Okies, weeeeelllllll I said that I'd be writing a new story after I finished "Missions" but I lied. Better do it now, before the plot escapes me. I was going to base this on actual events, but the people I paired the characters with would make the pairings really strange. For example SasuHina yeah, enough said, right?And there would be MAJOR OCCness. Anyways I remeber a certain reviewer said I could be a better fanfic writer, well I hope this is better.

Disclaimer: FrustrationNeverLetsGo does not own Naruto... all I own is my crazy mind and this lap top.


Star Gazing

I'm Cold!

By: FrustrationNeverLetsGo

Haruno Sakura awoke. It was 2:08 P.M. wow.. talk about a late riser. She got up and ventured to her laptop. She picked it up and walked back to her bed, signing on. She opened AIM and then looked at all who was on.

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (Away)

TheWeaponsMistress (Away)

TaytorTot725 (Away)

Destiny'sPick (Availible)

x0XAmazeeMeX0x (Availible)

TheShyOne66 (Availible)

Hey, Hinata was on. Oh well, no one really to IM, so why not check myspace? Sakura opened up the Internet Explorer and logged into myspace. "Nothing new? This is shitty." She logged off and grabbed her cat of many years, Jydu. Hey, she was 7, she thought it sounded cool. Sakura got this horrible feeling in her stomach and went into her mother's room so her kitten, Mixy, and Jydu wouldn't fight. She laid down and drifted to sleep.


Sakura awoke and ran down the stairs. "Argh," she muttered and grabbed the cordless, "hello?"

There was silence, then a huff. "I haven't heard from you in awhile."

"Neh." It was her father. Great.

"I was at Ino's birthday party," Sakura sleepily replied.

"It was on Saturday. So that's Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Today is Tuesday, that's three days."


"What?" he asks, annoyed.

"I was asleep."

"Well then. Go back to sleep. Call me later."



The bastard hung up on her! Oh well, I will go back to sleep. She thought and stumbled back up the stairs and into her mother's room. She fell back on the bed, kicking her mother's dog, Patches off. Jydu was in her arms and she fell back asleep. Two hours later her mother came up the stairs and heard Mixy meowing. She opened the door to Sakura's room and let Mixy out. She ventured to her room and saw Sakura asleep. Dead asleep.

"I only hope you have a pulse," her mother said.

Sakura mumbled inaudible words and then stirred. "Huh?"

"No wonder Patches ran down to me so scared, It's in the room." Sakura's mother called Jydu It.

"Yup, hey mom, if I find the child support card, can I get a hair cut?" Sakura asked.

"Wait til I go."

"But I have moneeey."


"Rgh," Sakura mumbled and rolled over so her mother could sit down on her bed. She turned the news on, "take your adderal."

"It'll make me even more tired."


"Too early."

"Well, take this little chunk," Sakura's mother said and handed her a little chunk of adderal.

"Alright," Sakura said as she grabbed the chunk and went into her room. She dropped it on her shelf and then looked around her room for the card. She retreived it then got her mother to consent to the hair cut. She walked down the street to the barber shop. She walked in and looked through a book of hairstyles, finding the one she wanted. She got her haircut and walked to Rite-Aid.

"SAKURA, WHERE ARE YOU?!" that was her mother's voice.

"Right here, mom."

After that they went home. Sakura ordered pizza and then attempted to call her father, who unsuprisingly, didn't answer the phone. Sakura shrugged then went to her room and signed on. A little window popped up.

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx has signed on.

Sakura shrugged, she wasn't going to IM Sasulke. Let him IM her. A few minutes later he did so.

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:04:36 PM): whattup

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:05:15 PM): nothin much. Bored.

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:05:19 PM): you?

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:05:43 PM): eh, life is sucky.

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:05:54 PM): if feels like hell stole my vagina, as usual.

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:06:07 PM): Sucks for you.

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:06:17 PM): I kno

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:06:46 PM): Would 12 bucks, your hat and a hacky sack make you feel better?

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:07:25 PM): damn straight

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:07:36 PM): well then, get your ass down here, with 40's.

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:07:42 PM): point taken.

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:09:03 PM): I just tripped over a beer box.

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:09:08 PM): drunky

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:09:54 PM): No, the pizza man came. I ran down the stairs and cleared like 6 stairs and then tripped over the beer box.

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:10:04 PM): damn, your home alone with pizza?

