brooke told her about. Brooke makes her a fake id and Haley decides that she is going to go. When she goes she meets Nathan and they both feel something for each other. Will they get together or will they just have one night together.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Tree Hill or any of the characters. I wish I did own James Lafferty though but oh well.

Brooke had been over at Haley's house at 6 to pick out her outfit. She wanted Haley to look hot for when she went to the club. Brooke had thrown Haley's clothes all over her room trying to find the perfect outfit.

"Tutor-girl I found it, the perfect outfit for you." Brooke said holding up a baby blue mini dress.

"Brooke I am not wearing that and besides its not mines its Taylor's own." Haley said.

"So I am sure she wouldn't mind if you wore her dress if it's in your closet and you promised that you would let me pick the outfit no matter what." Brooke said pouting.

Haley hated when Brooke pouted she gave in "Fine I will wear the stupid thing, but I get to choose how my makeup looks." Haley said.

"Fine, now go and take a shower!" Brooke said, more like demanded.

Haley headed into her bathroom and went to take a shower thinking about what was going to happen tonight.

Nathan was heading to his girlfriends house to see if she wanted to go out tonight. He heard about this new club that had just opened and decided that they should go check it out. He walked up to the door and knocked on the door. The door opened and there stood his girlfriend in another guys t-shirt.

"Nathan! What are you doing here?" Rachel asked.

Nathan scoffs "I wanted to take you to the new club but I see you are already having your own fun." Nathan said.

"Its not what it looks like." Rachel said as the guy walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Right so I guess you somehow lost your clothes and had to wear his shirt. We are done Rachel; you can be with whoever you want to be with." Nathan said coldly.

With that he left and got into his car and headed to the club, he was going to drink and find someone to help him get over Rachel.

Brooke was now putting on Haley's makeup which was light and natural. Once Brooke was done Haley had put on her heels and jewelry and was now looking at herself in the mirror, she loved it and was happy. She hugged Brooke and grabbed her purse.

"Ok so here's your fake id do you know all of your information?" Brooke asked.

"Yes Brookie I know all of my information and I will be fine." Haley said.

Brooke wished Haley luck and left. Haley looked at herself one more time and then headed out to the club. Her parents were on their RV visiting her other siblings and traveling so she could come in at whatever time she wanted to come in.

Haley arrived at the club and saw the amount of people that were trying to get in. She walked up to the bouncer and took out her id and showed it to him, he looked at her and then handed her back her id and let her in. She smiled and walked in she was screaming inside she couldn't believe she just got in. She walked up to the bar and ordered a sex on the beach. The bartender made her drink and she sat at the bar and drank her drink while looking around at all the people in the club.

Nathan had parked and headed to the doors of the club. He walked up and showed his id, the bouncer let him in and Nathan walked inside and scoped the club out for potential girls when he looked over at the bar and saw her, he was mesmerized by her beauty. When he saw her he felt like the wind had been knocked out of him. He noticed that some guy was bothering with her and decided to help her out.

Haley was just sitting at the bar minding her own business when some pervert started to talk to her, and was bothering with her.

"Come on honey you know you want to dance with me." The guy said.

"No, I am good I don't want to dance I am just waiting for someone." Haley said trying to get rid of the guy, who wasn't moving.

Nathan walked up to the bar but close enough to the mystery girl and ordered a beer. When the bartender handed him his beer he took it and walked over to Haley and wrapped his arms around Haley's waist and kissed her cheek.

"Hi baby I missed you today. Were you waiting long for me?" Nathan asked Haley.

At first Haley was shocked to feel a pair of arms wrap around her waist but she felt safe and at home in the persons arms.

"I missed you too, and no I wasn't waiting long." Haley said playing along with the person that had come to her rescue.

"Dude I was talking to her first so back off." The guy said.

Nathan moved from behind Haley and was now face to face with the guy and was about to punch him when he felt someone grab his arm.

Haley was afraid for what was about to go down. She also realized that she knew the person that was helping her out with this guy.

"Baby he isn't worth it lets just enjoy our night ok." Haley said in a whisper.

Nathan grabbed her hand and they moved to a booth in the corner and they continued to drink there drinks in silence until Haley decided to thank him.

"Thank you for helping me out back there that guy was creeping me out." Haley said and blushed as she realized she was rambling.

"It's no problem I just saw a beautiful girl in need and decided that I could help her out." Nathan said smirking.

"I'm Nath…" he was cutoff by Haley.

"Your Nathan Scott I know who you are." Haley said.

