FREYA: Heyo! This is my second fan-fic. I thought my first one went ok but now I'm trying to improve my writing. I've decided on a Naruto fan-fic because I was inspired by another fellow fan-fic writer. Just a reminder, I want you all to know that I do not own Naruto or it's characters. I hope you all enjoy my fic. If not I don't really care…I just like writing. And so…READ! Freya has spoken!

Chapter 1: A second chance punch!

"Byakugan!" called out Hinata as the veins around her eyes constricted and allowed her to see all around her clearly. Her palms were facing her opponent as she readied for their attack. Neji simply glared with his veined eyes and began his assault. He attacked with force and a resolve that Hinata could not match. She managed to block several times and counter once. Her counter missed though and Neji hit her hard at her torso. She hit the ground but got up quickly. She waited for his attack again in her fighting stance, breathing a little hard. Neji started again and hit her multiple times. Hinata could see the blows coming but many were unavoidable for her. She was hit at her torso again, along with a sharp hit to her collarbone and one to her jaw. She could taste the coppery flavor of blood and guessed that her lip was busted.

"You're done," said Neji coldly, "that's all today." He turned coolly and walked back into the house from the courtyard. She didn't have the chance to protest, though she wasn't sure she could if she tried. Hinata was so timid. She wiped the blood off her lip and gently massaged her collarbone. It was sore but that didn't bother her as much as the fact that Neji cut their training short. I want to get tougher. That way I can be stronger when I'm around…Naruto-kun…She blushed just thinking about him.

"I wonder," said Hinata quietly to herself, "what Naruto-kun is doing?" She picked herself up and wandered around the village.

Hinata passed by many people she recognized. She saw Shikamaru and Tenmari walking down the street, no doubt talking about one of their missions. They look sort of nice together, but I don't think either of them knows. It seemed everywhere she looked there was a couple going about. She passed by Ten-ten eating barbeque pork with Lee. I thought she liked Neji-nii-san? Hinata saw Ino arguing with Chouji about her flowers. He must have stepped on one or something.

Hinata also saw her fair share of people alone, too. Shino could be seen collecting bugs in the forest and Kakashi was on a rooftop reading his dirty book. She couldn't find Kiba or Akamaru but it was likely that they were running through the forest. Everyone is so determined. They're so strong. Hinata's face frowned a little as her head dipped. Whenever I get stronger I'm going to talk to Naruto-kun…without freaking out…or passing out…or running away.

She sighed, "I'm so weak-willed."

"NARUTO! YOU GET BACK HERE!!" someone screamed in the distance.

Hinata looked up in time to see an orange flash run into her, knocking her down. The pain first came from her head. She didn't open her eyes until it stopped throbbing, but when she did she gasped with surprise.

"Hinata?" Naruto was over her with a confused look on his face. His face was only inches away from hers. She couldn't stop herself from blushing and her face turned a deep crimson. "What're you doing in the middle of the street? Aren't you training with Neji?"

"I-I-I-I-" Hinata couldn't form a single sentence. She bit her lip in her nervousness and it began to bleed again. He's right on top of me! Naruto-kun in so close I can feel his breath! It smells like Ramen. She wanted to move but didn't at the same time. She tried to remain cool and calm, freezing up without moving an inch.

"Hinata? Did you know your lip is bleeding?" he then preceded to use his thumb to wipe it off her lip. She felt her face get hot but Naruto didn't seem to notice. Without a second thought he sucked on his thumb to get the blood off his hand. He gave her a goofy grin. She was struck with his smile and began to get dizzy and lose consciousness. Hinata felt the weight lifted off of her and her vision cleared.

"NARUTO!" exclaimed an angry Sakura. She shook him by his collar and yelled more. Something about how she couldn't believe he'd tried that and that he should be lucky to be alive. Hinata picked herself up just as Sakura threw him onto the ground and stormed off. She looked at Naruto and saw that Sakura had punched him in the face. His cheek was swollen but he grinned anyway. Hinata thought she'd calmed her nerves only to find herself weak at his smile.

"Are y-y-you alright, N-Naruto-kun?" She stammered as she tried not to look at his face and give herself away. He picked himself up and dusted his clothes off. He looked at her and grinned.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Sakura-chan would never seriously hurt me." He insisted.

"What d-did you d-do to upset Sakura-san?" she managed to ask while she fidgeted with the hem of her coat. I hope he doesn't think I'm being nosy.

He scratched the back of his head and sighed. He wasn't facing her but rather looking at the direction Sakura had stormed off in. He had a slightly dazed look on his face. "I tried to steal a kiss from Sakura-chan."