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:10:09 PM): no, my mom's going to sleep soon. She told me she'd be asleep by nine.

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:10:17 PM): cool brb I'm going to see about the forty's.

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:10:20 PM): okies.

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:17:56 PM): it's so damn hard to get alcohol

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:18:05 PM): dammit!

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:18:15 PM): do you still want me to come?

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:18:18 PM): yeah

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:18:26 PM): ok then call me in exactly 18 minutes.

xXBlackSkullRoseXx (8:18:30 PM): ok. bye.

xXXRavenBlackAvengerXXx (8:18:33 PM): peace.

Sakura grinned. She turned her laptop off and closed it. She then grabbed her card and walked into her mom's room. "I'm going for a walk, ok?"

Her mother was half asleep and she muttered, "yeah, ok."

Sakura smiled again and walked out of the room and down the stairs. She opened the door and walked down the street to Rite-Aid. It was 8:18 when Sasuke told her that so in 18 minutes it would be.. Ah, 8:33 or so. She walked to Rite-Aid and bought a pack of gum and got 15 bucks out. She then walked out and once in the parking lot she called Sasuke.

"Hello," Sasuke said.

"Hey, where are you?" Sakura asks.

"Cruising around, I can't get the forty's."


"Want me to come still?" he asks.

"Yeah," Sakura answers.

"Ok, I'll be there thirteen til."




They hung up and Sakura walked home. She had just gotten to the church right down the street from her and there came Sasuke. She walked to the parking lot and started to get the twelve bucks out.

"No, wait til later. You'll make me look like a drug dealer," Sasuke said. Sakura raised an eyebrow and then put the twelve bucks back in her pocket. "Alright."

"You got a haircut. It looks funny."

"I know," Sasuke concurred with her. "What about you? Your hair looks funny too."

"Yeah. I got it cut."

"It looks redder."

"Got it dyed too."

"Then the correct response is, 'I got it dyed.' not just the cut."

"Well, I got both."

"I like it. It looks good."


They walked down the street to Sakura's house. Sasuke's cellphone rang. "It's my dad."

"Alright," Sakura said. Sasuke said hi and hung up the phone.

"I'll call him back."

"We should go through the side anyways. Even though my mom is asleep." Sakura says, "I planned on it." Sakura rolled her eyes and went around to the side of her house. They walked into the garage and then downstairs into the basement. "I'm gonna pee," Sasuke said as he walked into the next room.

Sakura heard Sasuke's cell phone ring. Sasuke picked it up, "hello?" Sakura could tell it was his dad. She frowned and plopped on the couch. She rolled over and threw her hands over her eyes. "Ungh.." she muttered. Sasuke stood in the laundry room/bathroom. Sakura slowly fell asleep. She heard Sasuke come out of the room, see her sleeping, and then go back in. About twenty minutes later he came back out when Sakura was awake. Five minutes later he hung up.

"Damn, my dad is an ass," Sasuke muttered.

"As is mine," Sakura said with a giggle.

"Aa well, all dad's are asses."



There was a silence.

"I hear your watch," Sakura said.

"Oh.. well then, your screwed," Sasuke said with a smirk.

".. Why?"

"Because, once you hear it you hear it during every awkward silence."

"Oh, that's great."


Insert awkward silence here.

"... I didn't hear your watch," Sakura said.


Sakura put her ear right next to Sasuke's watch.

"Now I do. Mostly because I put my ear right next to it."

"Well, duh. What smells so pepperminty?" Sasuke asks.

"My gum."



Sasuke then looked in his seat. Something had clanged together as he sat down. He pulled out a shot glass.

"Ha ha, looking through my seats and couches is like Christmas. I found a whole thing of vitamin water once, your wallet-"

"Yeah, my wallet was the best thing ever."

"-And five bucks."

"Oh," then Sasuke found gum. "Is this what your chewing?" he asks.

"Yeah, it speaks to you."

Sasuke put it to his ear. "I don't hear anything."

"You have to chew it first," Sakura said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Sasuke put a piece in his mouth. "You're crazier than shit!"

"I am not!"

"And even if it were saying anything it would be screaming in pain."

"It was a joke. It doesn't speak to yo-"

"Too late, you already said it. It's out there."

"I'm not crazy. I'm normal."

Sasuke scoffed. "That's what I tell people before they come here to chill."

"What? That I'm crazy?"