"So you know me huh? Well how is it that you know me and I don't know you?" Nathan smirked.

Taking a sip of her drink "I guess you're popular and I like to stay to myself." Haley said smiling at him.

"Or maybe you like to keep an update on me." Nathan said.

Haley laughed and continued taking a sip of her drink, when she heard her favorite song come on "Gimme More" by Britney Spears. She looked at Nathan and smiled.

"Dance with me?" Haley asked with a pout already feeling the alcohol.

Nathan wanted to say no because he didn't like to dance but there was something about this girl so he decided he would dance with her. "Ok I will dance with you." He said.

She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor. She began dancing and turned so that her back was now facing him and started dancing on him. His hands were now on her waist and he was moving with her along with the music. He couldn't help the way he was feeling he wanted to take her right then and there but knew he couldn't and shouldn't. The song ended and another song came on. It was Dashboard Confessionals- Stolen.

Haley turned around and wrapped her arms around Nathan's neck as his arms wrapped around her waist. She moved closer and rested her head in the crook of Nathan's neck inhaling his scent. They were both enjoying the feel of being in each others arms and didn't want the moment to end. Haley looked up at Nathan and noticed that he was looking at her. She smiled at him and took a deep breath and stood on her toes and kissed him.

Nathan was shocked at first but began to kiss her back with all the hurt and pain and emotions they felt they let it all out in that one kiss. His hands roamed her body causing a moan to escape from her. She pulled away for air and a blush crept up her face as she realized that they were in the middle of the dance floor. She grabbed his hand and dragged him back to their seat the blush still there. Nathan couldn't help but smirk at how she was blushing.

"That was um something." Haley said laughing nervously.

Nathan laughed at how nervous she was "Oh it was nothing, you were amazing though and that kiss was something." Nathan said which made Haley blush.

"Thanks." Haley said.

Nathan leaned closer to Haley ad whispered in her ear "By the way you look hott tonight in this dress, its going to be hard for me to keep my hands off of you."

Haley couldn't help the blush that had formed on her cheeks again. She decided that she needed a drink really fast, she was getting hot and Nathan's gaze on her wasn't helping at all.

As if on cue a waitress walked up to their table and immediately began flirting with Nathan, which pissed Haley off she didn't know why but it just did.

"So what can I get you? You look hot you need a drink to cool you off or me." The waitress said which made Haley scoff at how up front she was being.

Nathan couldn't help the smirk that emerged he was surprised at Haley's reaction to the waitress, but he was also glad that she was jealous and he wasn't interested in the waitress anyway the girl next to him had some kind of hole on him and he wanted to get to know her more so he did what he knew best.

"Well I could use another beer and my date will have another one of what she was having." Nathan said smiling at Haley.

The waitress glared at Haley and said angrily "What did you have?"

"I had a sex on the beach." Haley replied with a fake smile.

Nathan pulled Haley closer and began to kiss her neck which caused Haley to giggle as the waitress watched mad that Haley was with Nathan.

Nathan pulled his mouth from Haley's neck just to send the waitress to get their drinks and returned to the spot where he was. Haley couldn't help but laugh at how pissed off the girl was with them and especially her.

"Um you do know that she is gone and you can stop now?" Haley questioned although she didn't want him to stop.

He stopped what he was doing and looked up at her and said "Who says I want to stop?" This caused Haley to blush.

Nathan kissed Haley again and she happily kissed him back allowing his tongue entrance when the waitress came back with their drinks and slammed them on the table causing some of Haley's to spill on her leg and she pulled away from Nathan. Luckily the dress she had on rose up when she sat down so none of her drink got on the dress. She wanted to hurt the waitress but decided not to she got up and went to the bathroom to clean her leg.

As she was cleaning her leg she thought about the kiss or kisses that she shared with Nathan and how he had kissed her neck. He was making her feel good and she had let go of all the pain she was feeling not knowing that she was doing the same for Nathan. She had just got done cleaning her leg when her phone began to ring she took it out of her purse and looked at the caller id and smiled when she saw Brooke's number.

"Yes Tigger." Haley said as she answered the phone.

"Why don't I hear music and some guy in the background?" Brooke questioned.

"I am in the bathroom." Haley replied smiling to herself as to what was coming next.

"What! I did not send you to that club to hide out in the bathroom. I sent you there to have fun and meet new guys. Do I have to come down there and drag you out of that bathroom?" Brooke asked.

Haley laughs "Are you done tigger?"

"Yes and what are you laughing at?" Brooke questioned.

