Hey sry it took so long to put it on. Well here it is. Hope u like it. This is my first lemon so might not be a good one. Enjoy and review!!

There were Akatsuki members fighting with the Kohona ninjas. Which were Sakura, Neji, Tenten, Lee, Hinata, Kiba, Shikamaru, Temari, Gaara, Ino, Kakashi, Tsunade, Shizune. Naruto smiled.

"They're helping Sasuke so that Itachi won't harm you." Sasuke frowned. "They're gonna get killed foolish people." Naruto looked at him.

"At least they're trying Sasuke." Sasuke looked away. "Come on Naruto some of them don't have any skills even Hinata and Sakura."

Naruto growled. "Sasuke at least they are helping! If you want to so badly get raped then go ahead why'd I pick you as my mate anyway?" Naruto ran away and slammed the door. Sasuke looked down. "Yeah they are helping maybe I should be more respectful, I should go talk to Naruto."

Sasuke walked over to Naruto's room and opened the door. "Naruto I'm sorry I should have never said those words, will you forgive me?"

Naruto looked at him. "Why should I first you wanted to send me away, now you don't acknowledge your friends?"

Sasuke sat next to him and wrapped his arms around him.

"I do acknowledge them Naruto an I realized that now, but I'm very sorry but still mate will me." Naruto looked at him and smiled.

He kissed him and went on top of him. "I'm ready." Sasuke widen his eyes.

"But the seal-," Sasuke flinched when he felt a pain on his hip and looked at the glowing seal. "Oh okay then we are prepared right?"

Naruto smirked and nodded. "Yep, but can I be the seme?" Sasuke shook his head. "You do want litter don't you then how can you produce that fucking yourself wont even work." Naruto pouted.

"Okay." He got off of Sasuke and smiled.

"Come on Mr. Seme." Sasuke smirked and climbed on top of him. He moved his mouth towards Naruto neck and sucked on it.

He bit down and licked the blood. The he moved his hands over to the hem of Naruto's shirt and ran his fingers over the smooth chest.

He saw the seal and smirked. His mouth moved to the seal and he licked around it. Naruto gasped at the hot tongue and mewled.

Sasuke took off his shirt. And admired the tan chest. "Ah so beautiful as always." Naruto blushed. Sasuke attack a nipple and Naruto arched his body back for more touch. Sasuke smirked and bit down.

He moved his hands to Naruto's pants and unbuttoned it moving it half down. He then smirked at Naruto's boxers and brought them down.

He looked at what he seen and smiled. "Naruto why do you do this to me, your body is so intoxicating." Sasuke ran his fingers to the member and licked it. Naruto mewled when Sasuke grabbed his member and placed it in his mouth.

Naruto bucked his hips for more. Sasuke swirled his tongue around it and sucked on it. Naruto made a little moan mewling too when he came in Sasuke's mouth. Sasuke smirked and swallowed it all. He took it out and wiped his mouth.

Sasuke's clothes were soon gone when he done swallowing Naruto. "So good Naruto." He then brought two fingers up to Naruto's mouth.

"Suck." Naruto did so and waited then he stopped when Sasuke pulled out.

"Okay this might hurt." Sasuke entered on finger and pulled it out he placed two fingers in and moved them in a scissoring motion. Naruto squirmed then he mewled loudly. Sasuke panted and smirked. "Found it."

He pushed into the spot again his ears loving the sound Naruto was making. "Ah Kami-Sasuke." Sasuke brought his member close to the entrance.

"Ready Naruto this might hurt." Naruto nodded.

He pushed in and Naruto clenched his teeth. Tears were coming out. Sasuke wiped them and placed a kiss on Naruto's lips. "Are you okay?"

Naruto nodded. "Yeah just move." Sasuke moved out then pushed in starting a pace. Naruto moaned. "Sasuke harder!"

Sasuke smirked and hit a spot that made Naruto mewled very loud. "Sasuke there again!" Sasuke panted. "Almost there Naruto!"

He grabbed Naruto's swollen member and started pumping it. Naruto moaned loud. "Sasuke!" Naruto came and fell limp.

Sasuke grunted and came inside Naruto." Ah Naruto!" Sasuke fell on top of Naruto and smiled. "That was good Naruto."

Naruto nodded and wrapped his tail around Sasuke. "I can't wait for the pups to form." Sasuke nodded. "Me too."

Tsunade panted with blood and scars on her. Itachi was unconscious and then Tsunade did a justu that sealed him and tied charka bands on him.

Kakashi was holding his broken arm from using Lighting Blade more then two times. The rest of the ninja were either unconscious or badly hurt. Sasori was killed, Kisame was still alive but trapped and so was Deidara.

Tsunade smiled. "Let this be a mission well done!" Some of the ninjas still awake were Neji, Gaara, Temari, Ino, Shikamaru, and Lee.

They all cheered with smiles. Naruto and Sasuke were asleep done from the mating and well were naked.

And then Naruto had a hundred pups from all the lovemaking, the end.


Sasuke and Naruto were asleep smiling.

Tsunade sighed. "I guess them two are exhausted too." Kakashi smirked. "Hmm yep I sure wanna see this." Tsunade glared.

"Oh no you don't we have to get some healing done." Shizune limped over to Tsunade.

"Lady Tsunade Sakura isn't breathing well we have to take her to the medics quickly, Asuma, Choji, Shino, Kankuro, Kurenai, Gai-sensei have already taken the injured ones." Tsunade glared.

"Then hurry up and call the medics we have to heal her." She nodded and walked to the hospital. Tsunade and Kakashi right behind her.

Okay, I'm ending it here sorry! Don't worry I'm making a squeal about Sakura's Health, Itachi's arrest, Naruto's pregnancy. Hopefully I'll finish this squeal about September eight or five. Okay thanks for reading and I know I promised some stuff in the next squeal. Bye!