Hey ppl my name is Laura and well my friend "Katie" (btw that's not her name, she wont let me say her really name on the in

Hey ppl my name is Laura and well my friend "Katie" (btw that's not her name, she wont let me say her really name on the internet.. coz like u know out of all the "Katie's" out there they (rapist paedophiles whatever) will find her/him (lol)) wanted me to write another chapter and you know how im such a nice friend coughs well im a loving person (a.k.a loves myself only, hey that's counts doesn't it??) enjoy chapter 2

Disclaimer: I btw so don't own naruto coz like u know if I did I would be sitting in my mansion drinking ice tea (even tho I hate it) and getting my nails done (lol if I had any)

Rephrase that.. getting nails put on… yer that sounds good and I would be like listening to mcr (my chemical romance) live coz like im that rich I could afford to get them to do live performance for me lol

"So how have you been?" pein said sweetly.


"Really oh my god the fork and spoon broke up" pein said staring at the chair across the room


"What a slut! How can she break forks heart like that?"


Konan and itachi looked into the white room through the small bullet proof window on the thick steel door. Pein was sitting in the corner, his knee's surrounded by his lanky arms (lack of exercise).

Konan sighed "I never thought his obsession with killing gaara and naruto would get this bad..."

Itachi looked away from the mental patient and stared into Konan's eyes "neither did I..."

Pein saw there lips moving but he could hear what they were saying.

"don't worry chair I will never cheat on you, UNLIKE SOMEONE I KNOW!!" pein darted his glare to konan.

"Never ever, ever!" pein said as he began to cry, hugging the chair.

Dr Uchiha sighed as he walked up to konan and Itachi

"Talking to inanimate objects is one of the first signs on insanity. We have been studying him for many weeks now." madara looked from konan to itachi

"From the story you both told us, we believe that the memory of gaara and naruto 'attacking' him has caused him extreme trauma, and it is causing him to think of everything backwards because that's what happened to him, his life went backwards from noble citizen to criminal. Like you and itachi, konan. He knows your not cheating on him, but from the trauma he believes that he wants you to be cheating on him, which as u can imagine has rattled his brain. So he has made an obsession with inanimate objects to keep him away from thinking about what he wants."

Madara looked at ground then back to Konan's shocked face. "Can u comprehend that?"

"Ye- ye- yes" konan said still in shock of that had happened to her beloved pein.

Madara cleared his throat "well after much thought, the other doctors studying pein and I have thought of a way to fix his mind." Madara looked at the floor and back at itachi, his eyes pleading, he said softly "you will both have to do something for the good of pein's mental state. Because pein 'believes' you to are together. You will both have to show him…" madara examined their wide eyed expressions and said hastily "now pein isn't stupid so he won't fall for some pathetic peck…" madara sighed once again "do this for pein, no one wants to live their life in a small white room talking to a chair…"

"I... I'm willing to do this for pein…" itachi said darting his gaze towards konan to judge her reaction.

Konan calmly took a deep breath and nodded in agreement.

Madara spoke after a few short moments "Now because we can't risk pein being in the room at the time... you both... Convince him, we will have to make a video of it. Just for safety reasons"

Pein glared evilly at the male nurse, eyeing his pale blue outfit as he chained him to the wall, not noticing the massive screen on the other side.

The nurse put ear plugs into pein's heavily pierced ears. He injected a small needle into pains arm, which made pein seem a lot more awake.

The nurse left the room and closed the door in the way out. Peins eyes darted around the white room nothing but walls and a massive screen (easily the size of a movie theatre one)

Music drummed through pein's ears, fast loud pop music. Which reminded him of making out…

Konan and itachi appeared on the screen for a short moment, konan wearing a black underwear and fishnets very similar to the outfit he bought her last Christmas, and itachi wearing black boxers. Konan's body was bent over itachi's, his hands grapping at her hips. They started kissing deeply moving there bodies against each others quickly, not wanting to waste anytime…



As itachi's hands moved up to konan's bra, the movie stopped.

And madara walked in with a remote control in his hand…

"so pein is konan cheating on you with itachi?'

"YES!! Didn't u see the video?!" pein cried.

"yes I did see the video, and konan isn't cheating on you, that was simply a test to see if that would gain your sanity back. And guess what it did"

madara smiled happy that his job had been done