"I am in the bathroom because some idiotic waitress who was flirting with Nathan spilled my drink on me so I had to clean it off." Haley said.

"Oh. Wait did you just say Nathan? As in Nathan Scott?" Brooke asked intrigued.

"Yes, he helped me out with some weird guy that was bothering me and we danced and kissed and kissed more and you know." Haley said.

Brooke gasps "Tutor girl stop talking to me and go back out there and have some fun. I want full details in the morning."

"Why in the morning? I will be home later." Haley said, although she knew that she might not.

"Please we all know that something's going to happen tonight, so call me when you get home. I love you tutor girl." Brooke said.

"Love you too Tigger." Haley said laughing as she hung up the phone.

Haley checked herself once more in the mirror and made sure that everything was still good, she then noticed that she had a slight red mark on her neck and smiled at how it got there. Once she was done checking herself over she headed out of the bathroom and back to Nathan.

"Hey are you ok did she ruin your dress?" Nathan asked.

"No, its ok the drink only got on my leg." Haley said.

Nathan leaned in so she could hear him "I could have taken it off for you, it wouldn't have been no problem. By the way we get drinks on the house all night because of her spilling the drink on you."

Haley could only nod; his breath on her neck had her lost for words. She took in a sharp breath when she felt his mouth on her neck again leaving hot open mouthed kisses on her neck. Haley couldn't help the moan that escaped her when he found her spot. Nathan moved the kisses back up to her mouth and Haley wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. They pulled apart when air became an issue, and Haley took that chance to drink her drink really fast, which made Nathan laugh, as he drank his beer.

Nathan and Haley were enjoying each others company and had even danced some more. Nathan had told Haley a joke and she was laughing at it when she heard a voice that she wished she didn't hear and she immediately stopped laughing.

Chris looked at Nathan and then back at Haley "Can we talk?" Chris asked.

Nathan felt Haley tense up beside him and he figured Haley really didn't want to talk to this guy.

"I really don't have anything to say to you Chris so please leave me alone." Haley said.

"Hales I need to explain." Chris said.

Haley laughs "Explain what it was all pretty clear and you have nothing to say. You know what I am out of here." Haley said and grabbed her purse and got up. She looked at Nathan and said "I am really sorry." She kissed his cheek and left.

She got in the car and the tears had started to pour down her face and she just let them. She decided to drive to the docks and sit there. When she arrived she got out of the car and walked to the table and sat down and just stared out at the water as the tears continued to pour.

Nathan decided to go and look for Haley to make sure that she was ok, the only problem was that he didn't know where she might be. He decided to try all of the places he knew about around Tree Hill. When he got to the docks he noticed someone sitting down and noticed that it looked like Haley he walked up to the figure and as he got closer he realized that it was Haley. He took off his coat when he realized that she was cold and put it around her and sat down next to her.

"Are you ok?" Nathan asked.

Haley shook her head and decided to be honest with him "I came out tonight to look for someone to have a good time with, but then I met you and I was having fun and it just felt right being with you."

"What happened between you and that guy?" Nathan asked.

"We dated and he cheated on me, so that is why I came out tonight to just have fun and let go of the pain." Haley said crying harder.

Nathan wrapped his arm around Haley and pulled her closer to comfort her. "I know how you feel Haley. It's why I came out tonight too and then I met you and I changed my mind I didn't want to just have a one night thing with you." Nathan said.

Haley looked up at him and smiled "What happened?" Haley asked.

"I wanted to take my girlfriend out and I went to her house but she answered it in another guy's shirt and I was pissed, it hurts yea but now I'm over it." Nathan said.

Haley caresses his cheek and pulls his face close to hers and kisses him he kisses her back and Nathan rubs his tongue along Haley's bottom lip asking for entrance which Haley happily accepted. They continued kissing and neither wanted to pull away and air was becoming an issue. Nathan began kissing down Haley's jaw and made his way to her neck and Haley moved her head to give him better access and he kissed and sucked on her neck and Haley couldn't help the moan that she let escaped.

Haley had made up her mind; she was going to do what she had always said she would wait to do. She knew she wasn't making a mistake because she felt that it was right and that Nathan was the one. She pushed Nathan away and looked at him. Nathan thought he had pushed things to far, but notices that Haley didn't show any signs of regret.

"Follow me." Haley said getting up and heading to her car.

"Where are we going?" Nathan asked.

Haley turned around and smiled "My house." And with that she got in her car and started it up.

