Christmas at Konoha Academy

Summary: Battle of the Bands is over, now it's reaching the holiday season. But not everything is as jolly as it seems.

Same couples as Konoha Academy's New Student

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or the songs in the last chapters.


Chapter 1: The Big News

It was the first week of December, exactly two weeks since Gaara, Naruto, Kiba, and Shikamaru won Battle of the Bands as Leaves in the Sand. Now things have changed a little bit. Temari left because she graduated last year, but got permission to stay for Battle of the Bands. But currently, Gaara was sitting in his room in his usual attire of a plain black t-shirt and tight jean staring at the first snow of the year. He's never seen snow before and was really curious about it. He even ignored Naruto as he walked into the room in his orange plaid pants and a red t-shirt.

"Hey, Gaara?" Naruto tried getting his friends attention. Lucky for him, it worked. "You like the snow?"

"I've never seen snow before." Gaara willingly admitted. "Is it frozen rain by chance?"

"Some thing like that." Naruto replied to the curious guitarist. "Shikamaru could explain it better than me, but snow it frozen water. Think of someone shaving a block of ice to make snow cones."

Gaara thought back to when he tried a snow cone back in the summer. "Oh, I get it. So, snow is really small pieces of ice."

"Yep." Naruto turned towards the door. "Like I said. Shikamaru could explain it better than me, believe it." He opened the door to leave. "By the way, Kakashi-sensei needs our help getting the tree in the building."

"The tree?" Gaara was really confused.

"It's not a real tree; it's a fake one in the basement." Naruto replied as they both left the room. "You've never had a Christmas tree in your house?"

"No, Suna never celebrated that part of Christmas." Gaara confessed again. "Christmas was pretty much like my birthday back then. My uncle would give me money and I'd get my own gifts. Except he'd give me more money on Christmas. That's how I got my custom Ibanez S."

As they walked down the hall, they looked at all the Christmas decorations, reefs on most of the doors, including theirs, and mistletoe at the exit.

"Is that the best thing for the guys' dorms?" Naruto asked questioning the mistletoe.

"Why?" Apparently Gaara didn't know the meaning of mistletoe either.

Naruto just smiled at his friend. "Whoever two people, same sex or different, has to kiss."

Gaara gave his friend a look of shock. "Are you serious?! A plant means two people have to kiss?"

"Apparently so." Naruto shrugged his shoulders. "I don't get it either."

Gaara noticed Shikamaru and Kiba waiting for them in the lounge. Kiba had his black t-shirt under his fur liner gray jacket with gray cargo pants and Shikamaru had a black sweater under a green winter vest with a pair of faded jeans. He also noticed a bag at Kiba's feet.

"Hey Gaara." Kiba said noticed the two boys. He walked to them carrying the bag. He handed the bag to Gaara. "Tsunade got these for you. It's cold out so they'll do you some good."

"But we're going to the basement." Naruto said a little curious because the basement entrance was in the hall.

Shikamaru stood up. "The basement in the girls' dorm building." He said walking over to them.

Naruto walked over to the coat rack and grabbed his orange and blue coat as Gaara pulled a white scarf out of the bag, then a brown button up trench coat. 'This should keep me warm.' Gaara thought putting his new coat one then wrapping the scarf around his neck. "Wow!" He was amazed how warm he was. "I need to go outside to cool off." He joked making them all laugh.

They walked outside in a single row. The last thing they wanted was for two of them to be stuck under the mistletoe at the same time. It's awkward to kiss someone you don't know, it's worse if it's a member the same sex that you know and do a lot of the stuff together. Rumors could spread and it was the last thing they needed. As they walked over to the girls' dorm building, they noticed Kakashi in the same apparel as Shikamaru except with an orange scarf around his neck.

"Hey Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto screamed running to school's English teacher. Naruto always seems to get his attention when he yells. "We're ready to get the tree."

"Bad news, boys." Kakashi said as they walked up to him. "The only ones with passes reserved are Gaara and me." He looked at Gaara. "It seems, Hinata needs to speak to you." He smiled through his mask. "You should go see what she needs."

Gaara had a concerned look on his face after hearing that. "I'll go check on her then." He looked at his three band mates who were unable to go in. "I'll check with one of the girls and get them to get you some passes. Then we'll take care of the tree." He walked in after seeing the smiles grow ear to ear on his friends' faces. He saw Kurenai in her usual attire of the white dress with red underneath it.

"Hey, Gaara." She didn't smile like she usually did when she saw him. He tossed the pass to him, which was also unusual. "She needs you to see her right away." Everything she said was emotionless.

