
Where Sai was from there was only one priority: the mission. You completed the mission, came home, slept and eat…only the things necessary to live. Now, Sai was the first person to admit: he was ignorant. At first, he had picked a flaw, and used that as a nick-name for each person.

Naruto was dickless, Sakura was ugly. Neji was transvestite, and Tenten was Panda bitch. Kiba was dogbreath, Shino was mutant, Hinata was chicken shit, and Lee was gay. Shikamaru and Chouji had names too, but he rarely saw them.

Now if you were paying attention, one person is missing from this list. Yamanaka Ino. When they had first met, he had tried, honestly he had. Sai had worked very hard to find flaw in said girl, but to his surprise none came to him.

In his eyes, he saw perfection. Her beauty greater then the most famous of paintings, and she had kindness un-seen by him ever before. Sai had never seen someone this ethereal before.

"Sai-kun?" He and Ino had become good friends…and he came to the flower shop sometimes, to talk and occasionally help if she was running it alone. "Yes Ino-chan?"

"Why…why do you call me beauty…when Sakura is ugly, and Tenten is panda bitch…not that I mind the kind name…it's just odd I suppose." He sighed; Sai knew this would come up eventually. Picking up the nearest red rose, he handed it to her. "Because I can simply find no flaw in you, and I cannot think of a better name." Ino's face lit up, and she wrapped her arms around him. Slowly and awkward Sai asked, "what are you doing beauty?"

"Hugging." She looked up at him, and slowly brought her lips to his. "And I was kissing you. Understand?" He shook his head slowly, "not quite…could we go over that one more time sensei?" A smirk flashed across his face, and Ino giggled quietly.

"Of course."

To Sai, Yamanaka Ino was perfection in every way.