Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, if I did then the ending would have been completely different.

Warning: SasuNaru, parody, Sakura bashing. This is something I wrote when I was young, way…..young and now that I am seeing the horrible writing I did in the past, I have decided to come back and fix it. Though it is still a horrible story.

I wrote this when I was young and stupid. Back when my grammar was that of a three year old, and it probably still is. Believe me. So after seeing some of the reviews, I decided to go back and fix it. Again. Lol. So I hope it's easier to read and understand now.

Sakura stood at the bridge her team usually meet at to talk about the missions they had for the day. She was really waiting for her 'darling' Sasuke-kun. She smiled widely as soon as Sasuke arrived. She quickly made her way to him and hugged one of his arm.

''Sakura get off, why do you do this to me every time I arrive? Sasuke asked.

''What are you talking about Sasuke-kun?" 'Sakura asked.

''Hug my damn arm.'' Sasuke said trying to pull away from the pink haired girl.

''Because Sasuke-kun, I love you.'' Sakura said.

''Well I don't okay, now get off me.'' Sasuke demanded.

She pouted but did as Sasuke asked of her. She proceeded to annoy him by talking about her day and asking Sasuke all sorts of questions. Sasuke just ignored her.

''Sakura.'' Someone screamed.

''Huh?" Sakura said as she turned around and saw Naruto walking towards her.

''Sakura I was wondering, do you wanna go out with me someday?'' Naruto asked out of nowhere.

''Plz say no, plz say no, Plz say no.'' Naruto thought to himself.

''Uhhhh... let me think about it how about NEVER." She said to her blond team mate.

''Yes! Thank Kami-sama she said no, that's one big forehead.'' Naruto thought.

Naruto frowned but decide to forget about it.

''Sasuke do you wanna go spar with me later on?'' Naruto asked.

''Hn.'' Sasuke said. In his head Sasuke thoughts 'Anything for you my darling little kitsune.'

''Sorry Naruto, but me and Sasuke have a date, he can't go with you. ''Sakura said.

''No you got it all wrong Sakura. '' Someone said.

All of a sudden a puff of smoke appeared and behind it, Kakashi showed up.

''Sorry I'm late I had to save a cat from falling of a tree.'' Kakashi said.

''LIAR.'' Sakura and Naruto screamed.

"Well now that I'm here, there's no missions, Sasuke and Naruto must train, and Sakura Tsunade wants you in her office." Kakashi said.

''What, why me? Why can't Naruto go and me and Sasuke can train?'' She asked.

''Because Sasuke will beat the living daylights out off you, and Tsunade said she will help you on your training.'' Kakashi said.

''Well that's true. I will beat the living daylight out of you, Naruto is a well and worthy opponent.'' Sasuke said.

''Well...okay, I'll go with Lady Tsunade. I'll try to end it soon so I can see Sasuke beat Naruto to a bloody pulp. Bye.'' Sakura said and left.

''God I thought she never leave.'' Kakashi said.

''Ha ha, me either.'' Naruto said.

''Well I got to go see what my darling Iruka, see you guys later.'' And with that he was gone in a blink of an eye.

''So now what?" Naruto asked.

''Oh you know exactly what now my little darling fox.'' Sasuke said with a smirk on his face.

''Mmm… sounds good, my place or yours?'' Naruto asked.

''Mine.'' Sasuke said and carried Naruto bridal style and off to his house.

As time passes.

Sakura was glad that her training was over. She walked to the training grounds were she thought her darling little Sasuke-kun would be at training. She was wrong.

''Hm…that's funny , Sasuke-kun and Naruto usually stay here for hours. Maybe Sasuke beat Naruto to a pulp and now he's is in a hospital and my Sasuke-kun is at his house waiting for me to come.'

Amazing how Sasuke and Naruto can have so much 'FUN' in 30 min's and get dress in time as Sakura knock's on the door.

''Sasuke-kun you there, it's me Saku..'' Sakura got cut off by Naruto answering the door.

''Na-ru-to? What are you doing here?'' Sakura asked.

''Who is it Naru...oh it's you, what do you want Sakura?'' Sasuke said coming to the door.

''Well I came because you weren't at the training grounds so...I thought I'd stopped by and...''She was cut off again.

