Welcome to the new and improved fan fiction by phantomdreamer1018!!

Kinda self absorbed, huh?

OK, what about, Enjoy the thrills and chills of Afraid of the Dark by phantomdreamer1018!

Boooorrrrrrrring. Fine I give up! Just enjoy the story about what happens when you mix a ghost with a Kryptonian!!!

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom or Smallville because if I did, Tom Welling would never be wearing clothes!!! ; - )


Chapter One

Daniel Fenton felt that there was not going to be enough oxygen in the elevator to last the ride with all these people shoved together in the confined space traveling up and down in the Daily Planet. He had never seen so many people lodged into an elevator before and wasn't sure he ever wanted to again. Danny thought once again that it would have been so much easier to just phase into the building and find Sam. But thinking again phasing through the walls into a place jam packed with reporters and photographers wasn't probably the best considering only a limited amount of people knew his identity and he wanted to keep it that way. So it looked like he would be taking the Elevator from Hell whenever he entered the Daily Planet.

The crowded elevator doors opened letting a mass of people out, allowing him the space to breath for a moment, but then those people were replaced with other people and so it continued. Danny was now pushed to the back of large box made of steel and glass. Suddenly a brief case caught between the sliding doors and in walked a petite blonde with bright green eyes and full lips. She looked up and noticed him across the elevator, considering he was towering over the majority of the elevators occupants at the height of 6'2.

She smiled at him as she weaved her way through the crowd toward him. "So," She said as she leaned up against the wall next to him. "You a new reporter or photographer?"

"Neither, actually." He said having to look down at her. "I'm looking for an old friend."

"Really who? I may be able to help you find them. I know a few people."

"Well, her name is Samantha Manson, but I'm sure people know her better as,"

"Sam!" She exclaimed suddenly as her face brightened.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Danny asked as he brushed a piece of his jet black hair away from his turquoise eyes. He was surprised at the woman's exclamation about Sam.

"I'm actually really good friends with her. Been friends since she joined here out of college. Us reporters stick together you know? I'm Chloe Sullivan."

"Danny Fenton. It's nice to meet you." She stuck out her hand for him to shake as he noticed her perfectly manicured nails that were painted a bright, classy red. She grinned as a ding echoed in the small cabin. "Ah, perfect timing this is our floor." The elevator screeched to a stop as the doors slide open. They both struggled through the crowd so they could get out in the right floor. He breathed a sigh of relief as he entered a cleared space. Chloe laughed knowingly, "You know, it's normally not that crowded but you came on a Monday morning, with a criminal on the loose." She patted his shoulder in a sisterly manner. "Next time take the stairs." She suggested.

As they continued walking along the rows of desk Chloe ended up talking non stop. "I've never met any of Sam's friends from her home town. It seems that she wants to keep them away from me. Actually, I think I did meet one before Puck or Huck or something like that."

"Tucker," Danny immediately corrected wondering when Tuck had a time to come and visit. Man, it had been so long since the three of them had been together. It had been for years, since high school graduation. They emailed back and forth every once in a while. It was amazing how distant they had become. Sam had moved to Metropolis to study journalism and pursue a career at her favorite news paper the Daily Planet. Tucker had moved soon after to a larger community studying and developing new technology.

From what he heard last he was working on developing voice activations on everything, Tuck had decided his hands could be used for more important things then making a sandwich or turning on his music.

"Yeah, that was his name." Chloe continued, completely oblivious to Danny's wandering thoughts. "He was in a real hurry. Supposedly he had got a date with Brianna on the third floor. But he seemed nice and Sam was happy."

"Well that's always good to hear."

"Yeah, she has been very happy lately."

"Chloe!" A young man exclaimed as he ran up behind them. He was shorter than Danny, well most people were shorter than he was, and he wasn't exactly the normal height. The young man had sandy blond colored hair and laughing light blue eyes. He had an envelope in his hand as he turned a look that could only be described as amused wonder. "Wow, you a lot like Clark Kent."

"Jimmy," Chloe addressed the man turning his attention from Danny to her. Chloe batted his shoulder playfully as the guy named Jimmy leaned over and kissed her.

