Disclaimer: I own nothing Psych related. This story is purely fiction and written for my enjoyment and the enjoyment of others.

It's not like in the movies. Everyone knows that, of course. But somehow, you still expect it to be that way. The hero can always take a few shots, shrug them off and save the day. The geeky sidekicks? They'll usually go down, but find a way to help the hero in the end. And fatal gunshot wounds are almost never fatal.

But this is different. So very different. The pain is nearly indescribable. The only thing you can equate it to is being hit with a flaming battering-ram that just keeps going. Straight into your body, ripping up and burning everything it makes contact with. The pain is so overwhelming, you don't feel yourself fall to the ground.

You can't focus. The pain is still there, but somehow, in the background. Burning and stinging and pulling you inside out, but your mind is elsewhere. You're trying desperately to focus on what's around you, but your mind is two steps behind every sound and every movement.

Someone is kneeling over you. A face you recognize, but you can't place. The outlines are blurry, but the eyes are clear. You see...tears? Yes, they are tears. One falls on your cheek, streaking across it to drop in your hair.

He's speaking. You can see his mouth moving, sound coming from it. You know it's English, but it makes no sense. You know it would make sense if the pain would just stop and your mind could clear. A hand on your cheek makes you realize you're crying. Tears are trickling down to fall with others on the ground around you, mixing with blood and dirt.

The words suddenly make sense. He's asking you to hold on, to stay with him. Where would you go? You can't think of any place else. You don't even remember where you are right now. You can't think of somewhere to go, though if you could be somewhere where you could think and the pain would be gone, you'd go there in an instant.

The face is fading out, like it's moving farther away. Why? Why would he leave? Isn't he the one who told you not go?

There are loud sounds in the background. High-pitched and awful, grating into you. Voices are overlapping all around you, and you just want to sink away from it all. So you do. Let it all get dark, sounds fading into a dull buzz, pain being overpowered and absorbed by darkness.

You only wish he would come with you.