"Yeah, I have to warn them. Otherwise they'll get all pissed when you start throwing stuff and yelling."

"I'm perfectly sane! It's because you people are so insane that when I act sane, you think it's the craziest thing ever."

"Hm, that could very well be."

"It's true."


"... Shut up."


There was a silence. Sakura then looked at Sasuke. "..." He blinked. It was a long blink. Just as he opened his eyes, she blinked.

"So you do the long blink too?"

"Huh? No."

"I just saw you do it."

"Your insane."

Sasuke's phone rang again. He got up and went into the laundry room to talk. He used the bathroom whilst in there. When he came out he hung up and asked. "Got anything I can blow my nose on?"

"No. I can go upstairs and get toilet paper."

".. You still have to get my hat, right?"


"Ok then, go."

Sakura ran up the stairs. She got toilet paper but couldn't find his hat. She frowned. Her kitten followed her down. "Here, I couldn't find your hat."

"Argh, if your mom stole my hat I'm going to be pissed."

"Neh, I can't help it."

Sasuke blew his nose and Sakura was playing with her kitten.

"You know, torturing cats is an early sign of homosexuality."

"I'm straight!"

"You did say you would make-out with Tenten."

"When I was drunk."

"That doesn't make it any less gay."

"I'm straight."


Sakura beat Sasuke with a pillow. Sasuke took the pillow from her.

"Give it back!"

"Nope. You'll hit me with it again."

"Will not."

"Ok then," Sasuke said as he handed her the pillow. She hit him with it repeaditly. Sasuke took it again. Sakura fought with him to get it back; she won. "I have to go soon."


"Are you gonna come with me?"

"Sure," Sakura said as she dug up her sandals and found four bucks in the process. "Hell yeah!" she shouted.

"My phone is still jacked up from where Captain Wet hugged me."

"It's not my fault!"

"Your lucky it looks pyschadelic. Otherwise you'd be screwed."

"Pssssh like you can do anything to me."


They walked down the road, "it's a nice night. I'm probably gonna go for a walk tonight."

"Yeah. Too bad we can't see the stars from right there," Sasuke said as he pointed to the church steps. "It's so damn bright."

"Yeah, it's shitty," she mumbled.

"Well, are you walking tonight?" he asks.

"Yeah, probably.. definatley," she answers, her head tilted upwards, looking at the stars.

"Alright, do you want to go to Rite Aid and look at the stars there?"


"You'll have to walk back."

"Eh, no big deal."

"Ok," and they both got into his car. He drove to Rite Aid, he drove to the left side of the parking lot. "Alright,"

"Uhh.. let's look at the stars from over there," Sakura said as she pointed to behind Rite Aid, where there was grass.

"Alright," and the had started to move towards there, then Sasuke asked, "will this get you more attached to me?"

"Huh? Oh, no."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I watch the stars with a lot of people, it's no big deal," she answered. Really that was a lie, she just wanted to be with him so bad she would lie about her feelings.

"Ok, well, if I ever do anything that will get you more attached to me, let me know." Sasuke suspected that she could be lying, but shrugs it off. They get to the grass. "Are you sure about this? Are you sure this isn't like, wet?" he asks, skeptical.

"Yes. Just lay down," an annoyed Sakura answers.

"Sure?" Sasuke asks as he bends down and feels the grass.

"There, now lay down."

"Alright, alright," Sasuke says upon laying down, parallel from Sakura. They looked at the stars in silence for awhile, then Sasuke interrupted it.

"HOLY SHIT! it's moving! That star is moving!"

"No way," Sakura says.

"Look, can you see it?"

Sakura looks at the star then her eyes go big, "yeah! I do!"

"It's fucking moving fast!"

They look at it. Minutes go by, bugs die, people die, babies are born then, "It stopped."

"Yeah." More silence. More deaths and births. Sasuke thinks then says, "Hey.. I just thought about something."


"Ok, which star is the brightest?" Sasuke asks. Sakura points to the star that was moving. "No way, that isn't a star. It was moving."

"It's a star. Stars move, Sasuke."

"Sure.. anyways, the star that is the brightest tonight, was it the brightest yesterday? Will it be the brightest star tomorrow? Was it the brightest one a few weeks ago?" he asks thoughtfully.

"I dunno," Sakura answers quietly. "I'm cold."

"You have several options."

Sakura thought about this, then quickly changed the subject. "What if all stars were UFO's?"