"Hello gorgeous."

"Jimmy, I'd like to introduce you to Danny Fenton."

"Oh hi." He switched the envelope to his other side as he firmly grasped Danny's hand in a strong handshake. "Jimmy Olsen, at your service."

"Nice to meet you Jimmy. I'm sorry, but are you sure that we are on the right floor."

"Chloe, you are going to love me." Chloe eyed the envelope suspiciously as she turned her green eyed gaze back to Jimmy's pale blue ones.

"Why, what's in the envelope?" A pleasing smile lit his face as her face widened into a beautiful, full fledged smile as she looked at the pictures inside. "No, you didn't,"

"Oh, yes I did. All the names and crime scene photos of the latest criminal attacker."

"Oh, my god! This was classified information. No other paper has gotten this much information on these attacks yet. How'd you?"

"I called in a few favors."

"You're amazing." She said as she turned to kiss Jimmy. Danny cleared his throat, knowing that he had been completely forgotten. "Oh, sorry Danny. Sam's on this floor, I swear."

"Sam? As in Sam Manson?" Jimmy looked up from Chloe to Danny. They nodded in acknowledgment. He let a crooked smile crease his features as he said. "Nice girl. Talented writer too.

Plus, not bad to look at either."

"Hey!" Chloe exclaimed as she elbowed him in the stomach.

"Umph, I should have learned that by now. Never say those words in front of your girlfriend." She elbowed him again.

"Never say that in front of your girlfriend either."

Chloe got in position to elbow him again. "Hey, I just gave you your story, remember?"

Chloe rolled her beautiful green eyes. They really were amazing. They were light enough for him to tell they were not colored contacts. They held amusement, intelligence, and mystery all at the same time making them fascinating to look at.

"Yeah, yeah, come on. I still need to get Danny to Sam's desk." The trio continued to walk amongst the desks. "Ah, here we are."

"Yes, Ms. Hovernich, I understand. Right an alien is right over Luthercorp. Right. Yeah, got your number. Thanks for the tip." Sam's voice hadn't changed much. It was a little deeper, but not by much. From the behind, she had grown out her raven colored hair so that it hung halfway down her back. It had a slight curl at the ends but otherwise it was straight. The ends of her hair were dipped in a deep purple. "Hey Sam." Chloe said as she tapped her on the shoulder.

"Oh, Chloe, I'm glad you stopped by. Can you believe it another report of an alien sighting? Seriously, do these people even think that even if someone did take their story, that it would get passed publishing? I'm mean seriously," Her voice wandered off as she turned around to see Danny smiling behind Chloe. "Danny!" She yelled in excitement and stood up to give him a hug. As she got out of the chair, Danny realized she had let a little loose with her Goth theme, wearing a black jacket with a turquoise pin stripped, button up shirt over a white tank top. Her pants were tight fitting, dark washed blue jeans as her shiny blue ballet slippers shined from under the bottom of the pants. She also was wearing a scarlet colored lipstick inside of the purple she wore all through high school. "Oh my god, you have gotten so tall! I must be shrinking, because last time I saw you I came up to about the top of your nose, now I'm up to your shoulders. Man, how long has it been?"

"Four years." He said as she gently unwound herself from his arms, a little hesitantly. Her eyes hadn't changed at all. They were still big, bright and purple. Not many people had the bragging right to purple eyes, but they reminded him of home and welcome and love that he felt for her so long ago.

"Wow, has it really been that long?"

"Yep." He responded as he looked down at her. "I've missed you." The words came out of his mouth before he could stop them. She looked a little surprised at such a comment. They had been a thing at the end of sophomore year, but that hadn't lasted long. She had no idea why, but she got into journalism and he was always fighting ghosts. It had been a long time, but she still couldn't think about how handsome he looked with his black hair styled so his bangs would slightly hang in his face and brush his neck. Sam noticed that his eyes were a bright turquoise that matched the vibrancy of the color in her shoes. He had gotten so tall! She couldn't believe it, she felt so small beside him and she had to wonder what had brought him to Metropolis.


This is my first Danny Phantom fan fiction, so please be gentle :- ) Please R&R!!!