'Weird.' Gaara thought to himself walking towards Hinata's room. 'She usually hands me the pass with a smile and a handshake. What's wrong.' He reached the door sooner than he thought he would. He slowly began to knock and after knocking only once. Tenten opened the door and quickly pulled him in, and shut the door behind her. He didn't even have time to notice the pink t-shirt and blue Capri pants she was wearing.

"Be honest Gaara!!" She yelled. "Was it intentional?"

"What did I do?" Gaara ask so confused he thought he was going to explode.

Tenten calmed down immediately. "Wait! She didn't tell you yet?" She was very confused now.

"That's why I'm here. To find out what is going on." Gaara explained to his friend. "Where is Hinata?"

"She's in the bathroom." Tenten said calmly. "She just finished puking."

"Puking?" Gaara was really concerned about his poor girlfriend. He turned to Tenten. "By the way… Naruto, Kiba, and Shikamaru need passes…"

"I'll get right on it." Tenten ran out of the room in a flash of pink and blue.

He stayed calm. "That's the Tenten I know." He looked at the bathroom worriedly. He knocked on the bathroom door. "Hinata?"

"Gaara!" She opened the door quickly and hugged him. She was wearing her usual gray jacket and a pair of black jeans. He also noticed that she looked sick. "I-I-I'm glad you s-showed up."

"Hinata, what's wrong." Gaara asked concerned and confused. "Kurenai treated me like a stranger and Tenten interrogated me like I killed someone."

They separated and she looked down. "R-remember what h-happened after B-battle of the B-b-bands?" He slowly nodded his head 'yes'. "Well I-I'm p-p-p-p-p…"

"Don't say Pathetic." Gaara said hoping she was going to say that.

"Pregnant!" She yelled. That was the last thing Gaara wanted to hear right now. "I-I'm pregnant."

Gaara sat down on her bed. "Pregnant?" He felt like he was going to pass out. He was lucky he was sitting on her bed, because that's exactly what he did leaning back and laying on her bed.

"Gaara!!!!!!!" She screamed concerned about her boyfriend.


He woke up in a bed in the nurse's office. For some reason he was used to this white room with cold tile flooring. He wasn't used to the fact that Tsunade in her usual green dress was waiting for him to wake up.

"It's about time." Tsunade said trying to be calm.

"Where's Hinata?" Gaara asked concerned about Hinata.

"She outside the room. Waiting for me to tell you something." Tsunade looked straight at him.

"That you'll punish me lightly and only suspend me for a week or two?" He asked hoping that was what she was going to say.

"No." Was her reply to Gaara's guess. "Instead I'm moving you and Hinata out of your dorms." Gaara felt the need to pass out again, but the feeling didn't come. "You two will be with me in my apartment above the teacher's lounge, so I can watch both of you and help you two to be young and responsible parents." Gaara felt a little relief. "Since you guys got yourselves into this mess, I'm helping you with it."

Gaara sighed with relief. "Thanks, Tsunade."

"You can leave now. Gather your things from your room and meet me outside the main building." Tsunade walking towards the exit. She turned to him and smiled. "Don't worry, I know it wasn't intentional. I was a teen with hormones too."

He smiled back at her. "Thanks again."

He opened the door and left the room as Hinata ran in and hugged him. "Are y-you alright?!" She asked worriedly and continued to hug him.

He hugged her back. "I'm alright. You feeling okay?" He asked also putting his hand on her stomach.

"I s-shouldn't have t-t-talked you into d-d-doing that a-a-after the c-contest." Hinata said on the verge on tears.

Gaara tried to assure her. "Don't worry, this is also my fault. It takes two to have a child." He continued to hug her. "I'll be here for you every step of the way. Did Tsunade tell you what we're doing now?"

"Y-yes." Hinata looked up and smiled at him. "W-will you s-stay with L-Leaves in the S-Sand?"

Gaara put some thought. "I'll find some time for them. But, you and the baby will be my first priority. I love you, and yeah this baby will make thing difficult." His smile widened. "But I've never met a challenge I can't overcome."

"I l-love you t-too." Hinata smiled. He quickly kissed her on the lips, then climbed out of the bed as the separated. "C-come on, W-we need t-to pack up a-and tell the o-others."

They walked out of the nurse's office hand in hand.

End of Chapter 1


Author's Note: I wanted to do a sequel to Konoha Academy's New Student, and it's close to the Christmas, so I came up with the idea of this Christmas sequel and kill two birds with one stone. I also came up with the idea of Hinata being pregnant, because my older brother got his girlfriend pregnant and she recently had the baby, so I'm now an uncle. Expect a few surprises from the others in the next chapter.