"We'd have noticed by now."

"You think?"


"Well, that bright star was moving and whatnot."

"OH! I just saw a shooting star!" Sasuke yelled.

Silence. Sakura wanted to ask what he wished for, but didn't.

"I wished to be famous," Sasuke said with a laugh. "That'd be fucking awesome."


"DAMMIT! I should have wished that Transformers was real!"

Sakura laughed. "That star moved again! Holy shit!"

"But it is a star."

"... shit, I ackgnoledged it's star-stence."

"Yup. I win!"


"I'M REALLY COLD!" Sakura shouted.

"There are jackets in the car." Sasuke stated. Sakura got up fast. "Can I see your keys?"

"It's unlocked. It's really weird you didn't take the oppurtunity to lay on me."

"... Neh," and Sakura ran off to the car. She dug around in the back seat and got his denim jacket and slipped it on. Ah, nice and warm. She walked back over to Sasuke. She laid down. "That's a lot better." They looked at the stars for a bit longer, Sakura shivered; she was still cold. She sat up, "alright, I'm going to lay on you," she said. "I was wondering when you were going to do that." Sakura laid on his chest. "It's hard to see the stars from there and I have an arm." Sakura shifted her head onto his arm. He closed it around her and rubbed her arm.

"Remeber when I asked if this would get you more attached to me?"


"Will this?"


"Remeber that part about telling me?"



They laid there and then a shooting star flew by that they both saw. Sakura gasped in astoinishment. "What'd you wish for?" Sasuke asks.

"I dunno, my wishes are always subconscious."

"Oh. I wished for my car back." (a/n: he is driving his mom's car.)

"Oh. Ok."

"Oh, in school, are you guys going to be coming up to me constantly and doing crazy shit?"

"Nope. We won't."

"Good. Like, waving is good and saying hi. But not coming up to me and handing me an eraser and say, 'hey, this is Tim.. we got him for you.' No loudness, I'm not down for that in school."

"Oh, we'll probably just ignore you anyways."


"We probably won't see you. Ino and I always stay wrapped up in our conversations; not our surroundings."

"Oh, well. I'd like you to keep my updated on things. Like, if someone hits on whoever I'm going out with, if Tenten smokes in the bathroom, stuff like that."

"We'll tell you when someone is hitting on any of us, whether you are dating them or not."

"Alright. Good."

They sat there in silence and Sasuke rested his head on Sakura's. They sat and watched the stars longer. "I have to go soon."

"Oh. Well, you aren't getting your jacket back."

"Yes I am. I've had it forever."

"Oh... sentmental value?"

"Yeah, and look," Sasuke reached over her and showed her an inside pocket. "You can hide fortys in here."

"Awesome." They got up and walked to Sasuke's car, Sakura clinging to Sasuke's jacket. "You gonna be ok walking home?"

"Oh, I just remebered that," Sakura said sheepishly.

"Well.. I can give you a ride home.. or I can let you take the jacket.." they stood there for a moment, Sasuke pondering it. "Oh, just get in, I'll give you a ride." Sakura didn't complain and she got into the car. Sasuke got in and turned the heat. Once they were down on the main street of Sakura's city/town/small suburb thing, Sasuke said, "you can take the jacket off now. It's warm in here." Sakura took it off and put it into the backseat. He pulled into the church parking lot.

"Ok, see ya," he said. They had leaned closer to eachother, and Sakura threw her arms up in a symbol of a hug. Sasuke held his arms up and they hugged. Sasuke rubbed her back a little and then Sakura pulled back from the hug. "Well, thanks for the ride," she said and got out of the car. The car door shut and she couldn't hear what Sasuke said. She opened it back up and looked at him, "huh?"

"I said I just wanted to keep the jacket."

Sakura frowned and closed his car door and walked back home, not before muttering a, "gee, thanks Sasuke." Then she grinned at last night's events. She snuck into her house and went into her room.

Too bad there was one problem standing between her and Sasuke.

He had a girlfriend.

And this girlfriend was one of her best friends.


Ok. I don't know whether to make this a one-shot or a full blown story. It was so long I'm considering making it only a one-shot. I have ideas for it, so my reviewers, please tell me what to do. My long ass fanfic was enough for you to read, so I'm going to wrap this up. Thanks for reading! Please review.


PS. Sorry for the OOCness in this. Thanks to all of you who read all of this.