Nathan jumped in his car and started it up and followed her to her house. When they pulled up they both got out of their cars and walked up to Haley's door and she opened the door and they walked into the house. Haley closed it behind them and locked it, when she turned around Nathan was so close to her that she could feel his breath on her. He leaned down and kissed her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Nathan began to let his hands explore Haley's body, she loved the way he touched her and Nathan loved the way her body felt.

Nathan pulled away and looked at Haley to make sure that she was ok with this and she smiled at him. "Haley are you ok with this?"

Haley nodded and kissed him, and then she took his hand and led him up the stairs to her bedroom. She kicked off her shoes and closed the door behind them. She leaned against the door and pulled Nathan to her wrapping her arms around his neck and began kissing him again, he kissed her back. Nathan picked Haley up and she instantly wrapped her legs around his waist and he led them to her bed, and laid her down climbing on top of her. He kissed his way down her neck and began lifting her dress up, but stopped himself because he wasn't sure if he should continue.

Haley looked at him "What's wrong?" She asked.

"I just don't want to rush this and in the morning you regret it." Nathan said.

Haley leaned up and kissed him and said "I haven't given myself to anyone, you will be my first but I want this and I want you."

"Are you sure?" Nathan asked hesitantly.

"Yes I am sure." Haley said and she kissed him again.

Haley reached under Nathan's shirt and felt his chest and his abs, she then slid her hands up and brought the shirt up at the same time and took it off of him. She stared at his chest before kissing him again. Nathan began kissing Haley's neck again and worked on getting her dress off, he stopped kissing her neck long enough to get her dress off. The rest of their clothes were off and Nathan reached into his pants pocket and took out a condom and put it on.

"Are you ready?" Nathan asked.

Haley nodded and gasped when he entered her, she felt the pain at first but got over it as the passion that was between the two of them overtook the pain. They didn't have sex they were making love and they both knew that somehow they worked with each other and that they were right where they were supposed to be. They were reaching their climax and they both came at the same time. Nathan rolled off of Haley both breathing heavy trying to catch their breath. He discarded the condom and got back in the bed.

Haley rolled over and laid her head on Nathan's chest. "That was amazing." Haley said.

Nathan laughed and replied "Yea it was." He kissed her forehead and they both began to drift sleep with huge smiles on their faces. Nathans arm was around Haley and both loved being in each others arms.

Haley awoke the next morning and felt a strong arm on her waist, and smiled when she remembered what had happened the night before. She looked over to see Nathan asleep on his stomach with his arm draped over her, she quietly got out of bed while trying not to wake him and grabbed his shirt and put it on. She headed downstairs to make breakfast.

She was almost done with breakfast when the doorbell rang she ran to the door to open it and there stood Brooke who looked at her and squealed when she saw that Haley was in a guys shirt.

Haley grabbed Brooke and pulled her into the house "Would you shut up, do you want to wake up the neighbors or wake up Nathan?" Haley asked blushing as she said the last part.

"He's still here? Tutor girl you are so calling me later to give me details." Brooke said and with that she left.

Haley closed the door behind her best friend shaking her head and laughing at how excited Brooke gets. Nathan saw her as he was coming down the stairs and he couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she looked especially in his shirt.

"You know it's not good to smile to yourself and shake your head at the same time people would think that you were crazy." Nathan said as he walked up to her and kissed her, she happily kissed him back.

They stopped kissing when air became an issue. "I made breakfast." Haley said.

"Wow I get breakfast after this is awesome." Nathan said jokingly receiving a punch from Haley. "I was joking, thank you." He said kissing her again.

They went into the kitchen and took up some food and sat down at the island and ate. They both had a lot of thoughts running through their minds both wondering where do they go from here. Neither one wanting to talk about it because they didn't know how the other was feeling. Haley decided to ask she wanted to know where this leaves them, will they try a relationship or was this a one night stand.

"Where does this leave us?" Haley asked.

Nathan sighs "I want to try a relationship if you want to."

Haley looks at him and smiles she leans over and gives him a passionate kiss then says "That sounds perfect boyfriend."

Nathan smiles and says "Boyfriend, I like it, I like the way you say it."

They continued eating breakfast and when they were done Nathan got dressed and decided to go home so that he could come back and pick up his new girlfriend and take her out on a date. They kissed each other goodbye and Nathan left. Haley sighed and ran her hand through her hair she wasn't sure if this would work but she was going to make sure and try and make things work.

That is the end. It was just something I was thinking of writing I hope that you like it.

For those of you that have read my other Story Where the Heart is I will be updating soon the next chapter is already written I just have to type it out and then post it. For those of you that haven't read it you should check it out.

Read and Review.