''Um me and Naruto finished early, and I thought I'll invited him over for lunch.'' Sasuke said.

''Well okay then um can I joi...''And again she was cut off but this time by the door slamming on her face.

''Join you.'' She finished.

She started to cry so she ran to her favorite place to think.

''*Sobs*…Why wont Sasuke love me? I love him so much yet he treats me like crap.'' Sobs and more sobs.

''Yo.'' Someone said.

She turned around and saw Kakashi sensei.

''Kakashi what are you doing here?'' She asked.

''Well...I came to help you out." He said to her.

'God why am I a softy.' Kakashi thought to himself.

''Kakashi sensei, why wont Sasuke-kun love me?'' Sakura asked.

''Well Sakura maybe because he's afraid of telling you his true feelings for you." He said out loud.

'I am such a liar. The reason Sasuke doesn't like you is simply because he loves Naruto.' Again he thought to himself.

Sakura smiled. "Thanks Kakashi sensei, I'm going to go talk Sasuke right now. He doesn't need to be afraid of telling me his feelings." She said as she walking away.

Kakashi watched her leave and as soon as she was out of sight, he burst out into laughter.

"Wow, that pink freak is in for a big surprise." He said to himself and vanished out of sight.

Sakura walked down the neighborhood where Sasuke's house was located, and as she was getting closer to the house, she heard loud moans coming from somewhere.

'Where is that coming from?'

As she walked closer to Sasuke's house, the sounds got louder and louder. She arrived to his house and tried to look in through the window, but nothing could be seen.

'The sounds are definitely coming from inside the house, but why does it sound like Naruto?'

She walked to the door and knocked on it slowly.

"Sasuke-kun, are you in there?"

Everything suddenly got quiet and two seconds later all kind of shuffling noises were heard from inside the house. Footsteps were heard rushing around the house then everything went quiet again. The door slowly opened and Sasuke came out without a shirt, and his pants were wrinkly and unbuttoned.

"Sasuke-kun, are you okay? And why did I hear moans from inside the house?"

She said trying to look over Sasuke and into the house.

"Huh...I….was watching a movie...why?"

"Is Naruto in there?"

"No, he left early. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to get back to my movie." He said closing the door, but Sakura pushed it open again.

"Can I come in?" She asked.

Sasuke turned to glare at her. "No."

"I need to talk to you, it's important and I need to come in."

Sasuke sighed and let her in. She gladly walked in and tried going into his room, but he rushed over and slammed the room door shut before she could walk in.

"At the table." He said.

She nodded and walked over back to the table taking a seat on the chair, Sasuke doing the same.

"So what do you want?" He asked.

"Sasuke-kun...Kakashi sensei told me that you were always mean to me because you were afraid of telling me your true feelings, is that true?" She asked with hope in her voice.

Sasuke sighed making a mental note to kill Kakashi later.

"Yes Sakura...it's true, do you wanna know my true feelings towards you?"

Sakura happily nodded.

"I think you're an annoying person. Why you keep on trying to go after me after so many rejections is beyond me. Keep dreaming Sakura, I will never go out with you, I'd rather go out with Kiba's dog than with you. Your just a plain creepy
fan-girl." He spoke.

Sakura was left in shocked. Naruto heard the commotion and decided to come out.

"Sasuke is everything o...Sakura?"

Sakura looked over and saw Naruto standing in his boxers.

"Naruto... I thought you said he left." She asked looking back at Sasuke.

Sasuke looked at Naruto and then back at Sakura.

"I guess you ought to know, Sakura I'm gay."

"Gay as in happy?" She asked.

"No...Gay as in I like guys not girls." Sasuke said.

Sakura frowned. "Are you serious?! You and Naruto are together, are y'all sleeping together?!" She said almost screaming.

"Yes." He said.

All of a sudden Sakura burst into tears and ran out of the house where there was an angry mob of cats that started chasing her and scratching her, weird huh.

Naruto and Sasuke laughed a little and closed the door to the house. They both walked right back into the bedroom where the moans started again trying to possibly make little Sasuke and Naruto babies.

The end.

OMG this is a horrible story, what the heck was I writing back then. Anyways. Reviews are welcome, bad, good, I don't care anymore. My soul died a long time ago.