Hinata was hit with a sharp pain in her stomach and it wasn't from fighting with Neji earlier. "Oh," was all she could manage as she lowered her head. Of course, Naruto is in love with Sakura. It's dumb of me to think that he'd like someone as meek as me when there's someone as spirited as Sakura-san for him.

"But…" Hinata could hear a bit of pain in his voice. "Sakura-chan loves someone else. She'll never have room in her heart for me other than as her friend. She could never like me they way she likes him." Naruto's face was very serious as he looked towards the Hokage tower. Sakura worked there with Tsunade, the 5th.

So Sakura doesn't like Naruto-kun? Does that mean that if I try harder Naruto-kun could notice me? Maybe I still have a chance? She looked over at Naruto who was just standing there lost in his thoughts. She could see his swollen cheek and thought that maybe she could offer to put something on it.

"Well, see you later Hinata. Tell Neji that-"

She mustered up the courage to interrupt him. "Naruto-kun?" Hinata was extremely nervous but she spoke without stuttering. "Your cheek is swollen."

"Huh? Oh, well, I'll put something on it later."

"I could put something on it…"she pulled out a small container and opened it.

"Really, it's no big deal, Hinata. I can-"

"I want to do it!" she said louder than she intended and had actually surprised herself.

Naruto stayed quiet and then said fine. They walked to the Ichiraku Ramen shop and took a seat. Hinata took the seat closest to his cheek. She hadn't realized it but Naruto was a lot taller than she remembered. Then again it'd been a while since she'd actually gotten this close to him. She was staring for a while before he actually said something to snap her out of her daze.

"Can't reach?" he asked and then leaned down closer to her face making her extremely nervous. She stifled a gasp and applied some ointment to the tips of her hand. Naruto's eyes were closed which made being close to his face a little easier. It's hard to not be nervous when he looks at me. She put some of the ointment on his cheek all the while she could feel his skin and she shuddered on the inside that she was actually touching Naruto without passing out. She brushed his blonde hair as she pulled away from his face.

"I-I'm done." She reverted to stuttering around him as she closed the container. I think I should leave. Naruto-kun makes me too nervous to hang about here. Hinata got off the seat and quickly left before Naruto could thank her. He turned back around in his seat.

"What was that about?" he asked himself. He ordered a large beef bowl of ramen and ate it quickly with gusto. It wasn't long until he'd eaten two and was paying for his food.

"What about the girl you were with earlier?" asked the ramen shop owner, "wasn't she your date?"

Naruto didn't respond with much emotion. "No, she's just a friend I knew from the Ninja academy."

"Really? I thought she actually liked you. If you weren't so dense you'd have noticed. It was kind of obvious."

Naruto put away his frog purse and handed the old man the bowls he'd eaten out of. He was about to leave when his curiosity got the best of him. "What gave you the idea that she liked me?" he asked as he leaned on the counter.

The man didn't speak but he pointed with chopsticks at the seat next to Naruto. He looked over and saw something he hadn't noticed before. In the very center of the seat was the container for the ointment she'd put on him. She hadn't forgotten it; she'd left it there intentionally. Something dawned on Naruto at that moment. He remembered every time Hinata had come near him. She'd always seemed nervous. I thought she was just shy and had trouble talking to people, not just me. Maybe what the old man said was true. He picked up the ointment and put it in his pocket as he left the store for home. If that's true then she's liked me for a long time. I wonder why I never noticed? He took the container out of the pocket and looked at it. Without realizing it he smiled. I'm sort of glad Sakura punched me today or maybe I wouldn't have discovered this about Hinata.

At that same moment, back at the Hyuuga residence Hinata lay down in her bed, bundled up in a blanket. She had a big smile plastered on her face. I helped Naruto-kun today. And I found out that Sakura-san doesn't like him like that. That should make me feel ashamed of myself but for some reason I feel like I've been given another chance. Another chance to get Naruto to notice me. Thank you Sakura-san. Thank you for punching him today. And with that Hinata fell asleep with a happy smile on her face.

FREYA: Chapter 1 END! So what do you think? Is it developing the way you want it to?. I always thought that Naruto and Hinata were a lot cuter than a Sakura/Naruto or Hinata/Kiba story. Anywho, I like reviews but just like before they aren't necessary. If the chapter was too short please say so. I don't mind making the next few longer if I can without forcing the story or making it boring. I have a lot of the story planned out already, but if you want to throw in your 2 cents go ahead. Maybe I can squeeze it in. FREYA HAS SPOKEN!